Dear students,
I'm sick, so I cannot go to the gymnasium.
Before each lesson I will present a video of how you should work with the tasks of the lesson.
I hope that the video will help do the tasks.
Listen to my explanation, look at the lesson plan, and complete the task, where you can see a plus.
Good luck
Nataliya Ivanivna
P.S. If you have any questions, ask them at the bottom of the page.
I miss you)
1.Real you. (Unit 1 vocabulary)
How techie are you? (Unit 6 vocabulary)+
2. Have you used these gadgets?

3. IEARN Final Projects

4. Troyeshchyna Land IEARN article
5. Post comments to What does it mean to be a Ukrainian? Project+

- Dear students,
- How are you? Is everything fine?
- Here is a video for the 78th lesson.
- I hope it will help you to do all the tasks.
- While listening to the video, don't use the full screen
- so that you can follow the tasks and see the texts better here below.
If you have any questions, post them in comments.
Best wishes,
Nataliya Ivanivna
P.S Don't forget to remind Larysa Heorhiivna
that you are ready for Romeo and Juliet rehearsal
- 1. Your life style (Unit 2 vocabulary)
- How techie are you? (Unit 6 vocabulary)+
- 2 Workbook p. 56+
- 3. What gadgets do these people like? Why?
- Imagine you're one of these people. Tell one of their stories+
My favourite device was always my MP3 player. I took it everywhere with me so that I could listen to music. I had a mobile too, so I could make calls and send and receive texts. But when my mobile contract ran out, I upgraded to a smartphone, and it's the best gadget I've ever had. I don't need an MP3 player any more as I can store all my songs on the phone. Not only that, I can surf the Net, pick up my emails, and it's got a video camera.
I'm crazy about sci-fi stories. I've probably got about 50 on the shelf in my bedroom. The problem is they take up a lot of space, so I asked Mum and Dad to get me an ebook reader for Christmas. It's really amazing. You just go to a website that sells ebooks and download them. It only takes about a minute to download a book. And they're a bit cheaper than real books. My ebook reader can store about 1,500 books - but it's the same size as a single book. If you're into reading, you should get one.
I'm not a big fan of gadgets - I've got a mobile, and my dad's old PC in my bedroom. But I really like the hard disk recorder that we've got at home. You can watch one programme while you're recording another, and it's got a huge memory so you can record loads of programmes. The other great thing is that you can pause a TV programme, if you have to answer the phone or something, and you can also rewind a programme and watch a bit of it again. It's really cool.
- 4. Read the students' projects and the teachers' comments, which I have copied and pasted for you.
- Post your comments to Character and Place of Living +
- I see that some of you have visited our classroom and listened to the video instructions and seen the 3 lesson plans.
- By the way, I am going to check your work at the weekend and give you marks.
- So, don't delay with the tasks.
- I hope you like using Vocaroo, and I will be able to hear your voice.
- Best wishes,
- Nataliya Ivanivna
- P.S. I miss you as before. Is it cold in our classroom?
- 1. Places (Unit 3. Vocabulary)
- How techie are you? (Unit 6 vocabulary)+
- 2 Workbook p. 56
- 3. Imagine you're one of these people.
- Tell about their favourite gadget and record one of the stories using Vocaroo, The premier voice recording service.
- Don't forget to post a link to your recording in comments below!!!) +
- Tamsin
- My favourite device was always my MP3 player. I took it everywhere with me so that I could listen to music. I had a mobile too, so I could make calls and send and receive texts. But when my mobile contract ran out, I upgraded to a smartphone, and it's the best gadget I've ever had. I don't need an MP3 player any more as I can store all my songs on the phone. Not only that, I can surf the Net, pick up my emails, and it's got a video camera.
- Henry
- I'm crazy about sci-fi stories. I've probably got about 50 on the shelf in my bedroom. The problem is they take up a lot of space, so I asked Mum and Dad to get me an ebook reader for Christmas. It's really amazing. You just go to a website that sells ebooks and download them. It only takes about a minute to download a book. And they're a bit cheaper than real books. My ebook reader can store about 1,500 books - but it's the same size as a single book. If you're into reading, you should get one.
- Rebecca
- I'm not a big fan of gadgets - I've got a mobile, and my dad's old PC in my bedroom. But I really like the hard disk recorder that we've got at home. You can watch one programme while you're recording another, and it's got a huge memoryso you can record loads of programmes. The other great thing is that you can pause a TV programme, if you have to answer the phone or something, and you can also rewind a programme and watch a bit of it again. It's really cool.
- 4. Watch the video. What is your fafourite gadget? Why?
- 5. Be ready to write about your favourite gadget in class.+
- - 12 sentences - 6 points
- - new words - 2 points
- - linking words - 2 points
- - grammar - 2 points
- I see that you're experiencing some problems doing your home tasks.
- Hope you can manage that.
- Best wishes,
- Nataliya Ivanivna
P.S. You can write about your problems in comments.
- 1. Lights, camera, action(Unit 4. Vocabulary)
- How techie are you? (Unit 6 vocabulary)+
- 2 . Write about your favourite gadget in class.
- - 12 sentences - 6 points
- - new words - 2 points
- - linking words - 2 points
- - grammar - 2 points
- 3. Will / going to
- Will + verb
- 1. Спонтанна реакція
- I'm hungry. I will cook something. Я голодний. Я приготую щось.
- Shall I/we start? Починати?
- 2. Думки на майбутнє.
- I think I will not have a gluten allergy. Я думаю, що у мене не буде клейковинної алергії.
- 3. Стан у майбутньому
- My friend will be fine tomorrow. Моєму другу завтра добре.
- >>> am,is,are + going to
- 1/ Збиратися щось робити
- I have downloaded a book about Celiac. Я завантажив книгу про хворобу целіакію.
- I am going to read it.. Я збираюся прочитати її.
- 2/ Дія явно станеться за певними ознаками
- She has a stomach ache. У неї болить шлунок
- She is going to fall ill. Вона захворіє.
- 4. Workbook p. 57 and keys +
- 1. Shopping (Unit 5. Vocabulary)
- How techie are you? (Unit 6 vocabulary)+
2. Workbook p 58 ex 1 .+
and keys
Speak about Suzi+
- 3.Zero Conditional
- Нульовий тип умовного речення. Українською умовою чуємо теперішній час в обох половинках складного речення.
- В англійській мови - Present Simple (1 форма дієслова)
- Я почуваюся краще, якщо роблю вправи.
- I feel better, if I do exercies.
- Workbook
- p. 59 ex 1-2+
- and keys
- .Get ready for your exam.
1. Workbook p.60 ex 2-3+
and keys
2. Be ready to read 2 invitations and translate them.+
Hi everybody,
I hope you're fine.
I'm coming back to the Gymnasium on Monday.
Please look at the previous lesson plans,
listen to my video instructions
and do the tasks which you haven't done yet.
10.01. 2018 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 77+
(using quizlet, padlet platforms)
11.01.2018 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 78+
(using online workbook key)
12.01.2018 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 79+
(using Vocaroo service)
Home reading Romeo and Juliet+
15.01.18. 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 81+
will/ going to
17.01.18 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 82+
18.01.18. 8 form Lessons 2017-2018. Lesson 83+
Also, look at the tasks of today's lesson.
Best wishes,
Nataliya Ivanivna
P.S. Well done to those who have already started working here!
Excellent marks are waiting for you!)
19.01.18. Lesson plan
1. Present one of the conversations+
2 Read the dialogues and do ex in Workbook p.61 ex 1-5+
and keys
Josh Hey, Lucy. How are things?
Lucy Good, thanks, Josh.
Josh Listen,I'm going for a bike ride with Kate and Ivan. Fancy coming along?
Lucy Cool! I'd love to. What time are you going?
Josh We're meeting at my place at half past eleven.
Lucy OK. What about lunch? Shall I bring some food and drink?
Josh Just bring something to drink. My mum's making sandwiches for us.
Lucy Cool. What time are you planning to come back?
Josh About five o'clock.
Lucy Great. See you soon.
Josh Yeah. Glad you can make it. See you soon.
Amanda Hi Ryan.How are you?
Ryan I'm fine thanks, Amanda. And you?
Amanda Yeah, I'm fine too. I'm going skateboarding in the park this afternoon.
Why don't you come along?
Ryan I'd love, but I can't. I'm going to the cinema with my little brother.
Amanda Shame, another time, maybe.
Ryan **Yeah, that would be good
- - Famous Ukrainian film directors, producers
- - Famous Ukrainian actors
- - Famous Ukrainian films and what they are about
- Mamay is a 2003 Ukrainian language film. Based on ancient Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar folklore, this is a Ukrainian version of Romeo and Juliet. A fugitive Cossack falls in love with a stunningly beautiful Tatar woman who saves him from certain death. Their love defies age-old hatred between their respective peoples. The film features cinematography by Serhiy Mykhalchuk and a soundtrack by composer Alla Zahaykevych. Directed by Oles Sanin, 80 minutes. Mamay was Ukraine's 2003 submission for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
Oles Sanin is a film director - The Stronghold is a Ukrainian adventure/fantasy film based on the same-name book. A present-day schoolboy Vit'ko goes a thousand years into past.
Yuriy KovalyovWriters:
Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Yuriy Kovalyov | 1 more credit »Stars:
Ivan Denysenko, Heorhiy Derevyanskyi, Danylo Kamenskyi| See full cast & crew »
Once upon a black cat
Directed by: Yuri Marchenko
Synopsis: A black cat starts its day as any other . . . inadvertently crossing people’s paths. Everyone completely overreacts, leaving the poor cat to wish he had a few white spots in order to have a better life.
Cartoon Cat: This is a nicely animated short film from Ukraine which features an adorable homeless black cat as its lead character.
The ending is sweet, although it would have been nice if someone had simply loved the black cat for being the way he is.MAVKA. The Forest Song. Official Teaser Trailer 1
Mavka. The Forest Song” is a full-length animated feature produced by Ukraine-based Animagrad (FILM.UA Group). It is currently at the stage of development.
The film is inspired by a classical Ukrainian poem play by Lesya Ukrainka, as well as Ukrainian authentic mythology and legends. Mavka, the Forest princess — powerful female character with unique appearance and universal appeal, and has potential to be ranked with internationally celebrated personages.
Genre: fantasy, lovestory, comedy. Production: Animagrad (FILM.UA Group). Coming to theaters: 2019. Supported by Ukrainian State Film Agency.
Soundtrack of the Teaser Trailer: DakhaBrakha.
Director: Aleksandra Ruban
Producers: Iryna Kostyuk, Anna Eliseyeva, Egor Olesov Scriptwriter: Yaroslav Voyceshek
Arrangement: Maksim Kornilyuk
`Art-director of the project: Kristian KoskinenZemlya Earth 1930 Dovzhenko
This movie is filmed before Famine 33. When the Ukrainian village - it was still a powerful force. I feel the power that has been very dangerous for Stalin and Moscow.
«Orange Love» — first feature-length movie of director Alan Badoiev. The debut of Alan in Cannes was described by European critics as “the first real movie of Ukrainian cinematography”.City Slickers - Jack Palance Movie (1991) HD
The Tribe (Ukrainian: Плем'я, Plemya) is a 2014 Ukrainian drama film written and directed by Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy. Starring Hryhoriy Fesenko, Yana Novikova and Roza Babiy, the film is set in a boarding school for deaf teenage students, where a novice scholar is drawn into an institutional system of organized crime
The film is entirely in Ukrainian Sign Language with no subtitles- 1) Character and Place of living (Ukraine)
- What can you tell about your national character?0 discussions 0 comments
1. Get ready for listening+
2. Listen a few times and be ready to read the dialogue School Life 1+
3. Look through the story The last inch *
Who is the author of the story?
What is the story about?
4. What is missing about the filmin the film review ?
Based on the short story by James Aldridge. Excellent, but elderly pilot Ben agrees to do dangerous underwater shooting for television. Together with his 12-yo son Davy, he flies a light sports plane to Shark Bay. A long time Davy is sitting on the beach. Finally, from the ocean a bloodied Ben appears. The boy hardly can drag his father back to the plane. Ben had only once shown him how to fly a plane. He also had explained that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash while landing or not.
5. What can you add to the 1st paragraph of the review after reading the following information?
5. Watch the film and write down the most interesting phrases from the film - 12 sentences with translation from the film *+
Class 8-A
Two households, both alike in dignity(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,Whose misadventured piteous overthrowsDoth with their death bury their parents' strife.The fearful passage of their death-marked loveAnd the continuance of their parents' rage,Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage—The which, if you with patient ears attend,What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Class 8-G
Act 1 Scene 1
GREGORY A dog of the house Montague moves me.
SAMPSON I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.
(bites his thumb)
[Enter Abraham and Balthazar]
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir.
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON [to Gregory] Is the law of our side, if I say aye?
SAMPSON No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.
GREGORY Do you quarrel, sir?
ABRAHAM Quarrel, sir! No, sir?
GREGORY If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.
ABRAHAM No better.
(aside to SAMPSON) Say “better.”
(to ABRAM) Yes, better, sir.
ABRAM You lie.
SAMPSON Well, sir, draw, if you be men. - Gregory, remember thy swashing blow!
[They fight. Enter Benvolio]
BENVOLIO (draws his sword) Part, fools! You know not what you do.
[Enter Tybalt]
TYBALT What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.
BENVOLIO I do but keep the peace: put up thy sword,Or manage it to part these men with me.
TYBALT What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word,As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward!
[They fight.]
CITIZENS Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike! Beat them down!
Down with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues!
[They fight. Enter Prince with attendants]
PRINCE Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,Throw your mistemper’d weapons to the ground.
[They all drop or hide their weapons and kneel]
By thee, old Capulet, and Montague,If ever you disturb our streets again,Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.For this time:You Capulet; shall go along with me:And, Montague, come you this afternoon.Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.
Class 8-V
LADY MONT. O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day?Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
BENVOLIO Where, underneath the grove of sycamoreThat westward rooteth from the city's side, So early walking did I see your son.
MONTAGUE Many a morning hath he there been seen,With tears augmenting the fresh morning dew.
BENVOLIO My noble uncle, do you know the cause?
MONTAGUE I neither know it nor can learn of him.
[Enter Romeo]
MONTAGUE Come, madam, let’s away.
[Exit Lord and Lady Montague]
BENVOLIO Good-morrow, cousin.
ROMEO Is the day so young? Ay me! sad hours seem long.
BENVOLIO What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
ROMEO Not having that, which, having, makes them short.
ROMEO Out of her favour, where I am in love.
BENVOLIO Tell me in sadness, who is it that you love.
ROMEO In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman.
Be ruled by me. Forget to think of her.
ROMEO O, teach me how I should forget to think!
BENVOLIO By giving liberty unto thine eyes.
Examine other beauties.
ROMEO He that is strucken blind cannot forget
The precious treasure of his eyesight lost.
BENVOLIO I’ll pay that doctrine or else die in debt.[Exeunt]
PARIS But now, my lord, what say you to my suit?
CAPULET But saying o'er what I have said before.My child is yet a stranger in the world.She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.Let two more summers wither in their prideEre we may think her ripe to be a bride.
PARIS Younger than she are happy mothers made.
CAPULET But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart.My will to her consent is but a part.This night I hold an old accustomed feast,Whereto I have invited many a guestSuch as I love. And you among the store,One more, most welcome, makes my number more.
Act 1. Scene 3
LADY CAP. Juliet. Juliet. Nurse, where’s my daughter? Call her forth to me!
NURSE I bade her come. What, lamb! what, ladybird! God forbid! Where's this girl? What, Juliet! Juliet! Juliet!
[Enter Juliet]
JULIET How now, who calls?
Your mother.
JulietMadam I am here, what is your will?
LADY CAP. This is the matter.—Nurse, give leave awhile,We must talk in secret.—Nurse, come back again.I have remembered me. Thou’s hear our counsel.Thou know’st my daughter’s of a pretty age.
Nurse (to Juliet) I might live to see thee married once,I have my wish.
LADY CAPULET Marry, that “marry” is the very theme
I came to talk of. Tell me, daughter Juliet,How stands your disposition to be married?
JULIET It is an honour that I dream not of.
LADY CAPWell, think of marriage now. Younger than youHere in Verona, ladies of esteemAre made already mothers.By my count, I was your mother much upon these yearsThat you are now a maid.Thus then in brief:The valiant Paris seeks you for his love.
NURSE A man, young lady! Lady, such a manAs all the world. Why, he’s a man of wax.
LADY CAP. Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?
JULIET I’ll look to like if looking liking move.But no more deep will I endart mine eyeThan your consent gives strength to make it fly.
[Enter a Servant]
SERVANT Madam, the guests are come! supper served up, you called, my young lady asked for, the Nurse cursed in the pantry, and every thing in extremity. I must hence to wait. I beseech you, follow straight.
NURSE Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days.
Спасибо) Вы собрали большой материал и к тому же очень интересный. Вашим ученикам с вами очень повезло!) Я сейчас учусь английскому в школе EnglishPapa и благодарна судьбе за моего прекрасного преподавателя, который все уроки излагает понятно и доступно и к которому я с большим удовольствием иду на каждое занятие.