Should Ukraine start extraction of shale gas
following the large-scale production of natural gas from shales in the US and Canada?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
Ukraine has Europe's 3rd largest shale gas reserves at 42 trillion cubic feet (1.2 trillion cubic meters).
Ukraine relies heavily on Russia for its gas imports. The EIA notes that the country produces 30% of its natural gas requirements and makes up the bulk from Russian and Turkmenistan imports. The administration states that its location makes it an important transit country for Russian gas supplies, and disputes have resulted in supply disruptions. Shale gas discoveries are potentially changing the game.
Chevron (American multinational energy corporation) was proceeding with its plans to explore for shale in the Olesska field in the west of the country, according to Reuters. On December 15, 2014, Chevron declared that it is pulling out of Ukraine due to the Governments inability to successfully reform the taxation system.
Royal Dutch Shell (Anglo-Dutch multinational energy corporation) received a shale agreement with the government earlier in 2013 to explore in Yuzivska in the Eastern part of the country, however it halted its activities due to the Eastern Ukrainian Crisis.
The two projects could have result in 11 Bcm to 16 Bcm (388 Bcf to 563 Bcf) within five years, according to Reuters.
European Greens say NO to shale gas extraction (fracking) in EuropeNews from Britain: Advantages and disadvantages of shale gas.Fracking shakes the American west: ‘a millennium’s worth of earthquakes’
The Debate Over Fracking in Ukraine
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The Debate over Fracking
Nataliya_Byzova Mar 11, 2016
Dear American students,
Thank you for the terrific video and for personal view comments!
The students on the video are so convincing, the comments present both sides of the issue.
I guess now our Ukrainian society should have a nationwide deliberation so that the Ukrainian government can measure seven times and then cut once.
Best wishes,
Ms Byzova
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you for the terrific video and for personal view comments!
The students on the video are so convincing, the comments present both sides of the issue.
I guess now our Ukrainian society should have a nationwide deliberation so that the Ukrainian government can measure seven times and then cut once.
Best wishes,
Ms Byzova
Kyiv, Ukraine

Nastia_Dubas Mar 14, 2016
Wow!Thank you for your videos! Youre discussion is really cool and fascinating! In our class, we still split about this topic. After watching your videos we continued deliberation. At first, despite some difficulties in understanding American accent, we managed to make your ideas clear. It was such a joy to watch your talking and feel the atmosphere of your classes.

Nastia_Dubas Mar 14, 2016
I was wondering if you could post your emails or send me massages. I would like to countinue communication!

Sasha_Kuksa Mar 14, 2016
Hi guys!
Thank you that you paid so much attention to our problem and prepared materials. We really enjoyed your video, you impressed us greatly.It is not only a problem of Ukraine, everybody should think about this because it is vital for future generations. Thousands are conserned about global warming and fracking shale gas could be a solution. Both sides arguments were really persuasive.We also continue the discussion.What's more,it was so cool and funny!!!!
The task was so serious,but you did it like a piece of pie!You looked so enthusiastic!!We think this is one of our best delebarations. We love you and we would like to continue further delebarations!))9))0)))0))We also have spring holidays.We wish to spend your holidays really great and with laugh.
See you in two weeks.
Sasha and team 10 -A class
Kyiv, Ukraine
P.S.How are you going to spend your holidays?
As for us we will spend time with friends, enjoying ourselves.
What is the weather like?
In Ukraine winter doesn't want to retreat(((
Thank you that you paid so much attention to our problem and prepared materials. We really enjoyed your video, you impressed us greatly.It is not only a problem of Ukraine, everybody should think about this because it is vital for future generations. Thousands are conserned about global warming and fracking shale gas could be a solution. Both sides arguments were really persuasive.We also continue the discussion.What's more,it was so cool and funny!!!!
The task was so serious,but you did it like a piece of pie!You looked so enthusiastic!!We think this is one of our best delebarations. We love you and we would like to continue further delebarations!))9))0)))0))We also have spring holidays.We wish to spend your holidays really great and with laugh.
See you in two weeks.
Sasha and team 10 -A class
Kyiv, Ukraine
P.S.How are you going to spend your holidays?
As for us we will spend time with friends, enjoying ourselves.
What is the weather like?
In Ukraine winter doesn't want to retreat(((

Julia_Kordik Mar 16, 2016
Dear guys!
Thank you for the videos. It was very interesting to listen to you. Your discussion captures.
We are glad to work with you.
Best wishes,
Julia Kordik
10 B class
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you for the videos. It was very interesting to listen to you. Your discussion captures.
We are glad to work with you.
Best wishes,
Julia Kordik
10 B class
Kyiv, Ukraine

Wise use of shale gas in Ukraine
tskodje Mar 10, 2016
Even though two of the articles were only portraying fracking in a negative light and one showed a neutral attitude, I still think that fracking is the better choice over not. In one of the articles it says that Ukraine can only produce around 70 percent of its own shale gas, and has to rely on other countries, including Russia. The relations between Ukraine and Russia have not been good to say the least. The relations could turn even worse annd Russia could refuse to give Ukraine its gas. This would make it so that Ukraine could not make enough gas to support itself. This in turn could turn into a civil war over the gas. Even though the risks include environmental damage, it is much better than having a country that can not provide for itself.

Shale Gas Opinions - Pd 6 Colorado
bmeyers5 Mar 9, 2016
This is a very interesting and controversial topic. Here are the opinions of the students in the period 6 class at the Alexander Dawson School.

mmorrow6 Mar 9, 2016
Ukraine is a very good farming country and they pretty much support themselves when it comes to food and materials for building and improving what they have, but there is one department in which they struggle. They struggle with producing enough gas for their people by themselves, and so they have to resort to other methods to obtain their gas and the other method is buying from other counties. Ukraine supples only 30 percent of their gas resources and the other percent is imported from Russia. (according to the EIA). As you can imagine importing from Russia is not cheap and Ukraine is looking into fracking (extraction of natural gas from the shale level) as an option to save money. I personally think that this is a bad idea for many reasons. One of those reasons is that tracking requires a huge amount of water and at the moment Europe is going though many droughts all over the place including Ukraine. Another reason that fracking is not a good idea for Ukraine is that fracking greatly damages the ecosystem and the atmosphere. If Ukraine were to frack they would use up a good amount of fossil fuel creating a lot of greenhouse gasses and they would definitely go over there limit. Both of these reasons data are according to (European Green Party) Probably the biggest reason, that backs up my believe of Ukraine not fracking, is that fracking causes earthquakes. A survey/study was done in the u.s. relating to fracking and earthquakes and scientists found that the amount of earthquakes has doubled in little over a year, and the I tearing thing about this is that the place where they surveyed is a very pronounced fracking area. I believe that this is incentive enough not to frack because environmental stuff can be fixed but damaging earth layers that hold up the ground is crazy in my opinion. I got this information about earthquakes from (the guardian.com)
There are advantages to Ukraine fracking however such as the money made from the natural gas and the amounting jobs it can create. Although Ukraine has the 3rd largest amount of natural gas in Europe (according to the EIA) I just don't see how that's enough to overcome the negative side effects of fracking.

samin9 Mar 9, 2016
In my opinion, I believe shale gas fracking would be a good idea. As stated by the "Let's Talk About Shale" article shale gas "is considerably cleaner than coal." By using shale they would be able to reduce the amount of green house gas emissions. Although renewable energy is a fantastic idea it is often expensive so even big name companies like Tindal support shale fracking so transitioning into more renewable sources will be easier. Until then we must lessen our myopic vision and realize that we need a fuel that will work if the sun is not shining and if there is no wind. In our world today, open land is a precious thing considering growing population. So while many are worried that fracking will ruin the beautiful fields, the same article implies that,"the land can be restored after the gas has been extracted." Secondly, stated by the European Greens article there is the disadvantage of "contamination of water supplies". They stated that thousands of gallons of water could be mixed by uncontrolled leaking fluids and be exposed to humans and animals. This is then contradicted by the "Let's Talk About Shale", facts from the article show that this highly unlikely since shale gas reserves are fall below the aquifers. Also while there is evidence in the U.S. this is highly unlikely. Finally, the last article states that hydraulic fracking in Colorado and Oklahoma have been linked to several earth quakes over the year. Given by the Fracking Shakes American West article, Oklahoma has experienced 585 quakes in 2014 and 842 in 2015. To anyone these numbers would raise the alarm of are we doing something wrong? And we possibly could be with the way we extract gas from the ground. Currently the oil industry makes up for 7% of the American economy, supplies thousands of jobs, and returns thousands of dollars. With this, eliminating the industry would be a tough call. So instead of calling fracking to halt, several fracking companies are changing there methods and are required to follow more stringent laws. As proven by the given evidence, fracking shale gases from Ukraine would be good idea and also they would benefit their economy and not have to be reliant on Russia.
Sonia Amin
Sonia Amin

Mday03 Mar 9, 2016
In my opinion I think countries should continue to explore for shale gas. According to talkaboutshale.com producing natural gas from shale will make countries more independent, and they will not have to rely on other countries. It also says that shale is cleaner then coal, and can be a reliable resource when we don't have sun or wind. Shale can also help people that don't have a job. People can gets jobs to extract shale. Shale could contaminate water, but this is very uncommon to happen. We need shale for the energy to cook, and heat our houses more then we need some countryside areas. Overall I think shale is more of an advantage to our world then it is a disadvantage.
I think shale extraction is a good thing for Ukraine. As it says in talkaboutshale.com it would make Ukraine more independent. The European greens article says it's not good for the environment. I think Ukraine should continue because it is not as bad a using coal for mining. The fracking shakes the American west article says that fracking could cause earthquakes. Even with this threat I believe the advantages of shale are greater than this disadvantage.
I think shale extraction is a good thing for Ukraine. As it says in talkaboutshale.com it would make Ukraine more independent. The European greens article says it's not good for the environment. I think Ukraine should continue because it is not as bad a using coal for mining. The fracking shakes the American west article says that fracking could cause earthquakes. Even with this threat I believe the advantages of shale are greater than this disadvantage.

Cobygk Mar 9, 2016
In my opinion, shale gas (hydraulic fracturing) should not be done in Ukraine and should be halted in all other countries. Unless there is absolutely no other choice, there is no reason that there should be toxic chemicals being pumped into the ground. According to the European Greens article, fracking has resulted in the release of methane into groundwater which is resulting in fires and in some cases, explosions in residential buildings. Also, the process of fracking can ruin Ecosystems and city's water supply by the thousands of gallons of chemicals which are used to frack getting leaked into the water supply's and local waterways. Those are just two of the many concerns fracking has brought to the table. The water sources for all of the people in the world deserve to be kept clean. Also, according the The Guardians article on fracking in the western US, the drilling of fracking is destabilizing the bedrock and is allowing more earthquakes to happen. Oklahoma usually receives two quakes per year that are above a three on the Richter scale. In 2014, the experienced 585 such quakes. And in 2015 they received 842. "That is almost a millennium's worth of earthquakes in two years," said George Choy according the The Guardian. Fracking made the number of earthquakes per year go up by about 300 times! That is extremely unsafe and it should not be aloud to happen. Although Talk About Shale's article said that shale gas (fracking) would help the transition to renewable energy, I believe that the cons outweigh the pros by a lot. That is why I belief shale gas should not be conducted in Ukraine.

sveraza Mar 9, 2016
Personally I believe that shale gas exploration would be a very good thing for Ukraine. I think that the "advantages far outweigh the disadvantages" as said by Joe Howe. Most importantly Ukraine definitely needs a cleaner source of energy. According to Talk About Shale's article 40% of Ukraine's energy comes from burning coal. The problem with coal is that it produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. Ukraine needs to reduce the use of coal in order to meet their goals for greenhouse gas emissions which is why shale gas would be a much better and cleaner option. Another thing that shale gas would do is create more jobs and cost less money. According to European Green's article on fracking the use of shale gas would lower energy prices all around. Also according to Talk About Shale's article the fracking would create more job opportunities for Ukraine. The biggest disadvantage for shale gas is that the action of fracking could lead to minor earthquakes. According to The Guardian's article in states like Oklahoma and Colorado fracking had led to minor earthquakes. Colorado since starting fracking had one earthquake since 2014 which Colorado doesn't usually have a lot of earthquakes. With the small chances of earthquakes shale gas would be a great thing for Ukraine. It would create fewer greenhouse gases, more jobs, and it would make Ukraine less reliant on other countries for energy.

BDAY_2 Mar 9, 2016
Shales Glass in Ukraine: I think that Ukraine should not rely on Russia heavily for gas because you would never know if Russia would put anything in the gas. Also if they do run out they would be no way to get gas.
European Greens: in my opinion I don't think Ukraine should use fracking because of all the medical problems. Ukraine has a very large population for a smaller area which would spread all the medical faster. Like in the U.S we have a large population but a lot of area that is not being used.
News from Britain: I agree with shale because it is good for the environment and doesn't have a lot of health issues.
Fracking: I don't agree with fracking because it is not good for the environment and it causes a lot of health issues. Fracking uses a lot of energy so if Ukraine would want to use that they would have to have a lot of energy stored some how
European Greens: in my opinion I don't think Ukraine should use fracking because of all the medical problems. Ukraine has a very large population for a smaller area which would spread all the medical faster. Like in the U.S we have a large population but a lot of area that is not being used.
News from Britain: I agree with shale because it is good for the environment and doesn't have a lot of health issues.
Fracking: I don't agree with fracking because it is not good for the environment and it causes a lot of health issues. Fracking uses a lot of energy so if Ukraine would want to use that they would have to have a lot of energy stored some how

Chsutcliffe Mar 9, 2016
I think that Ukraine should not start to extract shale gas. There are many disadvantages to fracking. First of all, they have lots of shale in reserves but that probably will mean that they will produce so much that it will have a major effect on greenhouse gas production and will make the situation even worst for our planet. According to the European greens article, through its shale gas is estimated to release greenhouse gasses with a global warming potential equivalent to that of burning hard coal. China, for instance, is so polluted that people wear filters to even walk outside. If that is what you want for the whole world, go ahead, choke everyone to death in order to pay a little less to fill up your car with gas. According to the lets talk about shale article, with the development of the countryside that would come with the extraction of shale, the roads would be more clogged up with big trucks and the roads would not be as safe. According to the fracking shakes the American west: 'a millennium's worth of earthquakes' article, Oklahoma has experienced almost a millennium's worth of earthquakes in two years due to excessive fracking and waste water deposits. This is a thing that could happen all over, and is another disadvantage of shale gas extraction.

Cdarragh1 Mar 9, 2016
I think that shale gas is a good idea for the people of Ukraine. Shale gas is a very contemplated topic but I think is it is a good idea for multiple reasons. As "Let's Talk About Shale" states, it is a good idea for Ukraine to use shale gas so that they don't have to rely on other countries for energy. This is important so they can save money and will not have to depend on other people for necessary goods(energy). "Let's Talk About Shale" also sates that shale gas is much cleaner than coal. 40% of energy in Ukraine comes from burning coal. If they switched to shale gases Ukraine could easily reduce its greenhouse gases. The "European Green Party" states that shale gases are an environmental concern because of the pollution they give off. Shale gases actually give off much less greenhouse gases and pollution then coal(what Ukraine uses mostly uses now). As "The Guardian" states, oil fracking is causing many earthquakes that are doing a large amount of destruction. If people weren't fracking so much oil there would not be so many earthquakes. The solution: shale gases. An increase in the amount of shale gases that would be used would not only decrease the amount of earthquakes, but decrease the amount of pollution. It is important to the people of Ukraine that they use more shale gases.

Maxym_Kepkal Mar 10, 2016
Dear Pd 6 students,
Thanks for your comments, your opinion is really important for us. We read all your answers and have summed up them.
Mday03 , Samin9 and Cdarragh1 say that shale gas fraking is a really good idea and you give some positive arguments to prove your opinion. You have such a good point saying that fraking would benefit our economic and help us become independet from foreign countries. Also we find out from your answers that shale gas is clenear than coal. Inspite of this 40% of energy of Ukraine comes from burning coal. So it will be great bocomes cleaner and safier. What's more you say that gas fraking give us planty of jobs and there will be something to do.
But despite all these advantages, we can't say that "Yeah, fraking this gas is a really good idea".
We have taken into consideration Chsutcliffe's and Mmorrow6's comments and realise that there are some major disadvanteges of shale gas. We were amazed that fraking gas can cause earthquakes and droughts and also can contiminate and waste water deposits. As for us, its all really terrible because for us a really threat because there are the Carpathian mountains in Ukraine.
So in conclusion, we are grateful for your comments. Thanks to them we understand that we have to think a lot about this controversial issue before we start to do something.
Diana and Maxym
10-A class
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Thanks for your comments, your opinion is really important for us. We read all your answers and have summed up them.
Mday03 , Samin9 and Cdarragh1 say that shale gas fraking is a really good idea and you give some positive arguments to prove your opinion. You have such a good point saying that fraking would benefit our economic and help us become independet from foreign countries. Also we find out from your answers that shale gas is clenear than coal. Inspite of this 40% of energy of Ukraine comes from burning coal. So it will be great bocomes cleaner and safier. What's more you say that gas fraking give us planty of jobs and there will be something to do.
But despite all these advantages, we can't say that "Yeah, fraking this gas is a really good idea".
We have taken into consideration Chsutcliffe's and Mmorrow6's comments and realise that there are some major disadvanteges of shale gas. We were amazed that fraking gas can cause earthquakes and droughts and also can contiminate and waste water deposits. As for us, its all really terrible because for us a really threat because there are the Carpathian mountains in Ukraine.
So in conclusion, we are grateful for your comments. Thanks to them we understand that we have to think a lot about this controversial issue before we start to do something.
Diana and Maxym
10-A class
Kyiv, Ukraine.

Diana_Harashchenko Mar 10, 2016
Hi, friends! Thank you for your comments and thoughts about shale gas in Ukraine. We are very happy, that you responded for our problem. When I and Diana read your comments, we were impressed by their size. We are glad that you know a lot about Ukraine. Not every Ukrainian, unlike Cobygk, know that in 2015 there are 842 quakes. We want to note Mmorrow6's comment, who mentioned the possibility of drought in our country. Most of you agree that it can damage our natural system and agree that it will often new jobs for Ukrainians. Thank you for activity and help.
Best wishes,
Nastia and Diana
Kyiv, Ukraine
Best wishes,
Nastia and Diana
Kyiv, Ukraine

Shale Gas Opinions - Pd 5 Colorado
bmeyers5 Mar 9, 2016
This is a very interesting and controversial topic. Here are the opinions of the students in the period 5 class at the Alexander Dawson School.

Kporrey Mar 9, 2016
Kiki Porrey
March 2, 2016
Period 5 Science
Shale Gas Opinion
I believe that this is not a good option for Ukraine at all. There are very rare good sides to fracking at a lot more bad sides. According to the European Greens article some of the fracking concerns are people's bodies are getting damaged, air pollution, water contamination, radioactivity, and fires. The chemicals in the water cause eye, skin, and respiratory damage to people and problems with your brain and nervous system. The chemicals also are causing pollution and water contamination. One chemical in particular, methane, is being released and is causing fires. Overall fracking has been proved not safe. According to the News from Britain article the good sides are that this is helping us be less reliant on other countries for energy. Also, it is cleaner than coal. We get 40% of our energy from coal. There are not that many Todd sides about doing this. One more bad side is that this is causing more earthquakes above major oil and gas producing areas. The U.S. Geological Survey has proven that in the past 7 years, a majority of the ear quakes have been man-made from drilling oil and gas. Also, dumbing the toxic waste water has been a huge factor in earthquakes as well. Earthquakes are 100 times more likely with fracking happening. According to the Fracking Shakes the American West article, permits are still trying to be made. Fracking is a very bad thing. There are many things that are bad for the environment and the people.
March 2, 2016
Period 5 Science
Shale Gas Opinion
I believe that this is not a good option for Ukraine at all. There are very rare good sides to fracking at a lot more bad sides. According to the European Greens article some of the fracking concerns are people's bodies are getting damaged, air pollution, water contamination, radioactivity, and fires. The chemicals in the water cause eye, skin, and respiratory damage to people and problems with your brain and nervous system. The chemicals also are causing pollution and water contamination. One chemical in particular, methane, is being released and is causing fires. Overall fracking has been proved not safe. According to the News from Britain article the good sides are that this is helping us be less reliant on other countries for energy. Also, it is cleaner than coal. We get 40% of our energy from coal. There are not that many Todd sides about doing this. One more bad side is that this is causing more earthquakes above major oil and gas producing areas. The U.S. Geological Survey has proven that in the past 7 years, a majority of the ear quakes have been man-made from drilling oil and gas. Also, dumbing the toxic waste water has been a huge factor in earthquakes as well. Earthquakes are 100 times more likely with fracking happening. According to the Fracking Shakes the American West article, permits are still trying to be made. Fracking is a very bad thing. There are many things that are bad for the environment and the people.

Aholm7 Mar 9, 2016
I think that the Ukraine should use shale gas. I think of this because even though The european green article says that many bad things can happen like Inhaling high levels of methane and sulphur dioxide it still will help Ukraine's economy. It will do this by creating jobs and make tax revenues says the advantages and disadvantages of shale gas. There is many bad things that can happen like what tracking shakes said. They said that earth quakes are happening because of fracking, but they also said not a lot of damage has been done. The main reseat that Ukraine should do it is they are to reliant on other countries. Russia and Turkmenistan are supplying a lot of their oil and they could easily shut it off or jack up the prices. Ukraine is too reliant and if they use shale gas yes there might be some consequences and illnesses, but they will not rely on other countries and it will help their economy a lot.
Alex H
Alex H

Mgoldstein8 Mar 9, 2016
Shale Gas in Ukraine
I personally think that they should not go through with the shale gas mining in Ukraine. The disadvantages heavily outweigh the advantages of mining for the gas. According to European Greens there are many bad things that could happen such as the chemicals used can cause eye, skin and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain and the nervous system. This type of fracking can also contaminate the local water supply and cause droughts. Fracking could cause the release of concentrated radioactive materials which would affect the people and wildlife in the area. Fracking in Ukraine could also have the side effects of what is happening in America. According to the guardian, hydraulic fracturing and wastewater disposal in Colorado and Oklahoma is causing increasing unnatural earthquakes. The drilling is destabilizing the bed rock and this could cause more severe earthquakes that could be calling for a catastrophic loss in life and property. All in all, I think that mining for shale gas in Ukraine would be a bad idea and would very negatively affect the environment.
Melina G
I personally think that they should not go through with the shale gas mining in Ukraine. The disadvantages heavily outweigh the advantages of mining for the gas. According to European Greens there are many bad things that could happen such as the chemicals used can cause eye, skin and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain and the nervous system. This type of fracking can also contaminate the local water supply and cause droughts. Fracking could cause the release of concentrated radioactive materials which would affect the people and wildlife in the area. Fracking in Ukraine could also have the side effects of what is happening in America. According to the guardian, hydraulic fracturing and wastewater disposal in Colorado and Oklahoma is causing increasing unnatural earthquakes. The drilling is destabilizing the bed rock and this could cause more severe earthquakes that could be calling for a catastrophic loss in life and property. All in all, I think that mining for shale gas in Ukraine would be a bad idea and would very negatively affect the environment.
Melina G

rsueyoshi Mar 9, 2016
I believe that Shale Gas is good for the people in Ukraine. This is mainly because there are many good things about shale gas than bad things for Ukraine. They won't have to rely on Russia for their gas imports as much, but there are more than enough things that says they should not do this. First, there are so many harmful chemicals that are used in the process that could affect the citizens of Ukraine a lot. There local water supplies could get contaminated which would cause a huge problem. The shale gas process also contains many radioactive materials which could cause different sicknesses in Ukraine. All of these could probably be avoided with the technological advancements we have currently. By doing the shale gas process it has many good things for the citizens also. It's much cleaner than coal so it would reduce greenhouse emissions in Ukraine. They can reduce it to less than 40% of electricity from burning coal. It can also create jobs for those in Ukraine though it may be somewhat dangerous. And in any case that they go to war with Russia, they can still have electricity from the shale gas because they are not relying on Russia for gas.
Rio Sueyoshi
Rio Sueyoshi

Edeitsch Mar 9, 2016
I believe that Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale. Shale is very bad for both humans and the environment. To begin with, it uses 5.5 million gallons of water for every time it's drilled. It's a major waste of water for only a little bit of shale. It also pollutes the water and the land around it. In Oklahoma, there are many shale drilling sites. After more people began to extract shale, more earthquakes occurred. This is happening because water is seeping through the earth's surface where is does not belong. And the fracking causes explosions and it breaks down the crust and plates of the earth. The methane that is released can cause forest fires on the surface of the earth as well. When the explosion occurs, many toxic substances are released into nature. It releases radio active materials, and this is horrible for animals, plants, and most importantly humans. Humans can get extremely ill from the disgusting substances that are released. It can cause problems for the eyes, skin, respiratory system, brain, nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. Overall, fracking is horrible for everything. Even though it provides energy for us to use, it has a worse impact on people than it actually helps.
Elizabeth D
Elizabeth D

Abanerjee2 Mar 9, 2016
I don't think that they should, considering the risks and disadvantages that follow that decision. If they use shale gas it could harm them greatly. But if they do not, no harm will come to them, and they will find an alternative resource eventually.
According to "Let's Talk About Shale", an advantage of shale gas is that The primary advantage of producing natural gas from shale is that it means we will be less reliant on other countries for our energy. Another advantage of shale gas is that it is cleaner than coal. Shale gas could also reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
According to "European Greens", there are many disadvantages and issues regarding shale gas. There are lots of harmful chemicals which are used in the process of fracking, such as hydrochloric acid, methanol, formaldehyde amine, benzene, and naphthalene. They can also cause skin, eye, and breathing problems, and can effect many of the major body systems.
Shale gas is something that could be beneficial and harmful to our environment. I believe that this is not a good option for the people of Ukraine to make. Shale gas is very harmful, but I think that it is more harmful than beneficial. It causes a lot of harm to humans, andis also very bad for the environment. The benefits could help us but the harm could also destroy us. If we do not use it no harm would come but if we do use it lots of harm to come to us.
According to "Let's Talk About Shale", an advantage of shale gas is that The primary advantage of producing natural gas from shale is that it means we will be less reliant on other countries for our energy. Another advantage of shale gas is that it is cleaner than coal. Shale gas could also reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
According to "European Greens", there are many disadvantages and issues regarding shale gas. There are lots of harmful chemicals which are used in the process of fracking, such as hydrochloric acid, methanol, formaldehyde amine, benzene, and naphthalene. They can also cause skin, eye, and breathing problems, and can effect many of the major body systems.
Shale gas is something that could be beneficial and harmful to our environment. I believe that this is not a good option for the people of Ukraine to make. Shale gas is very harmful, but I think that it is more harmful than beneficial. It causes a lot of harm to humans, andis also very bad for the environment. The benefits could help us but the harm could also destroy us. If we do not use it no harm would come but if we do use it lots of harm to come to us.

Estasia.McGlothlin Mar 9, 2016
I do not think that Ukraine or other places should use shale gas. According to the European Green Party, hydraulic fracturing is when chemicals, water and sand are sent into the ground at very high pressures and into wells to fracture the rocks to relies methane. The process takes 2-5 days and uses 5.5 gallons of liquid! Many of these are toxic and pose threats to the environment and people. Not only is this disrupting the environment, animals, and people, but according to 'The Guardian' it also creates an overload of unnatural earthquakes. Many people may wonder 'why is this even a debate?'. Well according to 'Lets Talk about Shale' coal is currently being used, and shale is much cleaner. I still do not believe that we should be using shale. Shale may be considered a better alternative, but I certainly don't think that it's too much better if it is still hazardous for life. By not using shale, we will be forced to find an even better alternative that does not do hardly as much damage. Overall shale is horrible for humans, animals, the environment, and the world! We need to preserve our planet for ourselves and future life. We need to stop making excuses to get money.

rileyburridge24 Mar 9, 2016
Shale Gas in Ukraine
Riley Burridge
I think Shale gas is a bad thing for Ukraine because it causes earthquakes, that other wise would not happen. There are also chemicals involved in fracking that will give you eye, skin, and respiratory issues. It can even have an affect on your brain. Fracking even causes global warming. There are some upsides to fracking; for example it lowers energy prices for civilians. The biggest upside for fracking is that the Ukrainians won't have to rely on Russia for their gas imports. Shale gas can also create much needed jobs in Ukraine. Overall Shale gas does good things in the business prospective, but the chemicals give people a bunch of sicknesses.
Riley Burridge
I think Shale gas is a bad thing for Ukraine because it causes earthquakes, that other wise would not happen. There are also chemicals involved in fracking that will give you eye, skin, and respiratory issues. It can even have an affect on your brain. Fracking even causes global warming. There are some upsides to fracking; for example it lowers energy prices for civilians. The biggest upside for fracking is that the Ukrainians won't have to rely on Russia for their gas imports. Shale gas can also create much needed jobs in Ukraine. Overall Shale gas does good things in the business prospective, but the chemicals give people a bunch of sicknesses.

jfuller16 Mar 9, 2016
I think that ukraine should absolutely not start extraction of their oil because they would cause all the people living where they drill mad and might spark a war with an already unstable ukraine. If they look at the us they will see that we succeed but ohio has had earth satter earthquakes and other environmentally unstable things. some advantages of drilling for oil is that they can self sustain but they don't know for how long. Some disadvantages are it can cause crazy things to happen and pollution of their atmosphere.

Ann_Rashevska Mar 10, 2016
Dear studens of period 5 science.
Thank you for all your comments. They are very useful and interesting. Especially we liked intormation, that against producing shale gas. For example, Elithabeth's Riley's Estasia's, Kiki's and others comments we liked. We eouidn't agree more a Further disaduantages of shale gas explosion, like for all development is that it may mean more lorries on the roads.
People also, understandable, want to see out countryside preserved and would prefer it if no development of any kind was allowed to take place.
So, we believe that the shale gas won't produce in our world and won't influence our lives.
Write us soon!
10-A class
Ann, Zhenia and Waryna
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you for all your comments. They are very useful and interesting. Especially we liked intormation, that against producing shale gas. For example, Elithabeth's Riley's Estasia's, Kiki's and others comments we liked. We eouidn't agree more a Further disaduantages of shale gas explosion, like for all development is that it may mean more lorries on the roads.
People also, understandable, want to see out countryside preserved and would prefer it if no development of any kind was allowed to take place.
So, we believe that the shale gas won't produce in our world and won't influence our lives.
Write us soon!
10-A class
Ann, Zhenia and Waryna
Kyiv, Ukraine

Julia_Kordik Mar 10, 2016
Your comments are delicious.
We see, that there are both pros and cons of drilling for oil. From one side, it will give us an advantage not to rely on neighbouring countries. But from another side, ukrainian people can become victims of energy independence of the state. But not only ukrainians, because negative effect of shale gas extraction can dissaminate on other countries territory.
We were really impressed by Mgoldstein8's statement about fatal influence of chemical on our health.
Best wishes,
Julia, Michael and Sasha
10-B class
Kyiv, Ukraine)
We see, that there are both pros and cons of drilling for oil. From one side, it will give us an advantage not to rely on neighbouring countries. But from another side, ukrainian people can become victims of energy independence of the state. But not only ukrainians, because negative effect of shale gas extraction can dissaminate on other countries territory.
We were really impressed by Mgoldstein8's statement about fatal influence of chemical on our health.
Best wishes,
Julia, Michael and Sasha
10-B class
Kyiv, Ukraine)

Shale Gas Opinions - Pd 2 Colorado
bmeyers5 Mar 9, 2016
This is a very interesting and controversial topic. Here are the opinions of the students in the period 2 class at the Alexander Dawson School.

Tbrown77 Mar 10, 2016
I think that the Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale gas. There are some benefits of extracting this gas, but these benefits are not worth the damage that could be done due to extracting this chemical. According to European Greens article on fracking, shale is much cleaner than coal. Although this is true, shale can cause many natural resources preserved. For example shale gas can contaminate water resources, such as watersheds. This problem already occurs in our world, and it is not a good idea to worsen this. Also, with shale gas developments could interfere with countrysides, which many people want to preserve. According to the guardian's article on shale gas, it can also cause natural disasters such as earthquakes. Although shale gas might improve on energy use with coal, the disasters that this gas can cause are catastrophic, and are not worth the small improvements brought by this chemical.

mmcdonald441 Mar 10, 2016
I believe that Ukraine should not use Shale gas. Extracting this chemical is to high of a risk for a little reward. Sure their are some benefits but is it worth the damage. According to the guardian's article, it can cause natural disasters such as earthquakes. Although using this can help improve the environment, these earthquakes can cause hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damage. According to European Greens article, shale is much better for the environment then coal. Even though this is true, shale can cause damage to water resources. Specifically it can contaminate watersheds which is already a very occurring problem around the world. Shale gas can also affect land in which people are trying to protect, especially the country sides of Ukraine. These are a few reasons why Shale gas should not be in use in the Ukraine. There are not as many benefits as problems.

Vjoris Mar 10, 2016
I think fracking is very harmful and should not be used in Ukraine. First of all, as stated by the "European Green Party", it has many harmful health effects including, eye, skin, and respiratory problems. As well brain, nervous system, and gastrointestinal problems. Also stated by the "European Green Party", it causes many environmental problems. It injects methane into groundwater causing fires and explosions of buildings. The air pollution is also very bad because all the chemicals injected into the ground sometimes mix in with the air, it also contaminates local water supply. "The Guardian" also stated that fracking causes many earthquakes. In Oklahoma, there were 842 earthquakes in the year of 2015 alone! "The Guardian" also stated that it causes house foundations to crackle, it causes fires, and the smell is very bad. On the other hand, as "Let's Talk About Shale" stated, fracking is cleaner than coal, less expensive than renewable energy, and it is more reliable. These are ok arguments, but when you look at all the harmful things fracking causes, it is definitely not worth it. Renewable energy may be more expensive, but in the long run, if we want to have a healthy earth, we must take of it and renewable energy will not harm our planet. Also, "Let's Talk About Shale" said that fracking is more reliable, but actually, solar energy is reliable, because the we always have a sun. It may not show all the time, but that's when we use, wave or wind energy. Wind energy may not be as reliable, but if we use all of the renewable energies, including solar, wind, and wave, we can get as much as fracking would give us. They also stated that fracking gives us more energy at a time, but honestly, we should not be impatient with things so harmful towards us. Renewable energy will give us more than enough energy for us to survive. I definitely don't think Ukraine should keep on using fracking and even less develop more fracking land. It will harm their environment, as well as the animals and people.
Victoria Joris
Victoria Joris

csomerville2 Mar 10, 2016
Ukraine should not start extraction of shale gas. According to European Greens article Hydraulic fracturing is a process of injecting chemicals, water and sand at extremely high pressure into gas wells in order to fracture rocks and release methane gas. Many of the chemicals are toxic and have been known to cause major health problems. In many European country's shale gas extraction has become very popular, and this has become the way to provide gas for your country. In specific country's hydraulic fracturing has been prohibited, and European Greens says that in these countries, reaction from local environmental activists and NGOs is matching that from member parties of the European Green Party. Therefore a reaction and set of recommendations for coordinated EGP activities are urgently needed; to support measures on the EU, national, regional and local levels. Most of chemicals in hydraulic fracturing are harmful to the environment. Some of these chemicals are hydrochloric acid, methanol, formaldehyde amine, benzene and naphthalene. According to European Greens many of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing can cause eye, skin and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain, nervous system and gastrointestinal system. Some concerns are the release of methane into groundwater will result in fires and in extreme cases the explosions of buildings, air pollution, and the chemicals being in the water getting into human and animals systems. According to The Guardian fracking for natural gas is creating alarm and division around western states that until recently enjoyed a boom in jobs and revenue. Quite recently two earthquakes hit Oklahoma struck northern Oklahoma underneath a major oil and gas producing area. All this shows that extraction of shale gas is very bad, and Ukraine should not start extraction of shale gas.
Caitlyn S.
Caitlyn S.

Ivonmetzger Mar 10, 2016
I think Ukraine not should extract the shale gas because it can cause many health problems and contaminate water resources. It can also lead to air pollution and respiratory problems as a result of the release of harmful levels of methane, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen into the atmosphere. The release of methane into groundwater can result in fires and in extreme cases the explosions of buildings. It also uses 10-15 litres of clean water for every fracturing, that can find faults underground and cause earthquakes. Although it does supply jobs for people looking for work and let's them not depend on Russia for gas, the risks are just high to go through with extracting the gas. With all of these risks I think that Ukraine should not extract its shale gas.

Caieta2 Mar 10, 2016
I think that Ukraine should try to use renewable energy sources like wind or solar energy, rather than shale gas. According to europeangreens.eu, hydraulic fracturing is a process of injecting chemicals, water and sand at extremely high pressure into gas wells in order to fracture rocks and release methane gas. Although shale gas is cleaner than coal, many potentially harmful chemicals are used, putting the environment at risk if there is an accident and the chemicals are somehow released into the environment. There is also a risk of earthquakes caused by fracking. the US Geological Survey (USGS) issued a report declaring that a spate of earthquakes over seven years were man-made, triggered by drilling for oil and gas. Dumping toxic wastewater from the drilling process destabilized faults in the bedrock, according to theguardian.com. Although fracking and shale gas cause many problems, renewable energy sources aren't always the easiest way to to go. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power can be expensive, making it unrealistic for a country to switch entirely to renewable energy sources in a short amount of time. I think that Ukraine should use some shale gas, but carefully monitor the fracking to prevent chemical spills or earthquakes caused by the fracking. At the same time, Ukraine should start or continue to switch to renewable energy sources.

Kday46 Mar 10, 2016
I don't think we should have Shale Gas in Ukraine. It just does not seem right to put chemicals into the environment, that could help the environment but can also affect our health. I think our helatalth is way more important then the environment.
According to the Europen Greens, shale gas extraction (fracking) can cause eye, skin, and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain, nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. Also according to Bews From Britan, many people worry about their water source being contaminated, which is tru because of the chemicals that will be let out into the environmen. Lastly, according to Fracking Shakes the American west, earthquakes could start to happen in Oklahoma because of us. Drilling for oil, leaving wastewater that destabilized faults in the bedrock, causing fracking.
According to the Europen Greens, shale gas extraction (fracking) can cause eye, skin, and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain, nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. Also according to Bews From Britan, many people worry about their water source being contaminated, which is tru because of the chemicals that will be let out into the environmen. Lastly, according to Fracking Shakes the American west, earthquakes could start to happen in Oklahoma because of us. Drilling for oil, leaving wastewater that destabilized faults in the bedrock, causing fracking.

omock2 Mar 10, 2016
I think that shake should not be aloud. I think it is a very debatable topic because some countries allow it and some don't. According to the European Green Party many harmful chemicals are used during hydraulic fracking. I think Ukraine should not start extracting shale gas. Even though it helps solve energy problems, many people can get hurt. According to talk about shale.com hydraulic fracking can contaminate water sources. This could harm thousand of people if it did. It can cause the planet damage to. According to the guardian scientists believe it can cause earthquakes. In Oklahoma 2014 there were 585 earthquakes. After the increase of shale in 2015 there were 842. In 2016 there will probably be even more.

Nvalin2 Mar 10, 2016
I think extracting shale gas works for getting their energy and gas, but on the long term effects, it can be harmful to water sources and aquifers. The benefits of it are that it will create a lot of jobs for Ukrainians. This can improve the economy for Ukraine. Also, according to talkaboutshale.com, shale gas is cleaner than burning coal. When burning coal, it pollutes the atmosphere, whereas shale gas does not. Many people are anti fracking for many reasons. According to European greens, it contaminates water supplies and then can cause respiratory problems, nervous system problems, and other health problems. Fracking can also cause many earthquakes and damage the ground. According to an article from the guardian, in 2015 there were 842 earthquakes in Oklahoma. Fracking was the case of many of those quakes. I think that overall, there are better alternatives for energy. I think fracking is damaging to the environment and people near fracking sites and that there are more bad effects than benefits.

Ellarogers Mar 10, 2016
I think that fracking is not a good idea it has more bad outcomes than good. According to European Green Party, shale gas has many bad chemicals that are bad for our environment and for humans. Some countries allow these chemicals to be used, but also many don't. Ukraine relies on Russia for there energy so if Russia and Ukraine start fracking that would be very bad for the environment. According to The Guardian many scientists have found that fracking can cause earth quakes, in 2014 there were 585 earthquakes from fracking and in 2015, 842 occurred. Even though it creates more jobs, these jobs aren't helping our earth they are hurting us. Overall I don't think fracking is a good idea anywhere, it uses bad chemicals and is bad for us.

Irich2 Mar 10, 2016
I do not think that Ukraine should start the extraction of shale gas. There are advantages of hydraulic fracking, such as more jobs and that is is cleaner than coal. However, there are more disadvantages than advantages. Some of the disadvantages are that it can cause serious health problems. According to the first link, which was European Greens the chemicals in fracking such as benezene, hydrochloric acid and methanol can cause eye skin and respiratory problems. Also, it can contaminate their drinking water which can also make them sick. Not only does it effect people it can effect animals too. When releasing into the environment, it can expose people and animals to naturally occurring radioactive materials. For these reasons I do not think that Ukraine should extract shale gas.

Kaijaspencer2 Mar 10, 2016
I don't think that we should use shale gas in Ukraine. I belive this because there are many down side that I believe overrule the positives. Shale gas pollutes the air, it can cause earthquakes, and hurts the aquifers. If Ukraine went in to a drought they would need the clean water to help them. If Ukraine decided to start fracking then it would pollute water causing sicknesses and dehydration. Earthquakes can hurt homes and businesses. The unnatural gases can also hurt the gastrointestinal system and nervous system. As you can see fracking is bad.

Aberg3825 Mar 10, 2016
I think that it is a good decision for Ukraine to start the extraction of shale gas. I believe this because there are definitely more pros than cons regarding the extraction of shale gas. Shale gas extractions also known as hydraulic fracking is the act of injecting chemicals, water, and sand into gas wells at very high pressures making rocks in these wells fracture as well as releasing methane gas that is is much more environmentally friendly gas than the coal that we have been using as a source of energy. To start off shale gas extraction has provided American's, Canadians, as well as people from different parts of Europe with energy that can be used to warm the oven or heat up your home. Like I said before, we have been using coal as a source of energy, but burning all of this coal is definitely not good for the environment especially considering the fact that 40% of our energy is gotten from burning all of this coal creating more green house gas emissions than our country needs. This coal does not just appear out of nowhere, people must get it shipped from different countries, so if Ukraine uses this method they will be able to produce their own energy source in their own country saving them huge amount of money. Even though renewable resources such as coal are a bit cleaner than the fossil fuels, they are much more expensive than the alternative which is shale gas. If Ukraine and other parts of Europe started to extract shale gas there would be an extensive amount of jobs available for the residents in those countries which could be a huge benefit. However, there are some bad sides to shale gas extractions. These shale gas extractions can harm water in the surrounding area because some, of the chemicals used in the fracking process are hydrochloric acid, methanol, formaldehyde amine, benzene, and naphthalene. The chemicals have been known to cause eye, skin, and respiratory issues as well as effecting the brain in a negative way as well. I believe that since these aquifers are so far down from the water sources and human lives above them, it would only affect these things in very rare occurrences. These shale extraction sites have been known to create earthquakes. For example, in Oklahoma recently they experienced two earthquakes beneath a major oil and gas producing area. Water has been making its way into the cracking of the faults most likely created by these fracking sites. George Choy from the National Earthquake Information Center said "Water is finding its way to the underground faults and there is always that possibility of a big earthquake. We are certainly concerned" This is a big concern because if there are earthquakes being created by hydraulic fracking in Oklahoma, if we introduce these process of shale gas extracting in Ukraine there is always a chance that it could happen there too. As you can see, shale fracking will reduce the use of coal lowering green house gas emissions, it will be able to supply people with a more environmentally friendly and cheap process, and can provide people out of jobs a way to make money. Though shale gas may have all of these good thing about it, it also can harm water making it unusable, it can make humans unhealthy in some instances, and there is a chance of earthquakes to be created by this method. I believe that if everyone can work together to make this a useful and safe way to create energy I believe it will be a great for Ukraine to create energy.

Diana_Marchenko Mar 17, 2016
Hi,friends from Pd 2 !
Thanks so much for your comments)Your opinion is useful and important for us.You prepare a lot of information about this difficult theme. This problem is very controversial today .Some people for shale gas but other against it.
Personally, we couldn't agree more it just does not seem right to put chemicals into the environment, that could help the environment but can also affect our health.Caieta may be right,but shale gas extractions also known as hydraulic fracking is the act of injecting chemicals, water, and sand into gas wells at very high pressures making rocks in these wells fracture as well as releasing methane gas that is is much more environmentally friendly gas than the coal that we have been using as a source of energy. We so commiserate our disaster with earthquakes(
That's a good point that: earthquakes can hurt homes and businesses. The unnatural gases can also hurt the gastrointestinal system and nervous system. In summary, we want to sat that shale gas may be useful for Ukrainian economics but we couldn't overindulge
Waiting for next discussion with you)
See you soon on WikiTV
Best wishes,
Diana and Viola,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thanks so much for your comments)Your opinion is useful and important for us.You prepare a lot of information about this difficult theme. This problem is very controversial today .Some people for shale gas but other against it.
Personally, we couldn't agree more it just does not seem right to put chemicals into the environment, that could help the environment but can also affect our health.Caieta may be right,but shale gas extractions also known as hydraulic fracking is the act of injecting chemicals, water, and sand into gas wells at very high pressures making rocks in these wells fracture as well as releasing methane gas that is is much more environmentally friendly gas than the coal that we have been using as a source of energy. We so commiserate our disaster with earthquakes(
That's a good point that: earthquakes can hurt homes and businesses. The unnatural gases can also hurt the gastrointestinal system and nervous system. In summary, we want to sat that shale gas may be useful for Ukrainian economics but we couldn't overindulge
Waiting for next discussion with you)
See you soon on WikiTV
Best wishes,
Diana and Viola,
Kyiv, Ukraine

Shale Gas Opinions - Pd 1 Colorado
bmeyers5 Mar 9, 2016
This is a very interesting and controversial topic. Here are the opinions of the students in the period 1 class at the Alexander Dawson School.

epineda516 Mar 9, 2016
I don't think Shale gas should be extracted, especially by hydraulic fracturing. According to Talk About Shale, it is notably cleaner than coal, but causes many negative health affects. The chemicals used in this process affect eyes, skin and the respiratory system. The chemicals also affect the brain, the nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system according to European Green. There are many other concerns, including that the fracturing causes increased seismic activity, and in 2015 there was a large increase in earthquakes around areas where hydraulic fracturing occurred. According to European Green, fracking creates many jobs for people looking for work, but methane can sometimes leak into water, and create a huge risk of fire, and likely explosions of residential buildings. Humans working close with the chemicals can be exposed to radioactive chemicals. Lastly,this source of energy is not renewable, and using this does not help you reach greenhouse gas emissions targets.

Zmcmorris Mar 9, 2016
I think that is a good idea to have fracking in ukraine because if it relies so heavilily on Russia, then if they go to war for whatever reason, they will be out of gas for war. ElA says that Ukraine has the 3rd most natural gas in all of Europe. Using that natural gas that they have is a good idea, and there is no real reason for them to nit use it other than the pollution from the fracking process.

carosmith Mar 9, 2016
Caroline MS
Period 1
Shale Gas Opinion Paragraph
Although the need for the Ukraine to produce its own natural gas is rather pressing, mining for shale gas through hydraulic fracturing is not an appropriate solution. It does certainly have its pros. According to Let's Talk About Shale, many good things would come from companies fracking in Europe, and Ukraine is no exception. If shale gas came into use, they would be able to become less dependent on imported gas from Russia, they would have access to a cleaner energy source than the massive amounts of coal currently in use, it would be a reliable energy source, and the mining process would provide a lot of jobs. However, there are far more cons than pros. According to European Greens, hydraulic fracturing in order to obtain shale would lead to air pollution, water contamination, a negative impact on the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, exposure of certain areas to natural radioactive material, possible fires and explosions due to methane contaminating groundwater, leakage of hazardous fluids, and potential damage of the ecosystem and biodiversity. Additionally, fracking has been proven to cause heightened seismic activity, which can result in massive, extremely dangerous earthquakes, according to The Guardian. Although there would be some very large benefits from shale fracking in the Ukraine and other areas in Europe, it would be best not to, since the cons far outweigh the pros.
Period 1
Shale Gas Opinion Paragraph
Although the need for the Ukraine to produce its own natural gas is rather pressing, mining for shale gas through hydraulic fracturing is not an appropriate solution. It does certainly have its pros. According to Let's Talk About Shale, many good things would come from companies fracking in Europe, and Ukraine is no exception. If shale gas came into use, they would be able to become less dependent on imported gas from Russia, they would have access to a cleaner energy source than the massive amounts of coal currently in use, it would be a reliable energy source, and the mining process would provide a lot of jobs. However, there are far more cons than pros. According to European Greens, hydraulic fracturing in order to obtain shale would lead to air pollution, water contamination, a negative impact on the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, exposure of certain areas to natural radioactive material, possible fires and explosions due to methane contaminating groundwater, leakage of hazardous fluids, and potential damage of the ecosystem and biodiversity. Additionally, fracking has been proven to cause heightened seismic activity, which can result in massive, extremely dangerous earthquakes, according to The Guardian. Although there would be some very large benefits from shale fracking in the Ukraine and other areas in Europe, it would be best not to, since the cons far outweigh the pros.

Bberry1234 Mar 9, 2016
do not believe that shale gas extraction should be allowed in Ukraine. Although there are a few benefits, the consequences outweigh the benefits. Thousands of gallons of fracking fluids are contaminating the water. There are also very dangerous amounts of gases that are being let out into the air, such as methane, sulphur, and dioxide. Ukraine needs to step up and realize what is important. Ukraine has to choose between their citizen's safety or the country's shale gas. I think that first, you need to ensure the safety of the citizens, then you can focus on shale gas. Russia has areas that are geared towards the extraction of shale gas. Ukraine may have to pay a little extra, but it is worth their citizen's safety. In America, there has been a large issue with fracking possibly creating earthquakes. There are few benefits of shale gas extraction in Ukraine, such as there will be more jobs and Ukraine doesn't have to buy from Russia. In conclusion, Ukraine needs to focus on their citizen's safety before they worry about shale gas extraction.

sgriffin2676 Mar 9, 2016
Sebastian Griffin
Shale Gas in Ukraine
I believe that Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale gas. I believe this because one of my biggest concerns for the future of this world is global warming. We as humans are unbalancing the environment in which we live in. Yes, shale gas is cleaner than coal, but we need to keep in mind that adding more shale gas wells that are pumping harmful chemicals into the world. Also, the process of getting shale gas uses chemicals that could harm humans, get into fresh water sources, and destroy ecosystems. Although it saves money for a country to get their own shale gas, after years of taking the gas out the process could cause earthquakes causing millions of dollars in damage. Also, what matters more? Saving money or saving the future of this world? If we keep damaging the atmosphere and keep destroying land, there has to be a day were we can't restore what we have done. Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale gas. Thank you.
Shale Gas in Ukraine
I believe that Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale gas. I believe this because one of my biggest concerns for the future of this world is global warming. We as humans are unbalancing the environment in which we live in. Yes, shale gas is cleaner than coal, but we need to keep in mind that adding more shale gas wells that are pumping harmful chemicals into the world. Also, the process of getting shale gas uses chemicals that could harm humans, get into fresh water sources, and destroy ecosystems. Although it saves money for a country to get their own shale gas, after years of taking the gas out the process could cause earthquakes causing millions of dollars in damage. Also, what matters more? Saving money or saving the future of this world? If we keep damaging the atmosphere and keep destroying land, there has to be a day were we can't restore what we have done. Ukraine should not start the extraction of shale gas. Thank you.

b_bell2 Mar 9, 2016
This is where my preference comes in; although fracking may be good short term, it certainly isn't long term. Sooner or later shale gas resources will run out, and we will be back to square one wondering what to do. We will have spent generally a lot of money for that (relatively) short term energy source, and we won't be advancing clean energy technologies as much as weed to for when we do need to transition over to those. Although it will cost a lot more right now, we should be coming up with ways to make clean, reusable energy that won't be damaging Earth in the process, because if we continue with our ways, then in around a hundred years or so estimated, then Earth will be so polluted that we can't possible reverse our problems, much less salvage whatever, if any, natural places we have. Future generations deserve to see nature as well.

Ssudol1 Mar 9, 2016
The Ukraine should extract shale gas from the ground. They have the most shale under them. The Us and Canada are on a smaller continent the Europe so Earthquakes are less likely to occur. Shale fracking has many advantages are can be a clean gas supply and it would be cheaper and faster for the country to access gas and use it. But mining shale also has its downside. Like environmental issues with air, water, and ground. Emptying the ground under houses and building can cause sink holes. Since fracking takes 5.5 million gallons of water in the course of 5 days it's going to use the world's water supply water faster.

dario_peach Mar 9, 2016
Personally, I believe it is very difficult to decide wether or not to frack. Fracking has benefits like Oil and Money but it also has flaws. A big flaw would be the fact that by doing fracking it would create problems with the earth. It can cause earthquakes and is not healthy for the environment. It is argued in the United States and now with the discovery of the shale in Ukraine it is something that will be difficult to choose. Personally I believe that it should not be done until necessary. I think we should wait for a longer time until we must rely on the shale there. I believe if we do it now we will be wasting oil as we will feel as if it will be more common when in reality it's the same. Even with that, my personal opinion is not to do it until we need it.

ssampliner1 Mar 9, 2016
Spencer Sampliner
I think that Ukraine should not use shale gas. I think this because drilling for gas can cause water pollution, earthquakes, and it uses a lot of water. There is already a lot of water pollution in the world and I don't think we should add to that by drilling for gas. Also earthquakes are dangerous and destroy homes and land. Finally, the water use is a big problem. Drilling uses a crazy amount of water that could be used for other more important things
I think that Ukraine should not use shale gas. I think this because drilling for gas can cause water pollution, earthquakes, and it uses a lot of water. There is already a lot of water pollution in the world and I don't think we should add to that by drilling for gas. Also earthquakes are dangerous and destroy homes and land. Finally, the water use is a big problem. Drilling uses a crazy amount of water that could be used for other more important things

mgrizack21762 Mar 9, 2016
Ukraine has Europe’s third largest shale gas reserves at 42 trillion cubic feet (1.2 trillion cubic meters). I think that Ukraine should not start extraction of shale gas. It is very dangerous and the chemicals used to extract the gas (using hydraulic fracturing) are toxic and have known health effects. These chemicals include hydraulic acid, methanol, formaldehyde amine, benzene, and naphthalene. Many of the chemicals used can cause eye, skin, and respiratory problems and can also affect the brain, nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. There are also may environmental concerns. These concerns include the contamination of local water supplies, the exposure to radioactive materials, the release of methane into groundwater resulting in fires and explosions, and impacts on the land, nature, and biodiversity. And it is scientifically proven that extracting shale gas causes more earthquakes. There are some advantages to extracting shale gas. Ukraine would be less reliant on other countries for energy, it is considerably cleaner than coal, and more jobs would be created. But in this case, the disadvantages and environmental damage it would cause out ways the advantages.

Lamirani Mar 9, 2016
I think that the fracking is bad. Even though it may provide jobs and more renewable energy, it uses too much water and impacts the earth in a bad way. The benefits are jobs and more energy, but the environmental consequences make fracking not worth it our time and money. If we, or the Ukraine, go into a drought, then we would need more water. If we use that water for hydraulic fracturing, then not only will we lack water for other things, but our energy source will have been compromised. Another concern is health. There have been cases in which the harmful chemicals used for hydraulic fracturing have contaminated aquifers and thus a large population's water supply. There are other ways to get energy such as solar and wind power, and I am confident that we will find another energy source other than shale gas that is renewable, and doesn't has the consequences.

Lamirani Mar 9, 2016
I think that the fracking is bad. Even though it may provide jobs and more renewable energy, it uses too much water and impacts the earth in a bad way. The benefits are jobs and more energy, but the environmental consequences make fracking not worth it our time and money. If we, or the Ukraine, go into a drought, then we would need more water. If we use that water for hydraulic fracturing, then not only will we lack water for other things, but our energy source will have been compromised. Another concern is health. There have been cases in which the harmful chemicals used for hydraulic fracturing have contaminated aquifers and thus a large population's water supply. There are other ways to get energy such as solar and wind power, and I am confident that we will find another energy source other than shale gas that is renewable, and doesn't has the consequences.

adupont13 Mar 9, 2016
When you think of shale gas (basically fracking) in Ukraine, it depends on what you care about more. The environment or the economy. Although you get a surprising large amount of money from shale gas, but it is terrible for the environment. It has many harmful chemicals that are put into the air. Many people are apposed because of the health dangers and water sources get contaminated easily. It does make your country more independent rather than having to rely on energy from a foreign source. It also makes the jobs increase a lot making. A better economy. It is also a lot cleaner than mining for coal, but it destroys a large part of land leaving an ugly hole. Something a bit odd is that many earthquakes have been triggered by drilling for gas. This subject is extremely divided. I believe that there are better energy sources than destroying land and contaminating water.

rcruzabrams Mar 9, 2016
I do not think that fracking for shale gas in Ukraine is a good idea. According to the European Greens article, it is neither safe not healthy. Fracking pollutes millions of gallons of water all around the sites, and droughts in Europe is an issue, so it is important to conserve the water, not pollute it. Also from the European Greens article, fracking uses ten to fifteen million liters of water. It releases dangerous chemicals into the air, and causes traffic with trucks, ruining the lifestyle of peaceful communities near the sites. Methane leakage is a large problem in this industry, with over four percent leaking into the land and the air. Also, according to the Fracking Shakes the American West article, Ukraine does not have a stable enough economy to support the expenses that fracking will produce. Not only will the gases and trucks be expensive, but because fracking increases earthquakes, Ukraine will have to use money to repair the buildings that will be damaged. Overall, fracking is a very bad idea for Ukraine's unstable environment, and will pollute and endanger the land if put into effect.

EMcCullick Mar 9, 2016
I think that there should be a limited, but not stagnent, amount of fracking in the Ukraine. Some coms of fracking are that it gives off un-needed greenhouse gasses, pollutes water sources, and causes earthquakes. Some pros of fracking are that it is a major source of gas for the Ukraine, it is less expensive then renuable energy, and it is easy to get.
What I think should be done is that we should have a limited amount of fracking for an efficiant source of energy, but also keep it too a minimum to reduce earthquakes and pollution.
What I think should be done is that we should have a limited amount of fracking for an efficiant source of energy, but also keep it too a minimum to reduce earthquakes and pollution.

Julia_Bekh Mar 10, 2016
Dear American students from the Pd 1 class!
Thank you very much for your comments. We really appreciate your care about this problem. There are clearly both good and bad sides of the extraction. We absolutely agree with sgriffin2676 and b_bell2. It is true that one of the biggest concerns in the modern world is global warming. We think we should do everything we can to prevent it. Also, we are concerned about resources that sooner or later will run out. Before making a decision, we should think of it very well and we should realize that future generations deserve to see nature as well, and we have no rights to deprive them this opportunity.
Best wishes,
Julia and Sasha, 10-A class
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you very much for your comments. We really appreciate your care about this problem. There are clearly both good and bad sides of the extraction. We absolutely agree with sgriffin2676 and b_bell2. It is true that one of the biggest concerns in the modern world is global warming. We think we should do everything we can to prevent it. Also, we are concerned about resources that sooner or later will run out. Before making a decision, we should think of it very well and we should realize that future generations deserve to see nature as well, and we have no rights to deprive them this opportunity.
Best wishes,
Julia and Sasha, 10-A class
Kyiv, Ukraine

Serzh_Bulackivskyi Mar 10, 2016
Dear first period!
We’ve read all the arguments of your first period group. There were a lot of general thoughts, which were used by almost everyone, and even by us. Those were that fracking pollutes environment by throwing out dangerous chemicals in water and air, which may cause explosions and earthquakes in some areas near extraction of gas. We liked the idea that there are a lot of other sources of cheap energy and petrol, for example wind power plants, using solar energy or nuclear energy stations, which, in fact, are the most clean whence of energy. We were surprised by a thought of “Zmcmorris” about Russia and Ukraine… we mean, that, obviously, in the Eastern part of Ukraine, there is a kind of war against militia of DCR and LCR and Russian forces. It was about that Ukraine needs to have its own gas, because we heavily depend on Russian gas supplies, and if they stop following conditions we won’t have any gas source to rely on. And, finally, we would like to mention the thought of “b_bell2”: “Future generations deserve to see nature as well.”
TY for your comments, Sereja and Illia. 10-B form. Gymnasium “Troyeshchyna”
We’ve read all the arguments of your first period group. There were a lot of general thoughts, which were used by almost everyone, and even by us. Those were that fracking pollutes environment by throwing out dangerous chemicals in water and air, which may cause explosions and earthquakes in some areas near extraction of gas. We liked the idea that there are a lot of other sources of cheap energy and petrol, for example wind power plants, using solar energy or nuclear energy stations, which, in fact, are the most clean whence of energy. We were surprised by a thought of “Zmcmorris” about Russia and Ukraine… we mean, that, obviously, in the Eastern part of Ukraine, there is a kind of war against militia of DCR and LCR and Russian forces. It was about that Ukraine needs to have its own gas, because we heavily depend on Russian gas supplies, and if they stop following conditions we won’t have any gas source to rely on. And, finally, we would like to mention the thought of “b_bell2”: “Future generations deserve to see nature as well.”
TY for your comments, Sereja and Illia. 10-B form. Gymnasium “Troyeshchyna”
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