Here is some Ukrainian students' video feedback on the topic.
View more feedback from Ukraine in comments.
Global livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than transport
Some dairy farmers use processing systems to harvest methane from cow manure. The energy is used to power the farm
View more feedback from Ukraine in comments.
Global livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than transport
Some dairy farmers use processing systems to harvest methane from cow manure. The energy is used to power the farm
Should We Eat Less Meat to Fight Climate Change?
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Ukrainian Student Comments
Nataliya_Byzova Mar 10, 2017
The students from the Troyeshchyna Gymnasium will post their comments on these videos here.

Nastia_Dubas Mar 13, 2017
To my mind, eating meat is very useful for our health and dishes from meat are tasty. But if we have such problem with our environment, we should eat less meat to save our future. I agree with opinion that it is possible to take methone and split it into hydrogen for clean energy production. So, as long as we would like to full our stomach only for pleasure, climate wouldn't change.
-Nastia, Kiev
-Nastia, Kiev

Sasha_Grabchak Mar 14, 2017
Nowadays, more and more tons of meat has been eaten by meateaters. But nobody knows that, maybe, this piece of tasty steak on your plate will be a big worldwide problem.
First of all, I think that the main cause is connected with environment because for producing 1 kilo of pork, you need 6000 litres of water, also, more than 27 kilo of greenhouse gas goes in our atmosphere via 1 kilo of meat.
In addition, overweight is the next problem, in America, it's a really huge reason, because meat is a very high-calorie product if it is eaten in enormous amount.
Summing up, l agree, with the opinion, how to fight this future problem, MaxSalaman wrote that " people should try to limit meat eating to once or two times per week", this is a great position.
-Alex Foster, Kiev
First of all, I think that the main cause is connected with environment because for producing 1 kilo of pork, you need 6000 litres of water, also, more than 27 kilo of greenhouse gas goes in our atmosphere via 1 kilo of meat.
In addition, overweight is the next problem, in America, it's a really huge reason, because meat is a very high-calorie product if it is eaten in enormous amount.
Summing up, l agree, with the opinion, how to fight this future problem, MaxSalaman wrote that " people should try to limit meat eating to once or two times per week", this is a great position.
-Alex Foster, Kiev

Yana_Andrushko Mar 17, 2017
It won't be a news : more then half of people love meat. And I think it's a big problem, as this passion causes environmental problems. I think that everyone can help our environment by cutting down amount of meat. For example, it won't be a big problem to eat meat two times a week instead of eating it three or four days per week. But if everyone join this "diet" we will see a real changes. I hope that people will take it seriously and start eating less meat in the near future.
-Yana, Kiev
-Yana, Kiev

Illia_Kazodaiev Mar 17, 2017
In my mind, we should try to consume less meat to reserve the problem with methane in our environment. Tell the truth, wast majority of people used meat in their diet, but we can try to eat meet not so much than we usually do.
I agree with Lindsey and Kitty, that we should try to eat less meat to make sure we are buying organic, cruelty-free meat. In our future we will have a lot of troubles with our environment, so all of us have to try eat less meat.
I agree with Lindsey and Kitty, that we should try to eat less meat to make sure we are buying organic, cruelty-free meat. In our future we will have a lot of troubles with our environment, so all of us have to try eat less meat.

Ira_Matviienko Mar 19, 2017
A lot of people very like meat and they often eat it every day. However, I am not one of them because I can live almost without meat at all. In my opinion, people should eat less meat of cows, we can, for instance, eat pig’s or chicken’s meat. If cows are so dangerous for nature with their methane, maybe pigs don’t harm it so much. Despite that, we should slightly try to cut down on meat from our diets because for cooking any meat we need lots of water and energy, which are so costly on our planet.

Vlada_Shchepets Mar 19, 2017
Hi everybody
Even do not believe that the cows can do so much harm to our world. Many people like meat and I like that and we eat it every day but do not even think about this problem.
But since such a situation, in my opinion people shoud eat less meat. But this does not mean that we should stop eating meat of all animals. In addition to the meat of cows, there is also por, lamb. As for me this problem can be solved so that people simply stopped eating cows' meat
Shchepets Vlada
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine
Even do not believe that the cows can do so much harm to our world. Many people like meat and I like that and we eat it every day but do not even think about this problem.
But since such a situation, in my opinion people shoud eat less meat. But this does not mean that we should stop eating meat of all animals. In addition to the meat of cows, there is also por, lamb. As for me this problem can be solved so that people simply stopped eating cows' meat
Shchepets Vlada
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine

Daria_Bondarenko2 Mar 19, 2017
I really love meat and when I found out about this problem, I was shocked. I would never have thought that cows could do more harm to people than transport. Maybe people should really eat less meat, but I was very interested in the fact that it is possible to recycle methane into energy. In my opinion this can be at least a small solution to the problem.
Daria Bondarenko
Kyiv Ukraine
Daria Bondarenko
Kyiv Ukraine

Karina_Piloyan Mar 19, 2017
Hi there!
I think that we have to eat less veal. After all, the less we eat, the fewer cows will be grown. On the other hand, the humanity cannot completely refuse to breed cows; otherwise we will lose all milk products that are useful and necessary for our organism.
It is also possible to build special areas where cows could live without harming the environment, or to invent a substance able of neutralize the spread of methane.
Karina Piloyan
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine
I think that we have to eat less veal. After all, the less we eat, the fewer cows will be grown. On the other hand, the humanity cannot completely refuse to breed cows; otherwise we will lose all milk products that are useful and necessary for our organism.
It is also possible to build special areas where cows could live without harming the environment, or to invent a substance able of neutralize the spread of methane.
Karina Piloyan
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine

Sergii_Nazarchuk Mar 20, 2017
Hi there.
I think we should not eat less meat. I agree with the video but many people who in works MC'donalds, cows spawners lose their work if we will eat less meat. In addition we should eat another kinds of meat like a chicken meat or a pig meat.
Nazarchuk Sergii
Kyiv Ukraine
I think we should not eat less meat. I agree with the video but many people who in works MC'donalds, cows spawners lose their work if we will eat less meat. In addition we should eat another kinds of meat like a chicken meat or a pig meat.
Nazarchuk Sergii
Kyiv Ukraine

Volodymyr_Yushchenko1 Mar 20, 2017
I think it's a very big problem. Firstly such large amounts of gas can make global warming and flood half of Europe. As a result, we must fight right now. As we can see today we eat not so many steaks as pork or chicken and it's very good
Volodymyr Yushchenko
Kyiv Ukraine
Volodymyr Yushchenko
Kyiv Ukraine

Vlad_Avramchuk Mar 20, 2017
Hi all
This is only my opinion but i think we shouldn't eat less meat. Firstly if we start eat less meat, cow will be more easily spawn because we will not breed them only in factories and they will be able to spawn everywhere. In a few years it will be difficult to control their population. As for myself i like eat chiken meat. I think everyone should choose what to eat.
Kyiv Ukraine
This is only my opinion but i think we shouldn't eat less meat. Firstly if we start eat less meat, cow will be more easily spawn because we will not breed them only in factories and they will be able to spawn everywhere. In a few years it will be difficult to control their population. As for myself i like eat chiken meat. I think everyone should choose what to eat.
Kyiv Ukraine

Kateryna_Lutsai Mar 20, 2017
Hi, everyone
There we all are talking about air pollution, which is made by cows. All the fundamental ideas was written, so I don't see the point of rewriting it.
I guess the cows are not the main reason (not a problem, reason!) of Global warming. It is our star - Sun. In the history of humans always was hot and cold times. It was due to the sun.
On the one hand, scientists observe our star and forecast that in 2030-40 the temperature will go down. If it really will be, we will confirm, that the cows or autos or even aerosols don't cause the global warming.
On the other hand, the propaganda of being eco-friendly to prevent the catastrophe is also great idea. We mustn't pollute our planet. But, maybe, it is needed to be less radical.
Of course, I want to say some words about cows. So, in my opinion, office clerks don't need to eat a beef-steak every day, unlike miners, sport-men or even children. If you are hard-working person and need to be strong or build up your body - it's OK. Eat as much as you need.
This is my view of problem.
P. S. for rus-speaking people -
for eng-speaking people -
Kyiv, Ukraine
There we all are talking about air pollution, which is made by cows. All the fundamental ideas was written, so I don't see the point of rewriting it.
I guess the cows are not the main reason (not a problem, reason!) of Global warming. It is our star - Sun. In the history of humans always was hot and cold times. It was due to the sun.
On the one hand, scientists observe our star and forecast that in 2030-40 the temperature will go down. If it really will be, we will confirm, that the cows or autos or even aerosols don't cause the global warming.
On the other hand, the propaganda of being eco-friendly to prevent the catastrophe is also great idea. We mustn't pollute our planet. But, maybe, it is needed to be less radical.
Of course, I want to say some words about cows. So, in my opinion, office clerks don't need to eat a beef-steak every day, unlike miners, sport-men or even children. If you are hard-working person and need to be strong or build up your body - it's OK. Eat as much as you need.
This is my view of problem.
P. S. for rus-speaking people -
for eng-speaking people -
Kyiv, Ukraine

Katia_Podsvirova Mar 20, 2017
I think that people should be eating meat .But the fact that it so strongly influences the ecology is also not very good .Unfortunately people haven't figured out how to deal with the methane gas .But man is more important the child can not completely abandon meat. The baby needs proteins, which are in meat to her body's feelings. Yes, of course this has its disadvantages but without this man naked if I could live and mate is good health.

Olexander_Solodkyi Mar 21, 2017
Hi there,
This is my opinion about should or shouldn’t we eat less meat.
I think we shouldn’t eat less meat, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly it is really beneficial for our body. Meats has got albumens, which is necessary for our life. Secondly meat is very tasty. For instance for the person, who has been eating meat for all life, is very difficult to do the vegan diet. Besides that 100g meat has as much valuable energy as few kilos beans. What’s more, if we don’t eat meat, the cholesterol level in our blood will run down.
The way I see it, the humans have to search for new territory for farms such as another planet.
Olexandr Solodkyi
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine
This is my opinion about should or shouldn’t we eat less meat.
I think we shouldn’t eat less meat, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly it is really beneficial for our body. Meats has got albumens, which is necessary for our life. Secondly meat is very tasty. For instance for the person, who has been eating meat for all life, is very difficult to do the vegan diet. Besides that 100g meat has as much valuable energy as few kilos beans. What’s more, if we don’t eat meat, the cholesterol level in our blood will run down.
The way I see it, the humans have to search for new territory for farms such as another planet.
Olexandr Solodkyi
9 Grade
Kyiv Ukraine

Daryna_Boichuk Mar 21, 2017
I think that people have to eat meat because it is useful for an organism and not only, but not in such quantities as now. of course completely we can't refuse meat, but if we try to use it less it will become worse to us not. Still it is possible to remember also that cows milk: without milk we won't be able to cook some food. The way i see it, if we eat less meat and to use milk, then there will be less cows, but cows will never die out because without them our life won't be such comfortable.

Alina_Lavrynenko Mar 23, 2017
It is really sad our planet changes so much because of human activity. But there is one thing we all need to understand - our everyday choices influence the whole world. We can not stop deforestation or air pollution at once but we can reduse our consumption of meat so that help the environment. I do not suggest to become strict vegetarians because some vitamins we can get only from meat. However, I believe we are able to cut down eating meat to one or two times a week. Or at least we can switch from beef to chicken, which is less hurmful to the atmotphere and soil. So, let is think about the nature when we decide what eat for dinner.
Kyiv, Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine

Colorado Student Comments
bmeyers5 Mar 2, 2017
The students from the Dawson school will post their comments on these videos here.

LuccaF Mar 8, 2017
We think that poeple should try to to balance their diets by eating less meat but they do not need to cut meat out entirely. We think that this is a very big issue and it needs to be addressed soon. How do you stop animals from producing methane? Is there a way to stop farmers from expanding their farming lands?
Lucca and Alex/ Colorado
Lucca and Alex/ Colorado

bblochisgnarly128 Mar 8, 2017
I think that we should eat less meat but not get rid of it

g.r Mar 8, 2017
I think that if everyone cut down their daily consumption of meat by just a little bit, that could heavily benefit climate change concerns.
I think this is kind of serious, but I've never really heard about it before. I hear about cars emitting pollution a lot more.
I'm wondering of this article is still accurate, as it was written two years ago
- georgia, Colorado
I think this is kind of serious, but I've never really heard about it before. I hear about cars emitting pollution a lot more.
I'm wondering of this article is still accurate, as it was written two years ago
- georgia, Colorado

Lindsy.b789 Mar 8, 2017
I believe that we should try to consume less meat to help fix the problem of livestock producing methane. This doesn't mean we can't have meat at all, because meat is important for a healthy diet, but we should try to eat less than we usually do and make sure we are buying organic, cruelty-free meat. This problem seems very important because livestock produces a lot of methane, which is dangerous for a healthy environment. I wonder, if these statistics are accurate... Is it true that 50% of the methane that is produced is from livestock alone?
Lindsey and Kitty, Colorado
Lindsey and Kitty, Colorado

mpercival Mar 8, 2017
I think that if everyone cuts down even a little bit on meat consumption, it would still make a big impact. It seems pretty serious if we're making hundreds of species go extinct. This is really important because with the world population growth, there's going to be even more meat in demand. A couple questions I have: would the world improve or just stay the same if we made the changes needed? What are scientists currently doing to stop climate change?

mtimms2 Mar 8, 2017
What should be done?
We all should be more mindful about how much meat and dairy we consume. Although we don't need to cut down on meta completely we should always keep in mind that we may be hurting earth/the enviorment when consuming or using products that contain meat or dairy.
How serious do you think this is?
I think that depending on how accurate the statistics are this could be a potential problem in the future.
Questions: What other animals produce methane other than cows?
Maddy and Aya/Colorado
We all should be more mindful about how much meat and dairy we consume. Although we don't need to cut down on meta completely we should always keep in mind that we may be hurting earth/the enviorment when consuming or using products that contain meat or dairy.
How serious do you think this is?
I think that depending on how accurate the statistics are this could be a potential problem in the future.
Questions: What other animals produce methane other than cows?
Maddy and Aya/Colorado

Michelle897256 Mar 8, 2017
We think that people should eat less meat and try to expand their diets. People could start by eating like a vegetarian and then slowly reduce dairy from their diets.
-Michelle and Sophia/Colorado
We think that people should eat less meat and try to expand their diets. People could start by eating like a vegetarian and then slowly reduce dairy from their diets.
-Michelle and Sophia/Colorado

amarsk14 Mar 8, 2017
I think that people really do need to try and not eat as much meat. Since this asking a lot, I think it would be ok if some meat was still consumed, but still cut down a little. I think this problem is pretty serious and getting more serious as we eat more meat. I have a question about approximately how much meat would need to be cut down in order to have a healthy amount.

MaxSalaman Mar 8, 2017
I think people should try to limit meat eating to once or two times per week. I think it is a big issue since most people eat a substantial amount of meat. Is it possible to take methane and split it into hydrogen for clean energy production and have carbon as the only waste?

eshehan Mar 8, 2017
I believe that there is not much we can do about the belched methane, but I think that all farms should harvest the methane from the cow manure. This is helpful in many ways. It saves energy and reduces harmful emissions from the air. I also think that everyone should cut down on their meat consumption a little. It would save so many resources and energy.

Aelalouch Mar 8, 2017
I think this issue is very serious, with the cows being fed with perennial ryegrass, they emit more methane which is going to end up really hurting our planet. I think, to fix this problem, Americans should be more conscious of what they eat and how it effects the earth. I realize that meat and dairy can be hard things to give up, but if we all just try eating less and less everyday, I think it would really make an impact. I was also wondering, why didn't we know this information a long time ago? Climate change has been around for a while and its weird that we're only finding out about this now.

Mstott13 Mar 8, 2017
I think that if people cut down on their meat consumption, and if the livestock were kept in a better place and treated better, that would make a difference. I definitely think this is pretty serious because it is causing climate change which is not a good thing. A question I have is how the process of livestock producing this methane works, because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

FaithFire Mar 8, 2017
What we should do is probably get rid of most our meat farms where cows are crowded and replace that with more plant products, this is a pretty serious problem because the conditions the animals are being put in may tansfer to the meat and make it less healthy and clean. My question is Why don't we use some rural counties to produce the cows, because then they can eat some and the U.S can instead grow the plants?

amoeller_Dawson Mar 8, 2017
Humans should try to eat less meat in every meal. Also, there should be less artificial fertilizers in the grass they eat. I think this is very serious, but not enough to make humans cut out meat completely from their diet. If we were to stop eating meat completely would eating dairy still cause the high amount in pollution?
- Annabel/Colorado
- Annabel/Colorado

Ehumphrey3 Mar 8, 2017
More humans should try to go vegetarian and vegan and eat less meat. It is very serious because it is a leading factor to climate change. How much longer will the world be able to put up with this if we continue to eat meat and create methane?
-Ellie and Zaco, Colorado
-Ellie and Zaco, Colorado

Elimerritt1 Mar 8, 2017
People don't necessarily have to become vegan but they can at least cut down on how much meat they eat. It is a pretty big situation but we have enough time to come up with a better solution.
If every citizen in the United States cut their meat consumption in half, how much oils the environment benefit?
How much methane does a family of four cause each year because of meat consumption?
If every citizen in the United States cut their meat consumption in half, how much oils the environment benefit?
How much methane does a family of four cause each year because of meat consumption?

pierreb9999 Mar 8, 2017
I don't think that everybody needs to stop consuming meat completely, but that people should try to balance their diets more. Most of the people I know, including me, prefer eating animal based products than naturally occuring foods, like fruit and vegetables. If people like us try to prioritize fruit and vegetables, all of these environmentally unfriendly things can be reduced, even by just a little.

richard815 Mar 8, 2017
I think we should colonize Mars, because I don't think people are going to stop eating meat. We should just go to Mars add greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere to heat it up. Start life and were good.

JJthecool Mar 8, 2017
I think everybody should try to eat a lot less meat, especially in country's like China and the U.S. I think this is a very serious problem because every year things are just going to get worse. Question, why do people not want to cut meat out of there diet?

labramson4 Mar 8, 2017
I think that people should try to consume less dairy and meat. This doesn't mean that we can't have meat at all though, meats are actually very good for people. This is pretty serious because if we have too many greenhouse gases it can become very bad. My question is, has this been going on for a long time or did people just find out about it?

msutton13 Mar 8, 2017
I believe that the human race needs to cut back on meats and dairys, but I also think that there needs to be less supply of meats, meaning that people should stop cutting down forests and reproducing livestock. Otherwise, I think we're going to have serious problems, more than we do now. I was wondering if everyone had one day a week where they didn't eat meat or dairy if that would be a big enough change to make a difference, or at least start one.
Maya, Colorado
Maya, Colorado

Wsoderberg Mar 8, 2017
I think that this is a really important issue, with the cows being exposed all these cheap and easy to get to plants, like perennial ryegrass, the methane levels in the air will skyrocket. Solving this problem would take a lot of awareness and people thinking more about what they eat. I'm not saying everybody should become vegans or something but I do think it could make a huge difference if people cut down on it a little. I also think that it would really help if more farmers harvested the methane from manure so we could at least use some of the waste.

anya28 Mar 8, 2017
We think that we should be using the methane from cattle as energy to power farms. To reduce the amount of methane being released into the air, we could house cattle inside some of the time and trap harmful gases before they can escape into the atmosphere. We think this is a very serious issue because it is not only affecting the atmosphere in cold climates, but it's killing off species every day. Are there any other ways to reduce climate change without going vegetarian/vegan?
Anya & Ollie/Colorado
Anya & Ollie/Colorado

OYSpencer Mar 8, 2017
I think that if everyone ate just a little less meat and dairy it would at least slow down the amount of methane until we could find a different solution. I think that this is unrecognized by a lot of people and is only beginning to become recognized because we have waited to long to deal with it. I am curious if the numbers have changed from when the article was written to now. Also, how many people would have to cut down on meat in order to make a large enough change?

jlefkoff Mar 8, 2017
I think the best way to lower the amount of methane in our atmosphere is to improve our feeding and animal management techniques. I think this is serious at the moment, but if it continues, it will change our environment permanently.

Emckean Mar 8, 2017
Our meat consumption is causing climate change, which can impact our environment drastically. However, meat and dairy can be important for your health, but if more people cut down on their meat consumption it will make a big impact towards our environment.
-Elizabeth, Colorado
Our meat consumption is causing climate change, which can impact our environment drastically. However, meat and dairy can be important for your health, but if more people cut down on their meat consumption it will make a big impact towards our environment.
-Elizabeth, Colorado

Mchorn Mar 8, 2017
We could eat less meat and try to equalize the amount of meat eaten to the amount of vegetables eaten. Although it would be ideal for us to eliminate all the farms, it is a bad idea because then we would have no cows and lose a proficient amount of methane.
This is a serious topic, but not enough that we should stop eating meat. I think people should cut down the consumption of meat and try to eat more equally.
Hoe many people would have to cut down their consumption of meat to make a difference in the inviorment? Also, If we stopped taking care of the cows for food, what would we do with the animals and where would they live?
This is a serious topic, but not enough that we should stop eating meat. I think people should cut down the consumption of meat and try to eat more equally.
Hoe many people would have to cut down their consumption of meat to make a difference in the inviorment? Also, If we stopped taking care of the cows for food, what would we do with the animals and where would they live?

Mchorn Mar 8, 2017
We could eat less meat and try to equalize the amount of meat eaten to the amount of vegetables eaten. Although it would be ideal for us to eliminate all the farms, it is a bad idea because then we would have no cows and lose a proficient amount of methane.
This is a serious topic, but not enough that we should stop eating meat. I think people should cut down the consumption of meat and try to eat more equally.
How many people would have to cut down their consumption of meat to make a difference in the inviorment? Also, If we stopped taking care of the cows for food, what would we do with the animals and where would they live?
Marlena / Colorado
This is a serious topic, but not enough that we should stop eating meat. I think people should cut down the consumption of meat and try to eat more equally.
How many people would have to cut down their consumption of meat to make a difference in the inviorment? Also, If we stopped taking care of the cows for food, what would we do with the animals and where would they live?
Marlena / Colorado

asala26 Mar 8, 2017
I think that people need to be aware of the current issue we are having. If we want to prevent greenhouse gasses from occurring we absolutely have to cut down our meat consumption. I think we need to cut down the amount of meat farms. The less farms we have the less meat we will consume. If our meat supply is smaller it could benefit forests along with our health.

earthmax1 Mar 8, 2017
Eating less meat is a no brainer option to reducing emissions. Not only is it an easy step to take, but it is something that most of the planet can do. To some people, becoming a vegetarian or a vegan could be considered extreme, although becoming someone more like a pescatarian would be a good alternative. Although you would be eating more fish and seafood, overall it would end up being less meat than a person would normally. Because this is a serious problem, and it increases every day with population, it should be addressed immediately. I have one question, and that is how much less water is used when you farm an area compared to when you harvest livestock on it?
- Max/Colorado
- Max/Colorado

sumi11 Mar 15, 2017
I think that this problem is pretty serious because lots of people are consuming meat especially in America, and there are lots of fast food places that have very cheap cheeseburgers and chicken tenders and all that so people are eating even more. Processed food also often has a lot of dairy and many people consume things like cheetos and cheese and stuff. It is bad for our health and it is also bad fir the environment. I think that we should tax the meat and dairy products higher so that less people will buy it and they will consume less. We can also have more grocery stores that sell exclusively vegan food so that people who want to help the environment or health will not be tempted to buy meat. Also, would it be possible to have a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly way to process meat and dairy products? If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods?

Breavey Mar 15, 2017
I like meat a lot it is always really tasty and filling. And I probably eat two meat filled meals a day. However if it does help I believe the the world as a whole could cut down on eating so much meat. This would then hopefully stop the advances of climate change.

sumi11 Mar 15, 2017
Sumi / Colorado

Code1100992288 Mar 15, 2017
Personally I love meat, I eat at least one meal with it every day. This problem we are having with meat is not the fact we are eating it , it's how it's being produced. I we were to filter out all of the meathane from these plants not only would we slow global warming but we would also be able to produce more electricity from burning the methane. Also if we were to farm less cows and more white meat it would be better on the eveniornment and for us.

bart46 Mar 15, 2017
I think that cattle producing methane is a problem that we can fix if everyone plays a small part. If people tried to not eat meat every day and cut back on how much meat they eat, it could make a big impact. I also think that using the methane to create power is a good idea. It creates a lot less pollution and is a good energy source.

bart46 Mar 15, 2017

bart46 Mar 15, 2017

mcrotty2 Mar 15, 2017
The problem that we are facing with meat is very serious. The problem causes lots of problems to humans, oceans, and our atmosphere. I believe that the amount of meat that we eat can be lowered. This would make a huge impact on our world. If we stopped eating so much meat, we wouldn't have dead zones in the ocean, we would have a bigger fish population, and we would stop deforestation. We just have to limit the amount of meat that we eat. I also think that there should be a lot of meat free restaurants so people aren't tempted to buy or eat a lot of meat. The one question I have on this subject is how much food and water do we give to the live stock?

Nico.saltasaurus Mar 15, 2017
Evidently, over-consumption of meat is a serious problem in terms of climate change. I think that it would definitely be worthwhile for people to attempt to implement meat less in their daily diet. Personally, I think that the possibility of specialized GMO crops to feed to cattle is really interesting. Obviously, the later option is more preferable to most people due to the fact that not everybody wants to stop consuming meat.

jns79 Mar 15, 2017
The problem with meat, is that is has been part of our culture for so long. We are used to eating it, and not only would it be hard physically, but it would also be very hard mentally. There is no question about trying to limit emissions from it, the real problem is how should we go about it? Even if we could do a single split with all the nations in the world vowing to make a law against producing it(and that is very unlikely), that would required several years and a massive repurposing of the world industry. There is also the dairy problem, to think about, with fewer cattle animals there would be much less milk. There is no easy way to go about it, so it will be many years, if ever, until something like a meat free world happens.
Nate, Colorado
Nate, Colorado

jns79 Mar 15, 2017
The problem with meat, is that is has been part of our culture for so long. We are used to eating it, and not only would it be hard physically, but it would also be very hard mentally. There is no question about trying to limit emissions from it, the real problem is how should we go about it? Even if we could do a single split with all the nations in the world vowing to make a law against producing it(and that is very unlikely), that would required several years and a massive repurposing of the world industry. There is also the dairy problem, to think about, with fewer cattle animals there would be much less milk. There is no easy way to go about it, so it will be many years, if ever, until something like a meat free world happens.
Nate, Colorado
Nate, Colorado

Breck.Dunbar Mar 15, 2017
The cattle and methane issue is a serious problem, but if everyone could get on board it would be easy to fix. One solution to this problem would be to create regulations to limit the pollution of livestock farms. If we created a certain set of regulations for all places selling cattle, such as using healthier grass to feed the cows, transporting supplies in more eco-friendly vehicles, and limitations on how many cows may inhabit a certain amount of land. This would also make the meat industry slightly more expensive, meaning there would be less people producing meat, and less people eating it. Another very simple solution would to be cutting everyone's meat and dairy intake down by just a little. I am personally vegitarian and I find that it is really not that hard to to without meat, because there are just so many good protien sources that can replace it. For others who find it harder to go without eating meat and dairy products, it might be helpful to try to do a meatless Monday every week, or try to only have meat once a day. One of the things I am curious about is whether by cutting the amounts of meat we eat by just small amounts, if it would directly impact the meat industry. It would probably be even worse if there was an oversupply of meat being produced and people weren't eating it. However, I wonder if over time there would start to be a large difference.

Jwiegand Mar 15, 2017
Meat is a huge supplier of protein. Protein helps to supply the human body with long term energy. I eat a lot of salad, but I also really enjoy having an occasional burger or piece of chicken or steak. Meat is a huge part of the United States's food. If we could all cut down on about half the meat that we eat currently, the world would be in a much better position. But even if we do cut down on the amount of food we eat, we still have roughly one point five billion cattle that still produce methane.
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