DeNet Sport Communication. Unit 1. Present Tenses

1. Дії в теперішніх часах

1.1. Present Simple - дія відбувається, але не в даний момент:

Я займаюсь скелелазінням по вівторках/go rock climbing on Tuesdays. 
Я люблю скелелазіння/ I like rock climbing.

1.2. Present Continuous дія відбувається в даний момент:

Я займаюсь скелелазінням зараз/I'm going rock climbing now

1.3. Present Perfect - дія сталася до даного моменту:

Ми зіграли у пейнтбол/We have played paintball

- дія триває до даного моменту протягом якогось часуале дію не видно:

Я знаю про пейнт клуб "Гіперіон" два роки /I have known about Hyperion paintball club for 2 years)

1.4. Present Perfect Continuous - дія триває протягом певного часу до даного моменту і дію видно:

Ми граємо у пейнтбол протягом години/We have been playing paintball for an hour.

1.5. DeNet. Sport Communication Course. Unit 1. Present Tenses Test

2. Дії червяка
2.1 Які Present Tenses використовує червяк і чому?

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2.2. DeNet. Sport Communication Course. Unit 1. Present Tenses Test 2

3. Власні дії

3.1. Answer the question: What does the teacher do to make the student understand Present Tenses?

3.2. Read the lyrics of the song


The present tense thing
She just couldn't understand,
So the teacher turned -- taking the iPhone from her hand, and said,
If you stopped playing with your phone in my class,
The rules of present tense you might understand at last.
Take a seat. I'll try to explain, again.
It goes like this young lady...

I tweet, I'm tweeting, I've tweeted, I've been tweeting
I post, I'm posting, I've posted, I've been posting
I upload, I'm uploading, I've uploaded, I've been uploading
I text, I'm texting, I've texted, I've been texting

Now that you understand what you have to do
We'll turn the conversation back on you

You tweet, you're tweeting, you've tweeted, you've been tweeting
You post, you're posting, you've posted, you've been posting
You upload, you're uploading, you've uploaded, you've been uploading
You text, you're texting, you've texted, you've been texting

Now that you finally understand what you have to do
We'll all sing together.
I'll follow you

Tweet, am tweeting, have tweeted, have been tweeting
Post, am posting, have posted, have been posting
Upload, am uploading, have uploaded, have been uploading
Text, am texting, have texted, have been texting

3.3. DeNet. Sport Communication Course. Unit 1. Present Tenses Test 3

4. Поради пейнтболістам-початківцям та теперішні часи

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