1. There is/There are/Там є

there is - there are - Exercise 1
there is - there are - Exercise 2
there is - there are - Exercise 3
2. Use of Present Continuous

there is - there are - Exercise 1
there is - there are - Exercise 2
there is - there are - Exercise 3
2. Use of Present Continuous
Present Сontinuous (am, is, are +4 f) 1)Дія відбувається прямо зараз I am typing (Я зараз друкую) 2)Дія відбувається приблизно зараз/ тимчасово I am reading Jack london (Я зараз читаю Джека Лондона) 3)Плани на 100% I am visiting my grandma on Sunday (Я відвідую бабусю в неділю) 4)Незадоволення зі словами "завжди", " постійно" He is always pushing me (Він завжди штовхається) | УтворенняAffirmative/ствердження:I am playing /we/you/they are playing football. He/she/it is playing football. Negative/заперечення:I am not playing /we/you/they are not playing football. He/she/it is not playing football. Скорочена форма: I'm not playing /we/you/they aren't playing football. He/she/it isn't playing football. Questions/питання:Am I playing? Are we/you/they playing football? Is he/she/it playing football? * What - що , where - де, when - коли, why - чому, how - як, how many - скільки (можна порахувати), how much - скільки (не можна порахувати) , whom - кому What are you playing? Що ти граєш? Who is eating bananas? - Хто їсть банани? Spelling/написання: 1)stop - stoppingrun - running 2)lie - lyingtie - tying statementsPresent Progressive (simple verbs - long forms)Present Progressive (special verbs - long forms)Present Progressive (simple verbs - short forms)Present Progressive (special verbs - short forms)negative sentencePresent Progressive (simple verbs - long forms)Present Progressive (special verbs - long forms)Present Progressive (simple verbs - short forms)Present Progressive (special verbs - short forms)questionsQuestions in Present Progressive - Exercise 1Questions in Present Progressive - Exercise 2sentences, negations and questionsPresent Progressive - Exercise 1Present Progressive - Exercise 2Could you send the photos or pictures of your favourite activities with your description |
1. Quantifiers/Показники кількості перед іменниками

a/an or some
Compounds with some or any
how much or how many
much or many -
much or many -
much or many in questions -
much or many in negations -
some or any -
some or any -
some or any -
2. Use of going to / will/Використання виразу "збиратися" і майбутнього простого часу
a/an or some
Compounds with some or any
how much or how many
much or many -
much or many -
much or many in questions -
much or many in negations -
some or any -
some or any -
some or any -
2. Use of going to / will/Використання виразу "збиратися" і майбутнього простого часу
am,is,are + going to 1/ Збиратися щось робити I am (He is/ She is/ We are) going to read a book. (Я (Він/Вона/Ми)збираюся прочитати книгу.) ![]() 2/Передбачення дії, яка явно станеться за певними ознаками He is going to fall. (Він впаде.) Вправи simple statements going to-future - Statements negative sentence going to-future - Negations - questions Questions in going to-future - Questions in going to-future - Exercise 2 sentences, negations and questions going to-future - Mixed Exercise 1 going to-future - Mixed Exercise 2 going to-future - Mixed Exercise 3 | Future Simple (will+1f.) will not = won't) 1. Миттєва реакція I'm hungry. I will cook something. (Я голодний. Я приготую щось.) Shall I/we start? (Починати?) 2. Передбачення та думки на майбутнє. I think the weather will be fine tomorrow. (Я думаю, що погода буде завтра гарна.) 3. Стан у майбутньому My friend will be 18 tomorrow. Моєму другу завтра 18. Вправи statements will-future - Statements - Exercise negative sentence will-future - Negations - Exercise questions Questions in will-future - Exercise 1 Questions in will-future - Exercise 2 sentences, negations and questions will-future - Mixed Exercise 1 will-future - Mixed Exercise 2 |
1. Adjectives/ Прикметники

2. Degrees of comparison.Ступені порівняння прикметників
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 1
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 2
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 3

Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 1
Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 2

Comparison of adjectives with as ... as

Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise 1
Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise 2
3. Adverbs/Прислівники

Form of adverbs
4. Degrees of comparison of adverbs.Ступені порівняння прислівників

Adverbs - comparison

Position of adverbs
Position of adverbs of frequency - Exercise 1
Position of adverbs of frequency - Exercise 2
5. I would like/Я б хотів

2. Degrees of comparison.Ступені порівняння прикметників
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 1
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 2
Adjectives - comparison - Exercise 3
Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 1
Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 2
Comparison of adjectives with as ... as
Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise 1
Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise 2
3. Adverbs/Прислівники
Form of adverbs
4. Degrees of comparison of adverbs.Ступені порівняння прислівників
Adverbs - comparison
Position of adverbs
Position of adverbs of frequency - Exercise 1
Position of adverbs of frequency - Exercise 2
5. I would like/Я б хотів
Pesent Perfect(have/has+3f) 1)Дія сталася і не зафіксовано, коли саме в минулому We have bought a new book (Ми купили нову книжку) 2)Постійна дія або стан (не можна побачити дію) протягом якогось часу на даний момент. I have known you for 2 weeks. (Я знаю вас протягом 2 років) | Утворення: have/has +3 форма. Увага!!! Яка помилка в наступній таблиці? ![]() Сигнальні слова: just щойно already вже yet ще і вже ever коли-небудь never ніколи this week цього тижня Вправи: simple statements Present Perfect - Exercise 1 Present Perfect - Exercise 2 negative sentence Present Perfect - Exercise 1 Present Perfect - Exercise 2 questions Questions in Present Perfect - Exercise 1 Questions in Present Perfect - Exercise 2 sentences, negations and questions Present Perfect - Exercise 1 Present Perfect - Exercise 2 Present Perfect - Exercise with already and yet |
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