What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ditch system?How can we protect our rivers?
Many early ditches in Colorado were constructed by miners to divert stream water for their mining operations without regard for water access rights. Others were constructed by farmers who moved north from Mexico and implemented their traditional irrigation systems. One of these systems, the San Luis People's Ditch in the San Luis Valley, has been in operation since its construction in 1852 and is the oldest irrigation system in continuous use in Colorado. Today it is no longer legal to go out and dig a diversion ditch and help yourself to water from a river or stream, even if it crosses your property. Water projects, no matter how small, involve a complex legal process of determining what water is available to appropriate, or use. That's where ditch companies can be useful in providing water access rights to their owners. Ditch companies in Colorado purchase water rights and develop storage and delivery systems to their members, generally for irrigation purposes. Farmers or ranchers purchase stock in a ditch company and then are entitled to a certain amount of water from a ditch based on how much stock they own. They also pay annual fees that cover the use and maintenance of the ditch system, which includes the services of the ditch rider who is responsible for regular maintenance and operation of the headgates. The source | Because of reduced water availability and low flows, high temperatures, algae and sediment are all problems in the Upper Colorado and Fraser Rivers. Fish and the bugs they depend on for food need cool, oxygen-rich water to survive. When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply and sharp reductions in available oxygen. Add that to increased sediment that clogs streambeds and chokes bug life, and you have a recipe for disaster. Biologists from the Colorado Division of Wildlife have recorded significant declines in trout, native fish and macro invertebrate (stonefly) populations since water projects like the Moffat Tunnel and Windy Gap began diverting flows from the Colorado River and the Fraser River. Fish and wildlife need cold, clean, free-flowing rivers to survive. And while some consider taking more water from these rivers to meet Front Range water needs, we must acknowledge the current threats to our rivers and demand immediate and real action to avoid further harm to trout and native fish The source |
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What are the disadvantages and advantages of a ditch system?
Nastia_Dubas Apr 14, 2016
-The waste water containing cyanides, heavy metals, chlorine, alkalis and acids
-Agriculture polluted water with washings from the fields be chemicals and pesticides
-Fish begins die out, because water has not got enough oxygen
-The temperature of water grows up and fish die too
-The level of water in lakes and rivers fall down
-A big amount of algae multiply and gradually filled with water and contaminate it
-Farmers could have free water for their fields
-People can redirect water for the ways which they need
In my opinion, ditches have got a big amount of disadvantages, so we should not use them. I think, that they kill over rivers and lakes. Also we can save our water. We can take shower instead of bath. We can use special toilets and turn off tap when we brush our teeth.
-The waste water containing cyanides, heavy metals, chlorine, alkalis and acids
-Agriculture polluted water with washings from the fields be chemicals and pesticides
-Fish begins die out, because water has not got enough oxygen
-The temperature of water grows up and fish die too
-The level of water in lakes and rivers fall down
-A big amount of algae multiply and gradually filled with water and contaminate it
-Farmers could have free water for their fields
-People can redirect water for the ways which they need
In my opinion, ditches have got a big amount of disadvantages, so we should not use them. I think, that they kill over rivers and lakes. Also we can save our water. We can take shower instead of bath. We can use special toilets and turn off tap when we brush our teeth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ditch system? How can we protect our rivers?
Serzh_Bulackivskyi Apr 14, 2016
-Many early ditches in Colorado were constructed by miners to make their work easyier and cleaner.
-Ditches are used by farmers for irrigation.
-Ditch companies can be useful in providing water access rights to their owners.
-Owners of ditches pay taxes for using them.
-Fish and the bugs they depend on for food need cool, oxygen-rich water to survive. And ditches destroy their habitats.
-When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply and sharp reductions in available oxygen. Add that to increased sediment that clogs streambeds and chokes bug life, and you have a recipe for disaster.
My personal opinion, is that ditches are often useful for people, but it doesn't mean that we can use them while destroing life in nature.
-Many early ditches in Colorado were constructed by miners to make their work easyier and cleaner.
-Ditches are used by farmers for irrigation.
-Ditch companies can be useful in providing water access rights to their owners.
-Owners of ditches pay taxes for using them.
-Fish and the bugs they depend on for food need cool, oxygen-rich water to survive. And ditches destroy their habitats.
-When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply and sharp reductions in available oxygen. Add that to increased sediment that clogs streambeds and chokes bug life, and you have a recipe for disaster.
My personal opinion, is that ditches are often useful for people, but it doesn't mean that we can use them while destroing life in nature.

Diana_Harashchenko Apr 14, 2016
The advantages:
1. A ditch can be used for drainage , to drain water from low-lying areas, alongside roadways or fields, or to channel water from a more distant source for plant irrigation.
2. Ditches are widely used in the development of placer deposits and peat deposits.
The disadvantages:
1. Pollution of underground water.
2. Results in colder and damper climate causing outbreak of diseases like malaria.
3. Fish begins to rapidly die out, because not enough oxygen.
Diana, 10-B
Kyiv, Ukraine
1. A ditch can be used for drainage , to drain water from low-lying areas, alongside roadways or fields, or to channel water from a more distant source for plant irrigation.
2. Ditches are widely used in the development of placer deposits and peat deposits.
The disadvantages:
1. Pollution of underground water.
2. Results in colder and damper climate causing outbreak of diseases like malaria.
3. Fish begins to rapidly die out, because not enough oxygen.
Diana, 10-B
Kyiv, Ukraine

Julia_Kordik Apr 13, 2016
In my opinion, ditches harmful to nature.When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply and sharp reductions in available oxygen. Fish begins to rapidly die out. It is very bad !
Julia Kordik
In my opinion, ditches harmful to nature.When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply and sharp reductions in available oxygen. Fish begins to rapidly die out. It is very bad !
Julia Kordik

Illia_Kazodaiev Apr 14, 2016
Hi Julia!
I agree with you.
I think that ditches very dangerous for environment.
When the level of river down, it's create to many eco problems. Algae multiply and low level of water leats to big problems ecological system.
I agree with you.
I think that ditches very dangerous for environment.
When the level of river down, it's create to many eco problems. Algae multiply and low level of water leats to big problems ecological system.

Yana_Andrushko Apr 13, 2016
The advantages:
1.Water projects, no matter how small, involve a complex legal process of determining what water is available to appropriate, or use.
2.Ability to transport water all of the state for irrigation
The disadvantages:
1.When water is removed from the river, the river becomes shallower, slows down and warms up faster, causing algae to multiply.
2.Old habitats are dried up and destroyed

Ditches in Colorado
Vjoris Apr 7, 2016
The advantages of a ditch is that it gives fresh water to farmers so they can grow their crops, and give water to their animals. The disadvantages are it lowers the water levels in rivers and lakes, which cause more and more algae to grow, making the water supply less clean. Also, it warms up the water which also causes algae to grow, and kills the organisms and fish that are not used to these high temperatures.
I am not completely sure how we can stop using rivers and lakes as water sources, but I know that if we start reducing the amount of water we use, domestically and for watering lawns. Colorado uses a lot of water demanding plants, but if we start using plants that are less water demanding and are more native to colorado, we can reduce the amount if water used by a lot. Also, if we reduce the amount of water we use by taking showers, washing dishes, washing hands, and the washing machine, we can also reduce the amount of water used by a lot!
Victoria Joris
I am not completely sure how we can stop using rivers and lakes as water sources, but I know that if we start reducing the amount of water we use, domestically and for watering lawns. Colorado uses a lot of water demanding plants, but if we start using plants that are less water demanding and are more native to colorado, we can reduce the amount if water used by a lot. Also, if we reduce the amount of water we use by taking showers, washing dishes, washing hands, and the washing machine, we can also reduce the amount of water used by a lot!
Victoria Joris

Ditches in Colorado
Caieta2 Apr 7, 2016
Ditches and ditch systems could help the increasing demand for water as Colorado's population increases. Ditch systems can also be very useful in agriculture, making irrigation easier. Although ditches can be very useful, they come with a price. Ditches lower the water levels in streams and rivers allowing water temperatures to increase and algae to thrive. Increased temperatures and too much algae threaten fish and other aquatic life. Not only does loss of aquatic life threaten the ecosystem, but it also threatens businesses and people who make money by fishing, selling fishing equipment, or leading fishing trips. Ditches effect the environment and economy, and there future consequences should be highly considered before any more are added.
To help protect rivers and streams, people should try to conserve water. A great way to conserve water is to have lawns with native plants and/or plants that need less water and water at dusk, dawn, or at night to reduce evaporation. People can also take shorter showers and turn of the sink while brushing their teeth. Conserving water will reduce the demand for water, and therefore reduce the need to take water from streams and rivers.
Alexander Dawson School
To help protect rivers and streams, people should try to conserve water. A great way to conserve water is to have lawns with native plants and/or plants that need less water and water at dusk, dawn, or at night to reduce evaporation. People can also take shorter showers and turn of the sink while brushing their teeth. Conserving water will reduce the demand for water, and therefore reduce the need to take water from streams and rivers.
Alexander Dawson School

Ella and Ava
ajohnson118 Apr 7, 2016
We think that ditch systems have advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is the irrigation plan for farmers. A disadvantage is the big amounts of algae that form in lakes such as grand lake. This is bad cause then there isn't room for other plants so now there isn't good food for the fish to eat. Although it's bad in that way it's good because there will be more bodies of water for others water organisms.

Lgladstone2 Apr 7, 2016
The advantages of a ditch system is that farmers can have free water that they can access whenever they need it, but the disadvantages are that there would be fewer fish and more algae that would contaminate the water. In my opinion, ditch systems are a bad idea

Kaija ditches in Colorado
Kaijaspencer2 Apr 7, 2016
The advantages to the ditches are quick transportation of water and good irrigation for farmers. Then ditches help people in Denver with quick easy access to water. The ditches also have disadvantages such as it kills the rivers. To protect our rivers we need to use water responsibly. We can achieve this by watering lawns less frequently and later in the day.

Ditches in Colorado
Ivonmetzger Apr 7, 2016
The advantage of ditch systems is that there is water for farmers to irrigate. Disadvantage to the ditch systems are fish populations along with bug life is decreasing. We can protect our rivers by trying to find plants that need less water to thrive and using less in our daily lives.

Ditch Systems In Colorado
csomerville2 Apr 7, 2016
1. There are new habitats for water organisms
2. Ability to transport water all of the state for irrigation
3. We can redirect water
1. The Ecosystems get messed up
2. Ditch Systems basically kill the rivers
3. Habitats die
Caitlyn Somerville
1. There are new habitats for water organisms
2. Ability to transport water all of the state for irrigation
3. We can redirect water
1. The Ecosystems get messed up
2. Ditch Systems basically kill the rivers
3. Habitats die
Caitlyn Somerville

Ditches in Colorado
Kday46 Apr 7, 2016
The advantages are that is it a good irrigation plan for farmers and habitats are created for some organisms. Nutrients are carried along with the water. Disadvantages are the existing river looses a lot of its water making it harder for organisms to live there, habitats are destroyed. I think we could help our rivers by not using as much water. Maybe only water you lawn once a day the twice a day. Also to shut down some of our ditches so the water can keep flowing threw and not loose a lot of its water

Ditches in Colorado
Aberg3825 Apr 7, 2016
Some advantages are that there is increased fresh water supply by these ditches. Another advantage is that water organisms can survive because there is a nice habitat created. A disadvantage is that the ditches reduce oxygen levels, create a bit of sediment, and it kills organisms in the surrounding areas. To protect our rivers we can lower the amount of pollutants in the surrounding areas of the ditches, so that it can keep the habitats safe.

omock2 Apr 7, 2016
They help get water to places faster. But sometimes to much water is taken and wildlife are hurt. When to much water is diverted it's a waste of the water that nobody uses.
Wee need to acknowledge when the rivers are going away to bring wariness to it. That way we can stop this and help wild life. We need to stop using so much and conserve some. More algae is made when the river is slower and is warm.
Wee need to acknowledge when the rivers are going away to bring wariness to it. That way we can stop this and help wild life. We need to stop using so much and conserve some. More algae is made when the river is slower and is warm.

Ditches In Colorado
Nvalin2 Apr 7, 2016
Ditches help cycle and divert water to places but sometimes too much water is taken and it harms wildlife.
We need to acknowledge that the rivers are going away. If we do this we can take further steps to help the streams and animals that live in them. We need to change and limit how much water we use in out daily life. We should also close the ditches that the miners built a while ago so that the water gets diverted back.
We need to acknowledge that the rivers are going away. If we do this we can take further steps to help the streams and animals that live in them. We need to change and limit how much water we use in out daily life. We should also close the ditches that the miners built a while ago so that the water gets diverted back.

Colorado ditches
Tbrown77 Apr 7, 2016
Ditches provide a good irrigation system in our society. Also new habitats are created for organisms. I think that the disadvantages of ditches outweigh the advantages. Ditches cause sediments in fresh bodies of water to increase, along with pollution in these waters. Also, ditches are not helpful to animal life in these bodies of water. In the future, we must use less water in our lives to improve on our river protection. Thanks!
Colorado, USA
Colorado, USA

mmcdonald441 Apr 7, 2016
Some advantages of having a ditch system is being able to transport water to homes and buildings. A disadvantage of having a ditch system includes they kill the river, increases sediment, and it reduces oxygen levels. One way we can help our rivers is take away some ditches but leave a few so we can have fresh water.

Ditches in Colorado
b_bell2 Apr 7, 2016
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ditch system? How can we protect our rivers?
There aren't many, but some advantages to a ditch system is a considerably good irrigation plan working very well for farmers. Since the ditches diverts water away from its natural stream or river, I guess it is good for the people receiving that water, but not the people on the other side. Here I think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages with things such as all the maintenance that comes along with the ditch, warmer, shallower, and slower rivers leading to less dissolved oxygen meaning less fish and more algae, that could potentially lead to stagnant water and possibly eutrophication. Sediment in streams will increase as well and the bug death rate has gone up. Many different animals such as different types of fish and bugs are suffering greatly due to unwanted ditches blocking their natural path.
I am not quite sure what the most affective solution would be to protect our rivers, but reducing how much we use in our daily life will be a big help. A lot of water is wasted on lawns with grass that isn't even native to Colorado. People should start looking more at water- reducing landscaping plans so they don't have to be watering their grass and plants every day.
Bridget B.
(I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, I'm unsure.)
There aren't many, but some advantages to a ditch system is a considerably good irrigation plan working very well for farmers. Since the ditches diverts water away from its natural stream or river, I guess it is good for the people receiving that water, but not the people on the other side. Here I think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages with things such as all the maintenance that comes along with the ditch, warmer, shallower, and slower rivers leading to less dissolved oxygen meaning less fish and more algae, that could potentially lead to stagnant water and possibly eutrophication. Sediment in streams will increase as well and the bug death rate has gone up. Many different animals such as different types of fish and bugs are suffering greatly due to unwanted ditches blocking their natural path.
I am not quite sure what the most affective solution would be to protect our rivers, but reducing how much we use in our daily life will be a big help. A lot of water is wasted on lawns with grass that isn't even native to Colorado. People should start looking more at water- reducing landscaping plans so they don't have to be watering their grass and plants every day.
Bridget B.
(I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, I'm unsure.)

Ditch Systems
sgriffin2676 Apr 7, 2016
One big disadvantage in a ditch system are the environment and nature. Ditch systems cause algea to grow on top of lakes and slow rivers. This causes the natural habitat under to die. When there aren't plants under the water this causes fish to not have food. Although they have a negative impact on the environment, they provide irrigation for farmers. I would say that ditch systems should be stopped. I think this because we need to preserve the environment and we are not struggling in food resource in the United States. Thank you!
Sebastian Griffin
Boulder, Co USA
Dawson school
Sebastian Griffin
Boulder, Co USA
Dawson school

ccramerusa Apr 7, 2016
Ditch systems are both good and bad. They are really bad for the environment they cause alergy to over grow making it hard for sunlight to come through. A good thing about the ditch system is that they provide irrigation for farmers

Meghan: Ditches in Colorado
mgrizack21762 Apr 7, 2016
Adavantages of ditch systems:
1. More water is provided for irrigation
2. Nutrients are carried along with the redirected water.
3. New habitats are created for water organisms
Disadvantages of ditch systems:
1. The existing stream/river loses a lot of its water, making life for organisms much harder
2. Nutrients are lost, making the fish leave, messing up the ecosystem
3. Old habitats are dried up and destroyed
We, as a state, can protect our rivers by shutting down some of the old ditch systems and redirecting the water from those back to the rivers. We can also prevent constuction sites from being close to rivers so the pollutants don't go into the stream.
1. More water is provided for irrigation
2. Nutrients are carried along with the redirected water.
3. New habitats are created for water organisms
Disadvantages of ditch systems:
1. The existing stream/river loses a lot of its water, making life for organisms much harder
2. Nutrients are lost, making the fish leave, messing up the ecosystem
3. Old habitats are dried up and destroyed
We, as a state, can protect our rivers by shutting down some of the old ditch systems and redirecting the water from those back to the rivers. We can also prevent constuction sites from being close to rivers so the pollutants don't go into the stream.

Robin- Ditches In Colorado
rcruzabrams Apr 7, 2016
An advantage of having ditch systems is being able to transport water all around the country/state for irrigation and home uses. A disadvantage of having ditch systems is that they kill the river, increasing sediment and reducing oxygen levels.
We can protect our rivers by not adding any more ditches and taking a few away to keep the rivers healthy.
We can protect our rivers by not adding any more ditches and taking a few away to keep the rivers healthy.

Sarah: Ditches In Colorado
Ssudol1 Apr 7, 2016
The advantage is having freshwater in the Denver area for people to use. But every time we water our garden we are taking away natural resources from the rivers and stream in Colorado. We don't need to beat rid of the ditches but we shouldn't keep adding them

Lucy: Ditches in Colorado
Lamirani Apr 7, 2016
The advantages are increased water supply and fresh water. The disadvantage is the many negative impacts it has on the river and the area relying on the river that is being diverted. We don't necessarily need to get rid of the ditches we already have, but we shouldn't add anymore.

Zmcmorris Apr 7, 2016
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ditch system?
Advantages are that farmers are able to get fresh water form their nearby stream or something, and they are able to water their crop. Disadvantages may be that the stream is a tributary and the bigger river now has less water for other people down stream.
How can we protect our rivers?
We can protect them by not using so much water.mwe need to stop watering our lawns every day and only use it for drinking, water is for life, not for having the best lawn in the neighborhood.
Advantages are that farmers are able to get fresh water form their nearby stream or something, and they are able to water their crop. Disadvantages may be that the stream is a tributary and the bigger river now has less water for other people down stream.
How can we protect our rivers?
We can protect them by not using so much water.mwe need to stop watering our lawns every day and only use it for drinking, water is for life, not for having the best lawn in the neighborhood.

USA Ditches in Colorado
EMcCullick Apr 7, 2016
The advantages of ditches on Colorado rivers are that we have the ability to redirect water wherever we want. They help places in need of a water source, by having a man made alternitive.
Unfortunately, a lot of that water is used for irrigation, which is not that impotprtant. This wasteful use of water is diminishing the ecosystem of the river by taking its water and not leaving any for the river to thrive.
Unfortunately, a lot of that water is used for irrigation, which is not that impotprtant. This wasteful use of water is diminishing the ecosystem of the river by taking its water and not leaving any for the river to thrive.
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