My English Class. Step 1. Week 2

Greetings. Introductions. Goodbyes/ Вітання. Представлення. Прощання
Натисніть на посилання і послухайте фрази: Greetings/ Introductions/ Goodbyes

Greetings and farewells/ Привітання і прощання
Натисніть на посилання і послухайте фрази американською англійською: Greetings and Farewells

Напишіть у коментарі про себе,використовуючи фрази... !My name is... Мене звати...I come from... Я з ...I like... Я люблю ...I can ... Я вмію ...See you ... Побачимось ...Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем Excuse me, please

Excuse me, please

Excuse me - please excuse me.
What's your number?
What's your name?
I would love to get to know you,
and I hope you feel the same.

I'll give you my e-mail address.
Write to me at my dot com
You can send a note in English,
so I"ll know who it came from.

Excuse me - please excuse me.
Was that 0078?

Well, I think the class is starting,
and I don't want to be late.

But it's really nice to meet you.
I'll be seeing you again.
Just call me on my cell phone
when you are looking for a friend.

Excuse me - please excuse me.
What's your number?
What's your name?
I would love to get to know you,
and I hope you feel the same.

So welcome to the classroom.
There's a seat right over there.

I'm sorry but you are sitting
in our teacher's favorite chair.

Excuse me - please excuse me.
What's your number?
What's your name?

Яку частину пісні ви легко можете розповісти?Скопіюйте її в коментар.
Introducing yourself/ Представлення
Фрази уроку з перекладом:Hi!My name is ...
Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. It is nice to meet you.
Приємно познайомитись з Вами.
It's nice to meet you, too. It is nice to meet you, too.Приємно з Вами теж познайомитись.
Скрипт фраз на відео:Listen- Hi!My name is Antonio.What's your name?- My name is Peter.- Nice to meet you.- It's nice to meet you too.
Listen and repeat- Hi!My name is Antonio.What's your name?- My name is Peter.- Nice to meet you.- It's nice to meet you too.
Put in orderMy name is Antonio.- Hi!- My name is Peter.- Nice to meet you.- It's nice to meet you too.- What's your name?

Представтесь у коментарі,використавши фрази:Hi!My name is ...Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you.Good to meet you.Pleasure to meet you.

- What's your name?- My name is Mr Johnson.Please just call me Stan.

- I'd like you to meet my wife,Mary Anne.

It's nice to meet you.Good to meet you.Pleasure to meet you.
- What do you do?
- Actually, I'm a teacherat the Children's Institute.
- The little kids are really cute.
- That sounds nice.
- Where are you from? -
somewhere far or near?
- As a matter of fact,
Chicago is my hometown.
- Could you say that louder, please?

- How did you end up here?
- My father was a salesman.We moved all around.
It's nice to meet you.
Good to meet you.Pleasure to meet you.
- Who is that?
- Let me introduce you to my new friend Eileen.She's a chef and she's nineteen.
It's nice to meet you.
Good to meet you.Pleasure to meet you.
Good-bye. Take care.

Яку частину пісні ви легко можете розповісти?Скопіюйте її в коментар.

Personal information/ Особиста інформація
Фрази уроку з перекладом:

What's your first name? What is your first name?Яке Ваше ім'я?My first name's ... My first name is ... I am ... I'm...
What's your last name? What is your last name?Яке Ваше прізвище?My last name's ... My last name is ...
What's your email address? What is your email address?Яка у Вас електронна адреса?My email address's ... My email address is ...
What's your phone number? What is your phone number?Який у Вас номер телефону?My phone number is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Скрипт фраз на відео:

- Good morning!I'm Mr Smith- Good morning!- First...I need your personal, information, please.- Sure.- What's your first name?- My first name is Peter.- What's your last name?- My last name is Perez.- What's your phone number?- My phone number is 91234567- What's your e-mail address?- My e-mail address is Thank you very much, Mr Perez.- You're welcome.
Listen and repeat
- What's your first name?- My first name is Peter. - What's your last name?- My last name is Perez.- What's your phone number?- My phone number is 91234567- What's your e-mail address?- My e-mail address is Thank you very much, Mr Perez. - You're welcome.

Напишіть у коментарі відповіді на питання про себе.

Don and JuanWhat's Your Name?


What's your name? I have seen you before
What's your name? May I walk you to your door?
It's so hard to find a personality with charms like yours for me
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ee

What's your name? Is it Mary or Sue?
What's your name? Do I stand a chance with you?
It's so hard to find a personality with charms like yours for me
Ooh-ee, ooh-ee, ooh-ee

I stood on this corner waiting for you to come along
So my heart could feel satisf-i-ied
So please let me be your Number One
Under the moon, under the stars, and under the sun

Oh-oh, what's your name? (what's your name?) Is it Mary or Sue?
What's your name? Do I stand a chance with you?
It's so hard to find a personality with charms like yours for me
Ooh-ee, ooh-ee, ooh-ee

What's your name?
What's your name?


Скопіюйте ту частину пісні, яка "застряла" у вас в голові?Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем
1.2.5Who are you? Хто ти?How old are you? Скільки вам/тобі років?

Натисніть на посилання і послухайте цифри: 11-20?

Фрази уроку з перекладом:
Who are you? Хто ти?I am Bob. I'm Bob. Я Боб.
How old are you? Скільки вам років?I am 20. I'm 20. Мені 20.

Натисніть на посилання і послухайте цифри: 30-90?

Фрази уроку з перекладом:
Are you 30? Вам 30 років?Yes, I am. Так.No, I am not. No, I'm not. Ні.

Напишіть у коментарі цифри

від 11 до 20 і від 20 до 100,

а також скільки вам років.

WHO ARE YOU (Mark Angel Comedy) (Episode 61)

Hello. Who are you?Where are you calling from?Who do you want to speak with?Hello.Are you my daughter's boyfriend?Are you her boyfriend?Answer me..Hello, hello.
- Hello.Who are you?- This is Frank Odoho from Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.Your friend LLinda is on the hot seat for a question of five million Naira.The next voice you'll hear is her voice.You have just thirty seconds.Your time starts now!- Chinyere, come and take your phone...You have a call.One man is calling you.
- Hello- Hello, Chinyere.It's your boyfriend Denilson.I want you to answer A B C or D.When are you coming to my house?A) - this morningB) - afternoonC) - nightD) - none of the above- I think the correct answer is C,night.- Is that your final answer?- Yes, that's my final answer.- OK. Take care of yourself.My regards to your dad.- OK. Bye. Bye.
- WowChinyere, Chinyere.I hope you answered well.- Yes. Papa.I answered well.- Wait. come come.Come and takein case the person calls again,so that you can answer the call.Chinyere, Chinyere.Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?Your friend will be a millionaire.

Як чоловікові вдалося запросити на побачення дівчину?)
1.2.5Family Tree/ Родинне деревоНатисніть на посилання і послухайте слова: Family tree 1
Фрази уроку з перекладом:

Who is this? Who's this? Хто це?This is me. Це я.I am 12. I'm 12. Мені 12.My name is Sasha. My name's Sasha. Мене звати Саша.

Who is this? Who's this? Хто це?
This is my aunt. Це моя тітка.She is 32. She's 32. Їй 32.What is her name? What's her name? Як її звати?Her name is Nina. Her name's Nina. Її звати Ніна.
Who is this? Who's this? Хто це?
This is my uncle. Це мій дядько.He is 41. He's 41. Йому 41.What is his name? What's his name? Як його звати?His name is Victor. His name's Victor. Його звати Віктор.

Who are these? Who are they? Хто це? Хто вони?
These (they) are my cousins. Thay're my cousins. Це (вони) мої кузени.They are 10 and 11. They're 10 and 11. Їм 10 і 11.What are their names? Як їх звати?Their names are Pavlo and Alina.

Напишіть про своїх родичів
Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесь
онлайн перекладачем
Tell Me about It Song

Hey Dad Do you have a minute for me to say
I’m glad you’re my dad, and especially today

I wanna tell you I’m grateful for all you do
I’m glad you’re my dad, and I love you

I know that you show How much you love me in a thousand ways
I know you help me grow a little more each day 
I wanna tell you I’m grateful for all you do
I’m glad you’re my dad, and I love you 

I wanna tell you I’m grateful for all you do
I’m glad you’re my dad, and I love you
I’m glad you’re my dad, and I love you

Напишіть , яка частина пісні вам запам'яталась

Для пошуку потрібних слів скористайтесь
онлайн перекладачем
1.2.6 Who is who?
Натисніть на посилання і послухайте слова за картинками: Describing People

Дитячі фото
She is short. She's short. Вона низького росту.Who's this? Хто це?This is my uncle's wife. Це дружина мого дядька.Her name's Barbara.
He is tall. He's tall. Він високого росту.Who's this? Хто це?This is my aunt's husband. Це чоловік моєї тьоті.His name's Jim. Його звати Джим.

Напишіть кілька речень про своє сімейне дерево.Для правильного написання імен скористайтесьонлайн словникомміграційної служби України. Hot Notch. Who's this?

Прочитайте розмову:

- Is this your family?- Yes.- Who's this?- My brother.- He's so handsome.How old is he?- He's thrty-four.- Oh.- He's a doctor..- Oh..- That's his wife.- Oh. She's very pretty.Who's this?- That's my mother.- Your mother?But she's so old.- She's not old.She's fifty-eight.- OK. Who's this?Is he a doctor, too?- No, he's an architect.That's my sister's husband.- Who's this?- That's my sister's son.He's a university student.- He's so cute.- He's so young.- Who's this short old woman?What?- That is not a short old woman.That's me.- Oh, sorry.

Як ви думаєте, чому дівчата залишились незадоволені переглядом альбому?
1.2.7 Read and answer/ Прочитайте і дайте відповіді

-H.S. Fritsch. How Old Are You?
Age is a quality of mind.
If you have left your dreams behind,
If hope is cold,
If you no longer look ahead,
If your ambitions' fires are dead-
Then you are old.
But if from life you take the best,
And if in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold;
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthdays fly-
You are not old.

Скільки тобі років ?
Вік визначає голова.
Якщо ти мрії поховав,
Зимуєш без надій,
Якщо не дивишся вперед,
Бажань лан серцем не ореш,
Хіба ти молодий?
Якщо ковтками п'єш красу,
Забув про біль і сум,
Якщо любов горить,
Хоча пливуть у даль роки
(Додаючи у торт свічки),
Тоді ти не старий.

Напишіть, чим переклад відрізняється від оригіналу.)Напишіть, скільки, ви думаєте, вам років,а також відповіді на всі питання
What's your first name?
What's your last name?
What's your email address?
What's your phone number?Are you 20?How old are you?This is your mother.What is her name?How old is she?This is your father.What is his name?How old is he? It's Time to Sing. Family Song

Family Song by Tom Chapin

Before the days of Jello

Lived a prehistoric fellow,

Who loved a maid and courted her

Beneath the banyan tree.

And they had lots of children.

And their children all had children.

And they kept on having children

Until one of them had me!


We're a family and we're a tree.

Our roots go deep down in history

From my great-great-granddaddy reaching up to me,

We're a green and growing family tree.

My grandpa came from Russia;

My grandma came from Prussia;

They met in Nova Scotia,

Had my dad in Tennessee.

Then they moved to Yokohama

Where Daddy met my Mama.

Her dad's from Alabama and her mom's part Cherokee.


Well one fine day I may go

To Tierra Del Fuego.

Perhaps I'll meet my wife there

And we'll move to Timbuktu.

And our kid will be bilingual,

And though she may stay single,

She could, of course, commingle with the

King of Kathmandu.


The folks in Madagascar

Aren't the same as in Alaska;

They got different foods, different moods

And different colored skin.

You may have a different name,

But underneath we're much the same;

You're probably my cousin

And the whole world is our kin.

We're a family and we're a tree.

Our roots go deep down in history

From my great-great-grandmother reaching up to me,

We're a green and growing family tree.

We're a green and growing family.

Скопіюйте цю строфу 
My grandpa came from Russia;

My grandma came from Prussia;

They met in Nova Scotia,

Had my dad in Tennessee.

Then they moved to Yokohama

Where Daddy met my Mama.

Her dad's from Alabama and her mom's part Cherokee.

Як змінилася б строфа, якби вона була про вас?
За потреби скористайтесьонлайн перекладачем


1.2. Let's Speak. Hi! It's Anna

New Words - Нові слова

know - знати, взнати 
v. to have met and talked to (someone)
meet - зустріти, познайомитись 
v. to see and speak to (someone) for the first time. Anna meets Pete near her apartment.
call - подзвонити
v. to make a telephone call. I call once a week to talk to my parents.
friend - друг, подруга
n. a person who you like and enjoy being with. Meet my friend, Anna.
number - номер
n. a number or a set of numbers and other symbols that is used to identify a person or thing or a telephone number. I am in apartment number D7.
remember - пам'ятати
v. to have or keep an image or idea in your mind of (something or someone from the past) or to think of (something or someone from the past) again.Do you remember me?
roommate - співмешканець
n. a person who shares a room, apartment, or house with someone else.Anna and Marsha both live in apartment C2 because they are roommates.
work - робота
n. the place where you do your job. She is not at work today.

Hi! It's Anna!

Jonathan: Hey, Pete! Who’s your friend?Pete: She is Anna. She is new to D.C.Jonathan: Where are you from?Anna: I am from a small town.Jonathan: Well, welcome to D.C.Anna: Thank you.Jonathan: I am Jonathan. I am in apartment B4.Anna: I am in apartment C2. Marsha is my roommate.Jonathan: I know Marsha. She is nice.Pete: I have to go now.Anna: Oh!Pete: Remember to call Marsha at work. Tell her you’re here.Anna: Right, thanks, Pete. Nice to meet you!Jonathan: You too, Bye.Anna: Apartment C2, here I come!

 Натисніть на посилання і виконайте тест: Listening Quiz 2. Hello. I'm Anna

Скопіюйте в коментар ту частину розмови, яку ви запам'ятали


My English Class. Step 1. Week 2. Feedback

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My English Class. Step 1. Week 2

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Bidula_Tania Aug 26, 2017
Спасибо, все понравилось особенно песни на англиском- даже самостоятельно нашла тексты и перевод нескольких любимых песен. На занятии хотела разобрать, с вашей помощью,ошибки первой и второй недели ,а то самостоятельно часто не могу понять что не правильно и как надо было написать.

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