Heathrow near London is the busiest international airport in the world.
Every day thousands of travellers arrive from different countries.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Last week in arrivals at Heathrow we talked to travellers from abroad.
"Why are you here?"
"We're on our honeymoon."
"Congratulations! Where are you staying in London?"
"At the Hyde Park Hotel, ust for a few days."
"What are you planning to do?"
"Tomorrow we're doing a tour of London on a double-decker bus, and we're seeing a show.
On Tuesday we're going to Oxford and Cambridge. On Wednesday we're flying to Edinburgh."
"When are you leaving?"
"Friday. We're going to Paris and then Rome."
"Have a good time."
Хітроу поблизу Лондона є найбільш завантаженим міжнародним аеропортом в світі.
Кожен день тисячі мандрівників приїжджають СЮДИ з різних країн.
Кожна людина має історію, щоб сказати/РОЗПОВІСТИ.
Минулого тижня в заїздах в Хітроу ми говорили З мандрівникамИ з-за кордону.
"Чому ти/ВИ тут?"
"Ми на наш/ У НАС медовий місяць."
"Вітаємо! Де ви зупинилися в Лондоні?"
"В Park Hotel Гайд, усть протягом декількох днів."
"Що ви збираєтеся робити?"
"Завтра ми робимо тур Лондона на двоповерховому автобусі, і ми бачимо шоу.
У вівторок ми збираємося Оксфорд і Кембридж. У середу ми літаємо в Едінбург ".
"Коли ви їдете?"
"У п'ятницю. Ми збираємося в Париж, а потім в Римі."
"Бажаю добре провести час."

We make them and break them, because some promises are very hard to keep.
Here are the top three most common broken promises:
"I won't tell anyone."
We love hearing secrets and we happily make this promise.
At the time we really mean it.
Research shows that everybody will always tell one other person the secret.
"I'll pay you back tomorrow."
When we lend people money they always make this promise but then they forget.
If we ask for it back, they think we are mean.
If we don't ask, we never get it back.
"I'll always love you."
We know eternal love exists but is this promise the most difficult one to keep of them all?

A report on life in 20/20 predicts big changes, but not in technology, but also in the way we live.
One in five fathers will will be househusbands, while mothers work.
People will live near others who have the same interests as them.
There will be three generations in the same house, for example, grandparents, parents. and children.
People will live untill their mid-eighties; women will still live longer.
One in five school classes will be on-line via the Internet with a "superteacher".
Workers will have short-term contracts. They will change jobs frequently.
Most people will work a 25-hour week. This will usually mean five hours a day,
although some people may work three eight-hour days and have four days off.
Have you ever been to a Zara store?
You probably have, as today it is one of the fastest-growing chains in the world.
The person behind Zara is Amancio Ortega. He is the richest man in Spain.
When he was young he worked as a shop assistant in a clothes store, but always dreamed of having his own business.
In 1963 he started a small company.
In 1975 he opened his first shop - Zara. Now you can find Zara shops all over the world.
So why is Zara so successful?
Zara reacts quickly to the latest fashions, and produces clothes which are fashionable but inexpensive.
Zara can make a new line of clothes in three weeks; others take nine months.
Zara produces 20,000 new designs a year – and none of them stay in the shops for more than a month.
You probably have, as today it is one of the fastest-growing chains in the world.
The person behind Zara is Amancio Ortega. He is the richest man in Spain.
When he was young he worked as a shop assistant in a clothes store, but always dreamed of having his own business.
In 1963 he started a small company.
In 1975 he opened his first shop - Zara. Now you can find Zara shops all over the world.
So why is Zara so successful?
Zara reacts quickly to the latest fashions, and produces clothes which are fashionable but inexpensive.
Zara can make a new line of clothes in three weeks; others take nine months.
Zara produces 20,000 new designs a year – and none of them stay in the shops for more than a month.
Parents of teenagers told us what drives them mad. Here are some of the top ‘hates’:
He never makes his bed.
He never tidies his room – it’s always a mess.
She leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.
She walks around eating food without a plate, usually just after I’ve cleaned. She then says ‘Sorry’ with an angelic smile.
He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, but he never does the washing up.
She always changes the channel on the TV, usually when I’m watching my favourite programme.
We bought him a dog, because he promised to take it for a walk, every day. Guess who always does it?
She does her homework at the last minute – usually late on Sunday night.
He never makes his bed.
He never tidies his room – it’s always a mess.
She leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.
She walks around eating food without a plate, usually just after I’ve cleaned. She then says ‘Sorry’ with an angelic smile.
He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, but he never does the washing up.
She always changes the channel on the TV, usually when I’m watching my favourite programme.
We bought him a dog, because he promised to take it for a walk, every day. Guess who always does it?
She does her homework at the last minute – usually late on Sunday night.
Has this ever happened to you? You arrive at a party where you don’t know anybody.
Everybody seems to know each other. What can you do?
Here are five simple tips.
Don’t stand in the corner. Find somebody you like and introduce yourself.
Try to ask impersonal questions to start a conversation.
Try not to dominate the conversation. When you are nervous, it’s easy to talk about yourself all the time.
Nobody wants to listen to your life story when they’ve only just met you.
Smile, smile, smile. Use your body-language to give a positive, friendly impression.
If you want to escape from a really boring person, say that you are going to get another drink or that you need
Everybody seems to know each other. What can you do?
Here are five simple tips.
Don’t stand in the corner. Find somebody you like and introduce yourself.
Try to ask impersonal questions to start a conversation.
Try not to dominate the conversation. When you are nervous, it’s easy to talk about yourself all the time.
Nobody wants to listen to your life story when they’ve only just met you.
Smile, smile, smile. Use your body-language to give a positive, friendly impression.
If you want to escape from a really boring person, say that you are going to get another drink or that you need
to go to the bathroom. Don’t come back!
What makes you feel good?
Eating outside. I love sitting at street cafés or in the garden, even when the weather’s not perfect – which it often isn’t.
Being with people I like.
Sitting on a plane when it takes off – you can’t control the next 2–3 hours so you can relax.
Waking up on a sunny morning during my holidays when I have a day to do the things I like.
Getting out of the city.Being in the middle of nature makes me feel alive.
Watching rainstorm from a warm room knowing I don’t need to go out.
Talking to intelligent people: good conversation is a great pleasure.
Having time for myself.
Reading in English – I’m Hungarian, and I enjoy reading without a dictionary.
Eating outside. I love sitting at street cafés or in the garden, even when the weather’s not perfect – which it often isn’t.
Being with people I like.
Sitting on a plane when it takes off – you can’t control the next 2–3 hours so you can relax.
Waking up on a sunny morning during my holidays when I have a day to do the things I like.
Getting out of the city.Being in the middle of nature makes me feel alive.
Watching rainstorm from a warm room knowing I don’t need to go out.
Talking to intelligent people: good conversation is a great pleasure.
Having time for myself.
Reading in English – I’m Hungarian, and I enjoy reading without a dictionary.
I work for a magazine, which was doing an article about British language learners.
As an experiment, they asked me to learn a completely new language for one month.
Then I had to go to the country to see if I could ‘survive’ in different situations.
I decided to learn Polish.
I did a one-month intensive course at a language school. I thought I was good at languages before I started learning Polish, but now I’m not so sure. I found it incredibly difficult. The grammar was really complicated and the words were not like any other language I know so it was very hard to remember them.
My course finished yesterday and I’m going to Poland for the weekend.
As an experiment, they asked me to learn a completely new language for one month.
Then I had to go to the country to see if I could ‘survive’ in different situations.
I decided to learn Polish.
I did a one-month intensive course at a language school. I thought I was good at languages before I started learning Polish, but now I’m not so sure. I found it incredibly difficult. The grammar was really complicated and the words were not like any other language I know so it was very hard to remember them.
My course finished yesterday and I’m going to Poland for the weekend.
When you have to choose between two possibilities:
Take your time.
Make a list of the positive and negative points for both options. Then decide which points are most important..
If you ask other people, don’t ask more than one or two. If you ask a lot of people, this will confuse you.
Imagine yourself in both situations. How do you feel? Relaxed or stressed?
When you’ve made a decision, wait before you tell other people. If you feel comfortable with your decision after an hour, you have probably made the right decision.
Remember you can’t have everything. Choosing one of two possibilities means that you can’t have the one you didn’t choose. It’s impossible to always make the right decision!
Take your time.
Make a list of the positive and negative points for both options. Then decide which points are most important..
If you ask other people, don’t ask more than one or two. If you ask a lot of people, this will confuse you.
Imagine yourself in both situations. How do you feel? Relaxed or stressed?
When you’ve made a decision, wait before you tell other people. If you feel comfortable with your decision after an hour, you have probably made the right decision.
Remember you can’t have everything. Choosing one of two possibilities means that you can’t have the one you didn’t choose. It’s impossible to always make the right decision!
Dear Barbara,
I think it depends if your friend is good company or not. If he is then I think you should pay for him.
If not, don’t tell him where you’re going when you go out.
Hi Barbara,
You definitely shouldn’t pay for him. When the waiter brings the bill, pretend that nobody has money to pay for him.
Then he’ll have to make an excuse to the waiter and maybe he’ll learn that he has to pay for himself.
I think it depends if your friend is good company or not. If he is then I think you should pay for him.
If not, don’t tell him where you’re going when you go out.
Hi Barbara,
You definitely shouldn’t pay for him. When the waiter brings the bill, pretend that nobody has money to pay for him.
Then he’ll have to make an excuse to the waiter and maybe he’ll learn that he has to pay for himself.
Hi Kevin,
I think you should talk to your girlfriend not your friend. She might like the way your friend treats her.
Perhaps that’s why he does it. Why don’t you tell her to ask him to stop?
Hi Kevin,
You shouldn’t be so sensitive. It’s not really a problem, it just shows your friend thinks you have good taste.
And don’t argue with your friend. Women aren’t worth it.
I think you should talk to your girlfriend not your friend. She might like the way your friend treats her.
Perhaps that’s why he does it. Why don’t you tell her to ask him to stop?
Hi Kevin,
You shouldn’t be so sensitive. It’s not really a problem, it just shows your friend thinks you have good taste.
And don’t argue with your friend. Women aren’t worth it.
If your girlfriend was allergic to the dog you’ve had for ten years, would you give your dog away?
No, I’d tell my girlfriend that my dog and I had been together for a long time but that she might not be here next week.
If your daughter’s hamster died, would you buy an identical one or tell her the truth?
I’d buy another one. It happened to me once when the children’s goldfish died.
I bought another one but they saw that it was different.
If a celebrity was having an affair with your neighbour, would you sell the story to a newspaper?
It would be an interesting story – my neighbour is 92-year-old! No, I wouldn’t. I’d just tell my partner.
No, I’d tell my girlfriend that my dog and I had been together for a long time but that she might not be here next week.
If your daughter’s hamster died, would you buy an identical one or tell her the truth?
I’d buy another one. It happened to me once when the children’s goldfish died.
I bought another one but they saw that it was different.
If a celebrity was having an affair with your neighbour, would you sell the story to a newspaper?
It would be an interesting story – my neighbour is 92-year-old! No, I wouldn’t. I’d just tell my partner.
Famous people also have phobias and sometimes they seriously affect their lives.
Winona Ryder, American actress
Winona Ryder has been afraid of water since 1983 when she fell into a lake and nearly died. Someone pulled her out, and after a few minutes she came back to life again. It can be a real problem when she’s making a film.
Rupert Grint, British actor
Rupert Grint has been afraid of spiders since he was a child. In this respect he is like the character he played in the Harry Potter films, Ron Weasley, who is also frightened of them. Rupert had a very hard time in the second Harry Potter film where he and Harry had to fight a giant one with very hairy legs!
Winona Ryder, American actress
Winona Ryder has been afraid of water since 1983 when she fell into a lake and nearly died. Someone pulled her out, and after a few minutes she came back to life again. It can be a real problem when she’s making a film.
Rupert Grint, British actor
Rupert Grint has been afraid of spiders since he was a child. In this respect he is like the character he played in the Harry Potter films, Ron Weasley, who is also frightened of them. Rupert had a very hard time in the second Harry Potter film where he and Harry had to fight a giant one with very hairy legs!
Mick Jagger went back to his old school recently – for the first time since he left. He was invited to open ‘Mick Jagger Performing Arts centre’, a new music and drama department.
Jagger said that he was ‘honoured’. But in a newspaper interview two days before he told a journalist that in fact he hated school and he used to be a rebel.
He didn’t use to do the homework, was at war with the teachers and used to break rules.
Although he made a good start at school, Jagger said his school work deteriorated because of ‘music and girls’.
However, one of his old school friends Dick Taylo says that Mick was quite bright and used to work hard. He also used to do a lot of sport.
When Mick Jagger left school, he had good qualifications – perhaps Dick’s memory is better than Mick’s…
Jagger said that he was ‘honoured’. But in a newspaper interview two days before he told a journalist that in fact he hated school and he used to be a rebel.
He didn’t use to do the homework, was at war with the teachers and used to break rules.
Although he made a good start at school, Jagger said his school work deteriorated because of ‘music and girls’.
However, one of his old school friends Dick Taylo says that Mick was quite bright and used to work hard. He also used to do a lot of sport.
When Mick Jagger left school, he had good qualifications – perhaps Dick’s memory is better than Mick’s…
Text-messaging was invented by the Finnish company Nokia. They wanted to help Finnish teenagers, who were very shy. They found it easier to text than to phone.
Light bulbs are designed specially to last only a certain number of hours. It would be possible to make light bulbs that lasted forever, but then the manufacturers wouldn’t make so much money.
The first Harry Potter book was written in a café in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed, and she didn’t have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the café where it was warmer.
Although penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming, he didn't know how to make it into a medicine. It was first made into a medicine ten years later, by an Australian scientist Howard Florey.
Spiders were used as a cure for toothache in the 17th century. They were first made into a paste, and then put on the bad tooth.
Light bulbs are designed specially to last only a certain number of hours. It would be possible to make light bulbs that lasted forever, but then the manufacturers wouldn’t make so much money.
The first Harry Potter book was written in a café in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed, and she didn’t have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the café where it was warmer.
Although penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming, he didn't know how to make it into a medicine. It was first made into a medicine ten years later, by an Australian scientist Howard Florey.
Spiders were used as a cure for toothache in the 17th century. They were first made into a paste, and then put on the bad tooth.
Sherlock Holmes, the great detective was created by writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes was based on a real person – Doyle’s teacher at medical school, who was famous for saying to his students, ‘What can you tell me by just observing the patient?'
The first bikini was designed by two Frenchmen. It was named after Bikini Atoll, the island where the atomic bomb was first tested. The Frenchmen thought that the bikini would have a similar effect on men as a bomb exploding.
The first Harry Potter book was written in a café in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed, and she didn’t have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the café where it was warmer.
The first bikini was designed by two Frenchmen. It was named after Bikini Atoll, the island where the atomic bomb was first tested. The Frenchmen thought that the bikini would have a similar effect on men as a bomb exploding.
The first Harry Potter book was written in a café in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed, and she didn’t have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the café where it was warmer.
Most people say that Saturdays or Sundays are their favourite days of the week – but not everybody.
For some people weekends are not much fun...
Marco, from Brazil is a waiter
‘I hate the weekend. The weekend is when I’m busiest. I don't do anything except work. On Friday and Saturday nights we’re usually full.
We’re supposed to close at 1.00, but people often don’t leave until 1.30 or even later.
Luckily we close after lunch on Sunday, but when I get home, usually at about 5.30, I’m so tired that I don’t want to see anybody or do anything except lie on the sofa and watch TV. The best day of the week for me is Wednesday – that’s my day off.
For some people weekends are not much fun...
Marco, from Brazil is a waiter
‘I hate the weekend. The weekend is when I’m busiest. I don't do anything except work. On Friday and Saturday nights we’re usually full.
We’re supposed to close at 1.00, but people often don’t leave until 1.30 or even later.
Luckily we close after lunch on Sunday, but when I get home, usually at about 5.30, I’m so tired that I don’t want to see anybody or do anything except lie on the sofa and watch TV. The best day of the week for me is Wednesday – that’s my day off.
How old are you? How old is your body? The answer to these two questions isn’t always the same.
We can calculate our body age by answering questions about the way we live. If our body age is older, we should change our lifestyle.
Tariq, record producer, calendar age 32.
I don’t do enough exercise.
I eat a lot of meat, fresh food and fruit.
I don’t drink beer or enough water, but lots of coffee.
I often feel irritable and pessimistic.
I’m not a regular smoker. I wear sunscreen when I go to the beach.
Doctor’s verdict
Tariq should do more exercise to control stress. His diet is healthy but he should drink more water and less coffee. He must give up smoking, wear sunscreen all year, and be positive.
We can calculate our body age by answering questions about the way we live. If our body age is older, we should change our lifestyle.
Tariq, record producer, calendar age 32.
I don’t do enough exercise.
I eat a lot of meat, fresh food and fruit.
I don’t drink beer or enough water, but lots of coffee.
I often feel irritable and pessimistic.
I’m not a regular smoker. I wear sunscreen when I go to the beach.
Doctor’s verdict
Tariq should do more exercise to control stress. His diet is healthy but he should drink more water and less coffee. He must give up smoking, wear sunscreen all year, and be positive.
Are you somebody who can’t wake up in the morning?
Scientists say it’s all because of our genes.
Researchers interviewed 500 people about their lifestyle and then compared their answers to the people’s DNA.
They discovered that we all have a ‘clock’ gene which can be long or short. People with the long gene are very good in the morning, but get tired early at night. People with the short gene are the opposite.
How does this help? Scientists say we should change our working hours to fit our ‘body clock’. A ‘morning person’ could start work early and finish early. But if you are bad in the mornings, it might be better to start in the afternoon and work until late at night.
Scientists say it’s all because of our genes.
Researchers interviewed 500 people about their lifestyle and then compared their answers to the people’s DNA.
They discovered that we all have a ‘clock’ gene which can be long or short. People with the long gene are very good in the morning, but get tired early at night. People with the short gene are the opposite.
How does this help? Scientists say we should change our working hours to fit our ‘body clock’. A ‘morning person’ could start work early and finish early. But if you are bad in the mornings, it might be better to start in the afternoon and work until late at night.
Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were reunited after forty years by Dr Bouchard, who was investigating how much personality depends on genes.
He had expected them to look identical and to have similar medical histories. But he and his team were very surprised to find the enormous similarities in the two Jims’ personalities, their lifestyle, their hobbies, their religion, even their political beliefs.
Some similarities are incredible: Jim Springer’s son is called James Allen, and Jim Lewis’s is called James Alan. They both have dogs named Toy. They like and hate the same sports and they voted for the same. Both Jims have the habit of leaving little love letters for their wives around the house.
Dr Bouchard is convinced that genes are more important in determining our personality and preferences than people thought before.
He had expected them to look identical and to have similar medical histories. But he and his team were very surprised to find the enormous similarities in the two Jims’ personalities, their lifestyle, their hobbies, their religion, even their political beliefs.
Some similarities are incredible: Jim Springer’s son is called James Allen, and Jim Lewis’s is called James Alan. They both have dogs named Toy. They like and hate the same sports and they voted for the same. Both Jims have the habit of leaving little love letters for their wives around the house.
Dr Bouchard is convinced that genes are more important in determining our personality and preferences than people thought before.
When I introduced Sue and Tim at my party they were sure they had met before. They finally discovered that they had been on the same holiday the year before.
Last week my neighbour was on holiday. One night I heard a strange noise in her house. I went to have a look, and I found that somebody had broken into her house. Luckily they had already left when I got there, and they hadn’t stolen much – just the TV.
We nearly had an accident last month. The car in front of us suddenly stopped. Luckily we stopped before we hit it, but unfortunately my sister hit the windscreen and cut her head. We took her to hospital immediately.
Last week my neighbour was on holiday. One night I heard a strange noise in her house. I went to have a look, and I found that somebody had broken into her house. Luckily they had already left when I got there, and they hadn’t stolen much – just the TV.
We nearly had an accident last month. The car in front of us suddenly stopped. Luckily we stopped before we hit it, but unfortunately my sister hit the windscreen and cut her head. We took her to hospital immediately.
I was looking for my mobile yesterday but I couldn’t find it.
I was sure I hadn’t lost it, because I’d seen it twenty minutes before.
Then I realized that I had left it in my trouser pocket, and I had put my trousers in the washing machine.
The other day I realized that people were looking at me very strangely.
I couldn’t think why. Then I suddenly realized that I’d accidentally gone out with my slippers on!
I immediately went home and put my shoes on instead.
I was sure I hadn’t lost it, because I’d seen it twenty minutes before.
Then I realized that I had left it in my trouser pocket, and I had put my trousers in the washing machine.
The other day I realized that people were looking at me very strangely.
I couldn’t think why. Then I suddenly realized that I’d accidentally gone out with my slippers on!
I immediately went home and put my shoes on instead.
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