Deliberating in a Democracy Eco Channel 2015-2016!

Welcome to Deliberating in a Democracy Eco Channel!
End of Year feedback from Ukraine

End of Year Celebration

1-29 February 2016USA. Removing Dams

1-31 March 2016Ukraine. Shale Gas Extraction

1-30 April 2016
USA. Ditches in Colorado

An international program to teach students
how to deliberate controversial public issues.

Wiki TV International Deliberation1st week

2nd weekuploading whole class's or small group's
video feedback:
What were the areas of agreement? What questions do you still have? Where can you get more information? What are some reasons why deliberating this issue is important in a democracy? What might you and/or your class do to address this problem?
3rd and 4th weeksstudents posting reflection in commentsWhat new insights did you gain?

YouthCaNEcological ChannelArchive!
**Deliberating in a Democrathy Channel 2016/2017** **Archive**

Challenge 20/20EcologicalChannelArchive

reduce earthquakes and pollution.

I think Ukrain should not start fracking. fracking is super bad for the environment. Although it creates jobs and is a good renueble source of energ, it also causes earthquakes. It almost doubled the earthquake rate in Ocklahoma. A solution which might scare some people from doing a lot of fracking is if they make laws that any earthquakes in the area of a place where the extract shale the companies have to pay for it. Overall I think fracking is bad.

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