
0. Active tenses
external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTelljAdzrUDtYaYEogwrCcZ7B64sejiM5ZSJc-fI149aIVW9FFhg
Indefinite inf
external image 45Ms_MfCNS5H6Yi_ChG9EYIe8ripkTwr7Wbma9ztHtKS66yH3LM8MXO5RUcx0RYNi5OtZP5H_fvpK9jBeMMwmA=s96
Continuous be+4
external image A6Kg5Uq5qdMTqsJwuB4e0nc40N56W9Nji1045QVN52Z8l4Q-lUN3yFUz63S3_hQJ8QfeLFXfijvSx7oXUQ981A
Perfect have+3

Perfect Continuous have been+4
постійні дії,
Дії в певний момент,
в приблизний момент,
протягом певного часу,
100% плани,
незадоволення з "завжди"
Дії сталися до певного моментуДії відбувалися до певного моменту
Present 1f
People take IELTS every year.
My friend passedIELTS last year.
I am sure I will achieve a good IELTS result.
am learning grammar for IELTS.

We were speaking about modals at 6.30.

My friend will be reading a textbook at this time tomorrow.
We have preparedtenses.

He had prepared IELTS before his visit to Australia.

They will have preparedgrammar by November.
Students have been studying Passive for 2 weeks.

They had been studying it for 1 week when a new teacher came.

They will have been studying Passive for 3 weeks by the time they have to take IELTS.
Indefinite infContinuous be+4Perfect have+3

1.The verb to be: be - was/were - been - being

Simpleam, is, are
external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8ex1cPm-WwwF0nJcgAJWMHEDa3lS6vBmQW0eFGG2hg-QA_zX-gg
The elephant is polite.

was busy yesterday.
will be

Baby let me know and 
will be there.
Continuousam, is, are being

external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRylHbLItYt_LLSZHI8yPI3AnEJEnVS2JG7pQAg4e6mm8jtJ-Qw

He is always polite
but today he is being rude.
was/were being
external image busy1.jpg
was being busy on purpose, 
so that he didn't bother me.
will be being
Perfecthave/has been

external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzHML-EbKBxKwFlZrhgZOCGnhrMyXFoKYW_pnzwZWv_8vsKGz6eg
have been to London
had been
external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSk2kChBTbvNlAPHFq-O11ZkHx8O4sdo7dVFuT_odZpETmkUWfxvg
had been in the USA for a month
when I decided to travel to Britain.
will have been

You will have been an American student
for a month before you leave for Britain.
2. Active or Passive (be +3 f)?
external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWv5plATFp6cl2YbhUKDLtxIGZs5_IPtcXTHQYHXNYr0X_uPHR

1. Англійці грають у Бінго у Британії. У Британії грають у Бінго.2. Лист було написано вчора. Мій друг написав листа вчора.3. Мама приготує обід о 2 годині дня. Обід буде приготований о 2 годині дня.
4.Вчитель зараз розповідає про пасив. Зараз розповідають про пасив.5.Коли я був у Києві, якраз будували міст. Коли я був у Києві будівельники якраз будували міст.6. О 10 годині художник малюватиме портрет. О 10 годині якраз малюватимуть портрет.
Perfect7. Я прочитав книгу. Книга прочитана.8. Ми випили каву до 6 години. Кава випита до 6 години.9. Матч вже буде зіграний до 6 години. Футболісти вже зіграють матч до 10 години.
3. Explanations be+3 f

Passive tenses
external image images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTelljAdzrUDtYaYEogwrCcZ7B64sejiM5ZSJc-fI149aIVW9FFhg
Indefinite be+3f
external image 45Ms_MfCNS5H6Yi_ChG9EYIe8ripkTwr7Wbma9ztHtKS66yH3LM8MXO5RUcx0RYNi5OtZP5H_fvpK9jBeMMwmA=s96
Continuous be+3
external image A6Kg5Uq5qdMTqsJwuB4e0nc40N56W9Nji1045QVN52Z8l4Q-lUN3yFUz63S3_hQJ8QfeLFXfijvSx7oXUQ981A
Perfect be+3

Perfect Continuous be+3
постійні дії,
Дії в певний момент,
в приблизний момент,
протягом певного часу,
100% плани,
незадоволення з "завжди"
Дії сталися до певного моментуДії відбувалися до певного моменту
IELTS is takenevery year.

IELTS was passedby my friend last year.

will be+3f
I think a good IELTS result will be achieved.
am/is/are+ being+ 3f
Grammar is being learnt for IELTS.

was/were being+3f
Modals were being spokenabout at 6.30.

will be being+3f
The text will be being readby my friend at this time tomorrow.
have/has been+3f
Tenses have been prepared.

had been+3f
IELTS had been prepared before his visit to Australia.

will have been +3f
Grammar will have been prepared by November.
have/has been being +3f
Passive has been being studied for 2 weeks.

had been being+3 f
It had been being studied for 1 week when a new teacher came.

will have been being+3 f
Passive will have been being studied for 3 weeks by the time they have to take IELTS.
Indefinite be+3Continuous be+3Perfect be+3fPerfect Continuous be+3f

4. Exercises
Part 2

1. Підмет з інфінітивом (кажуть, повідомляють... в пасиві - речення без підмета)

Кажуть, що делегація прибула:
The delegation is said to have arrived.
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Test: Personal Passive (verbs of perception

2. Пасивний інфінітив після модальних слів
Книги слід було прочитати.
The books should have been read.
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Test Exercise on Passive with Auxiliary Verbs

3. Змішані випадки використання пасиву

Test Mixed Exercise on Passive with Passive

4. Актив чи пасив?
external image active-passive-voice-examples-1.jpg

Rules and Regulations
Active Voice Example:Passive Voice Example:
1. You must not be under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol during paid work hours.1. Employees are not permitted to be under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol during paid work hours.
2. Do not use company property for personal use.2. Using company property for personal use is prohibited.
3. You may not solicit or promote support for any cause or organization (including political parties) during paid work hours.3. Soliciting or promoting support for any cause or organization (including political parties) during paid work hours is not permitted.
4. Do not make personal calls (except for emergency calls) during work hours.4. Personal calls (except for emergency calls) are not to be made during work hours.

- See more at:
Test Tenses Active and Passive

5. Що краще : актив чи пасив?
Microsoft PowerPoint - Active and passive voice
6. Прихований пасив. 

We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us. Compare:
 Lisa repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself)
Lisa had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it)
 'Did you make those curtains yourself?' 'Yes, I enjoy making things.'
'Did you have those curtains made?' 'No, I made them myself.'

Have/Get something Done:1


IELTS A. 2 Writing 11
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against common childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?
What is your view of this practice?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunise their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunise but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to.
Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunising young children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero.
In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out
Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunisation programmes. In consequence, children not immunised are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parentschoosing not to immunise are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicatedIf the number of parents choosing not to immunise increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning.
Immunisation is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunise will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunisation should be obligatory.
(274 words)

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