Weekend ch-l

Kansas City- Kyiv skype session on 11 May 2012Enjoy some parts of the session!!!Beginning:
Middle: waiting for the recording
The end:

On 30 April the American children posted the following message:
re: Feedbacklenak_nds
Apr 30, 2012 11:02 pm
These videos are great! I agree that you are doing very well with English. We are definitely not so fluent in our foreign language classes. It always seems strange to learn about another country's culture, where they have strange and different traditions. What i am interested most about, is how you all react to the USA's strange traditions. Does the rest of the world really have prejudice against Americans? What flaws do you see with our country? Are we too loud, and too immodest? Please make videos answering these questions. Tell the truth, and we won't be insulted. I personally think that Americans are much more accepting of insults that other countries are, especially since the Americans that are portrayed on television are always more vulgar and obnoxious than the common people are.
Our answers to the message



We also added a written message:

re: FeedbackKatya_Tashuta

21 minutes ago
We are students from 8-"V" form. Other students made video with answers for you. But we want to write answer here.
Personally we don't have prejudice against Americans because we think that Americans look the same like all people. But some people can have prejudice against Americans because of American films and TV programmes.
All people have flaws and it isn't bad. Because we become better when we discover our mistakes.
Ukraine is often thought like Russia by foreighners . And this is very bad because we want to have our own independent country.
We think that you are not so loud. You are a simple country.

Best wishes,

Katya and Masha.


It is the last month of school. All children look forward to holidays and already plan what they will do in the summer. Pupills tell last topics of the lessons and wait for their progress records. Of course, with good marks.
I am very very grateful to our friends from America and Canada for cooperation with us in many projects.They really helped us . Most of all in learning English. I most like that they made our lerning different. We learned a lot about them and their countries.
Also I like American and Canadian videos.When I saw them I already felt that they mede them with pleasure. Also, I think they are very professional in comparison with our works. They used a lot of new technologies.
Last two months we exchanged letters with Canadian children. And most of all I am thankful to Sahar. It is my PenPal friend. Because she was very friendly in her letter and i knew a lot of interesting information from Sahar.
I hope we will countinue our work together and in the next year we will get as much pleasure like in this one)

Best wishes,
Valeria Gomeniuk (From Class News)
Welcome to WeekendTV excursion to some of the gymnasium's classrooms!

Weekend Wiki TV is on!!!

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 Add Discussion


Nataliya_Byzova Mar 8, 2012
Post your questions and impressions here
cmarx_nds Apr 30, 2012
The different art pieces on the walls in video 6 are very beautiful.
l0st0 Apr 30, 2012
Do you have school on the weekends?
Andrej_Kozyrev May 3, 2012
We are glad that you enjoyed our video and I want to say that we have no school at the weekends because we have 7 lessons everyday. we studied on Saturday 28 April instead of Monday 30 April because we had a long May day celebration then.

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