1. Англійці (а також жителі Західної України) ставлять дієслово бути (є) в речення, в якому не чути дієслова:
Ми кажемо: "Як _ Ви ?"
Англійці кажуть: "Як є Ви?"
В українському реченні ми зазвичай в таких випадках не чуємо дієслова:"Моє ім'я _ Володимир"
В англійському реченні ми чуємо дієслово: Моє ім'я є Володимир
Слово бути передається у 3 способи:
am після слова я
is після слів він, вона, воно
are в інших випадках*
1 My name is Josep. Моє ім'я Джозеф
2 You are Ewa. Ти Єва
3 I am OK. Я в порядку.
4 This is Mr Granger. Це містер Грейнджер
5 How are you? Як ти/Ви?
6 What is your name? Яке твоє/ваше ім'я?
Перевірте себе, виконавши Вправу
2. Слово бути можна писати скорочено, приєднавши до попереднього слова апострофом:
I am = I'm
He is, she is, it is = He's, she's, it's
We are, you are, they are = We're, you're, they're

у коментарі
Mr.Big - To Be With You
Mr.Big - To Be With You
Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Just to be the next to be with you

у коментарі
Verb to be: AM – IS – ARE/ Дієслово бути(Statement/ Ствердження)
Long form/ Довга форма | Short form/ Коротка форма | Example/ Приклад |
I am Я є | I'm Я є | I am thirsty. Я спраглий |
You are Ти є | You're Ти є | You are clever.Ти розумний |
He is Він є | He's Він є | He is happy. Він щасливий |
She is Вона є | She's Вона є | She is hungry.Вона голодна |
It is Воно є | It's Воно є | It is cold. Воно холодне (Холодно) |
We are Ми є | We're Ми є | We are sad. Ми сумні. |
You are Ви є | You're Ви є | You are sleepy. Ви сонні. |
They are Вони є | They're Вони є | They are great. Вони чудові. |
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Proud To Be an American
Proud To Be An American
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.
And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there's pride in every American heart,
and it's time to stand and say:
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

Напишіть в коментарі рядки, які вам найбільше сподобалмсь
Verb to be: AM – IS – ARE/ Дієслово бути(Negation/ Заперечення)
Negation/ Заперечення |
I am not ('m not) thirsty.Я не спраглий |
You are not (aren't) clever. Ти не розумний |
He is not (isn't) happy. Він не щасливий |
She is not (isn't) hungry. Вона не голодна |
It is not (isn't) cold. Воно не холодне. (Не холодно) |
We are not (aren't) sad. Ми не сумні. |
You are not (aren't) sleepy. Ви не сонні. |
They are not (aren't) great. Вони не чудові. |

I Am Not Yours by Sarah Teasdale
I Am Not Yours
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.
You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.
Oh plunge me deep in love -- put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.
Я не твоя, не тану я,
Хоч так хотілося б мені
Розтануть свічкою вночі
Чи, як сніжинка, по весні.
Кохання тихеє твоє,
Думки красиві і ясні,
Та я – це я, розтануть би,
Як полум’я зника в огні.
О дай поринути в любов,
Щоб не могла я чуть і знать,
Поривом знесена твоїм,
Як свічечка тонка, згасать.

Verb to be: AM – IS – ARE/ Дієслово бути(Questions/ Питання)
Question/ Питання |
Am I thirsty? Я голодний? |
Are you clever?Ти розумний? |
Is he happy? Він щасливий? |
Is she hungry? Вона голодна? |
Is it cold? Воно холодне? (Холодно?) |
Are we sad? Ми сумні? |
Are you sleepy? Ви сонні? |
Are they great? Вони чудові? |

Напишіть у коментарі питання з вправи 6
Carl Sandburg. Paper
Paper is two kinds, to write on, to wrap with.
If you like to write, you write.
If you like to wrap, you wrap.
Some papers like writers, some like wrappers.
Are you a writer or a wrapper?
Карл Сендбург. Папір
Папір бува двох видів:
Писать на нім і речі обгортати.
Хтось обгортать мастак, а хтось і з ручкою б посидів.
І всяк папір привик свого хазяїна чекати.
А вам зручніш писать чи пакувати?

1. Question Words
Who - Хто,
Why - Чому,
What - Що,
When - Коли,
Where - Де/Куди,
How - Як
2. The Classroom: Q & A
3. 'Question Words?' Song
Question words
Question words
Ask me again.
Words to help you find out
All about your friends.
Question words
Question words
Ask me again.
Words to help you find out
All about your friends.
How are you?
What's your name?
Where do you live?
When's your birthday?
Who's your favorite singer?
Why don't you like pizza?
Question words
Question words
Ask me again.
Words to help you find out
All about your friends.
Who is a word we use to ask about a person.
Why is a word we use to ask about a reason.
What is a word we use to ask for information.
When is a word we use to ask about a time or date.
Where is a word we use to ask about a place.
How is a word we use to ask "in what way".
Question words
Question words
Ask me again.
Words to help you find out
All about your friends.
Question words
Question words
Ask me again.
Words to help you find out
All about your friends.

Додайте власні питання.
The Question Song
The Question Song
1. If the teacher asks "who?" (Who are you?)2. I say "It's me."(It's me. Jacky.)3. If the teacher asks "what?"(What is that?)4. I say "a bee."(This is a bee.)5. If the teacher asks "when?"(When will you go downtown?)6. I say "right now."(I will go home right now.)7. If the teacher asks "where?"(Where will you go?)8. I say "downtown."(I will go downtown.)
1. If the teacher asks "why?" (Why are you happy?)2. I say "Because."(Because I like English.)3. If the teacher asks "how?" (How does a bee fly?)4. I say "It does."(I don't know, it just does.)5. If the teacher asks "what?"(What is that?)6. I say "a toe."(This is a toe.)7. If the teacher asks "where?"(Where is your toe?)8. I say "below."(It is below the knee.)
1. If the teacher asks "where?"(Where will you go?)2. I say "real far"(I will go real far.)3. If the teacher asks "how?" (How will you get there?)4. I say "by car."(I will get there by car.)5. If the teacher asks "when?"(When will you go there?)6. I say "today."(I will go today.)7. If the teacher asks "why?" (Why will you go there?)8. "Because I want to play."(Because I want to play.)

Напишіть власні питання і відповіді за бажанням.
Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесь
онлайн перекладачем
Westlife - Queen Of My Heart
Westlife - Queen Of My Heart
So here we stand
In our secret place
With a sound of the crowd
So far away
And you take my hand
And it feels like home
We both understand
It's where we belong
So how do I say?
Do I say goodbye?
We both have our dreams
We both wanna fly
So let's take tonight
To carry us through
The lonely times
I'll always look back
As I walk away
This memory
Will last for eternity
And all of our tears
Will be lost in the rain
When I've found my way
Back to your arms again
But until that day
You know you are
The queen of my heart
Queen of my heart
So let's take tonight
And never let go
While dancing we'll kiss
Like there's no tomorrow
As the stars sparkle down
Like a diamond ring
I'll treasure this moment
Till we meet again
[Mark: (All:)]
But no matter how far
(Matter how far)
Or where you may be
(Where you may be)
I just close my eyes
(I just close my eyes)
And you're in my dreams
And there you will be
Until we meet
[Repeat chorus twice]
[Shane: (All:)]
Oh yeah
You're the
Queen of my heart
(Of my heart)
No matter
How many years it takes
(Queen of my heart)
I'll give it all to you
Oh yeah
(Queen of my heart)
Oh yes you are
The queen of my heart

Напишіть накращі рядки в коментарі
Whose Is It? Чиє це?
my - mine
your- yours
his - his
her - hers
its - -
our - ours
your - yours
their - theirs
Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose puppy is it?It's mine.It's my puppy.It's yours.It's your puppy.It's his.It's his puppy.It's hers.It's her puppy.It's ours.It's pur puppy.It's theirs.It's their puppy.Whose puppy is it?Whose puppy is it?
- Whose puppy is it?Is it yours?- No, it isn't.- Is it hers?- No, it isn't.- Is it his?- Yes, it is.It's his puppy.
Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose puppy is it?It's mine.It's my puppy.It's yours.It's your puppy.It's his.It's his puppy.It's hers.It's her puppy.It's ours.It's pur puppy.It's theirs.It's their puppy.Whose puppy is it?Whose puppy is it?
- Whose puppy is it?Is it yours?- No, it isn't.Is it his?- No, it isn't.- Is it hers?-- Yes, it is.It's her puppy.
Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose is it?Whose puppy is it?It's mine.It's my puppy.It's yours.It's your puppy.It's his.It's his puppy.It's hers.It's her puppy.It's ours.It's pur puppy.It's theirs.It's their puppy.Whose puppy is it?Whose puppy is it?

Напишіть у коментарі про свої речі у 2 способи.
The book is mine. It's mine.
Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем
Walk The World Now, Children
by John Forster, Michael Mark & Tom Chapin
© 2005 Limousine Music Co., HCD Music & The Last Music Co. (ASCAP)
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Drink the water, children. Drink it now with me.
Drink the water, children. Drink it now with me.
Drink the water, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Breathe the air now, children. Breathe it now with me.
Breathe the air now, children. Breathe it now with me.
Breathe the air now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Work the land now, children. Work it now with me.
Work the land now, children. Work it now with me.
Work the land now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Продовжіть пісню у коментарі. )) Наприклад:
Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем
Learn your English, children. Learn it now with me.
Learn your English, children. Learnit now with me.
Learn your English, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
by John Forster, Michael Mark & Tom Chapin
© 2005 Limousine Music Co., HCD Music & The Last Music Co. (ASCAP)
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Drink the water, children. Drink it now with me.
Drink the water, children. Drink it now with me.
Drink the water, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Breathe the air now, children. Breathe it now with me.
Breathe the air now, children. Breathe it now with me.
Breathe the air now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Work the land now, children. Work it now with me.
Work the land now, children. Work it now with me.
Work the land now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Продовжіть пісню у коментарі. )) Наприклад:
Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем
Learn your English, children. Learn it now with me.
Learn your English, children. Learnit now with me.
Learn your English, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.
Where Is the Gym?
behind - позаду prep. in or to a place at the back of or to the rear of (someone or something)
elevator – елеватор n. a machine used for carrying people and things to different levels in a building
every – кожен adj. used to describe how often some repeated activity or event happens or is done
gym –спортзал n. a room or building that has equipment for sports activities or exercise
lobby – хол n. a large open area inside and near the entrance of a public building (such as a hotel or theater)
lounge – кімната відпочинку n. a room with comfortable furniture for relaxing
mailroom – поштове відділення n. a room in which mail is processed and sorted
next to – поруч prep. at the side of (someone or something)
parking garage – автостоянка n. a building in which people usually pay to park their cars, trucks, etc.
rooftop – покрівля n. the cover or top of a building or vehicle
work out – тренуватись phrasal verb to perform athletic exercises in order to improve your health or physical fitness
Where Is the Gym?
Anna: Hi there! I’m Anna and I live in Washington, D.C. Every day I learn more about this great city. People in Washington like to work out! Oh, hi, Pete. How’s it going?Pete: Hi, Anna. It’s going great. How’s it going with you?Anna: Things are awesome! Pete, I want to work out. Where is the gym?Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It’s next to the mailroom. Go that way.Anna: Thanks, Pete!(Anna walks away)Pete: No, Anna! Not that way! Go that way!(In the mailroom)Anna: Oh, Pete. This is not the gym.Pete: That’s right, Anna. This is the mailroom.Anna: The gym is across from … what?Pete: The gym is across from the lounge.Anna: Across from the lounge. Right. Thanks!(In the lounge)Anna: Pete! This is not the gym!Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It is behind the lobby.Anna: Right. Right. See you.Pete: See you, Anna!Anna: See you.Pete: See you, Anna.(In the garage)Anna: This is not the gym. This is a parking garage.Anna: Hello? Pete?(On the rooftop)Anna: This is not a gym. This is a rooftop.(In the gym)Anna: Pete! Pete?Pete: I want to work out too! Join me!Anna: I’m good.
Listening Quiz 6. It's Not the Gym

Скопіюйте рядки, які "застряли" у вас в голові
New Words
across from – на протилежному боці від prep. on the opposite side from (someone or something)behind - позаду prep. in or to a place at the back of or to the rear of (someone or something)
elevator – елеватор n. a machine used for carrying people and things to different levels in a building
every – кожен adj. used to describe how often some repeated activity or event happens or is done
gym –спортзал n. a room or building that has equipment for sports activities or exercise
lobby – хол n. a large open area inside and near the entrance of a public building (such as a hotel or theater)
lounge – кімната відпочинку n. a room with comfortable furniture for relaxing
mailroom – поштове відділення n. a room in which mail is processed and sorted
next to – поруч prep. at the side of (someone or something)
parking garage – автостоянка n. a building in which people usually pay to park their cars, trucks, etc.
rooftop – покрівля n. the cover or top of a building or vehicle
work out – тренуватись phrasal verb to perform athletic exercises in order to improve your health or physical fitness
Where Is the Gym?
Anna: Hi there! I’m Anna and I live in Washington, D.C. Every day I learn more about this great city. People in Washington like to work out! Oh, hi, Pete. How’s it going?Pete: Hi, Anna. It’s going great. How’s it going with you?Anna: Things are awesome! Pete, I want to work out. Where is the gym?Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It’s next to the mailroom. Go that way.Anna: Thanks, Pete!(Anna walks away)Pete: No, Anna! Not that way! Go that way!(In the mailroom)Anna: Oh, Pete. This is not the gym.Pete: That’s right, Anna. This is the mailroom.Anna: The gym is across from … what?Pete: The gym is across from the lounge.Anna: Across from the lounge. Right. Thanks!(In the lounge)Anna: Pete! This is not the gym!Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It is behind the lobby.Anna: Right. Right. See you.Pete: See you, Anna!Anna: See you.Pete: See you, Anna.(In the garage)Anna: This is not the gym. This is a parking garage.Anna: Hello? Pete?(On the rooftop)Anna: This is not a gym. This is a rooftop.(In the gym)Anna: Pete! Pete?Pete: I want to work out too! Join me!Anna: I’m good.
Listening Quiz 6. It's Not the Gym

Скопіюйте рядки, які "застряли" у вас в голові
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