Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask fo more information about your Adventure Weekend. I am especcially interested in spending weekend holiday with my friends.
I have looked at youR advertisement and there is/ARE no some details that interested me. You propose AN adventure weekend , but do we have to have the experiance& COULD YOU SEND ME THE INFORMATION Also whether you include caoeing IS INCLUDED in your activities. I would like to know if your THE prices include food. We should bring approptiate clothes, but what is more& Only clothes or something else&
I would be greteful if you could send me a brochure with more details and you can send me information to
Looking forward to hearing FROM you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
I am writing to ask fo more information about your Adventure Weekend. I am especcially interested in spending weekend holiday with my friends.
I have looked at youR advertisement and there is/ARE no some details that interested me. You propose AN adventure weekend , but do we have to have the experiance& COULD YOU SEND ME THE INFORMATION Also whether you include caoeing IS INCLUDED in your activities. I would like to know if your THE prices include food. We should bring approptiate clothes, but what is more& Only clothes or something else&
I would be greteful if you could send me a brochure with more details and you can send me information to
Looking forward to hearing FROM you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask FOR more information about your advertisement, because I and my friend seek FOR A summer job abroad.
You say that an applicant has to speak English well, but what about FCE level and I WONDER if it is necessary? Could you sa/End more information about jobs in hotels and resto/Aurants, wheather they include waitn/Ress. I would like to know if you cover not ONLY travel expenses but also food expenses. Also could you informe me about where you provided accomodation.
I would be gretuful if you send/T me information to
I Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
I am writing to ask FOR more information about your advertisement, because I and my friend seek FOR A summer job abroad.
You say that an applicant has to speak English well, but what about FCE level and I WONDER if it is necessary? Could you sa/End more information about jobs in hotels and resto/Aurants, wheather they include waitn/Ress. I would like to know if you cover not ONLY travel expenses but also food expenses. Also could you informe me about where you provided accomodation.
I would be gretuful if you send/T me information to
I Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
Dear editor,
I Am writing in connection with your article about Milton Club Sports Weekend. Unfortunately you have written wrong facts so I ask you to publish another article.
First you write that the club didn't/DID NOT come up to our expectations but it isn't true. You say that the team didn't HAVE enough preparation. h/However , participants were training for 3 days a week. Also I have to notice that two players didn't take part in a match because they were sick. Moreover unexplained delay was rain.
So I hope you will change your article and publish another one.
I look forward to hearing from you.
YourS faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
I Am writing in connection with your article about Milton Club Sports Weekend. Unfortunately you have written wrong facts so I ask you to publish another article.
First you write that the club didn't/DID NOT come up to our expectations but it isn't true. You say that the team didn't HAVE enough preparation. h/However , participants were training for 3 days a week. Also I have to notice that two players didn't take part in a match because they were sick. Moreover unexplained delay was rain.
So I hope you will change your article and publish another one.
I look forward to hearing from you.
YourS faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in connection with your advertisement about an English courses in an English-speaking country and I would like to know more information about it.
First, COULD YOU TELL ME what a level of English we must have& Would you/PLEASE send us/ME information about the country we/I would/COULD study and live& You say/MENTION about one-month or two-month courses, but I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW when are/THE classes ARE& We/I prefer living/STAYING in Student Hostels rather then/THAN with families, so how many/MUCH does it cost& By the way/I WONDER what arrangements do you do FOR VISITORS&
I would be gre/Ateful if you could send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully.
Tonia Smith.
I am writing in connection with your advertisement about an English courses in an English-speaking country and I would like to know more information about it.
First, COULD YOU TELL ME what a level of English we must have& Would you/PLEASE send us/ME information about the country we/I would/COULD study and live& You say/MENTION about one-month or two-month courses, but I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW when are/THE classes ARE& We/I prefer living/STAYING in Student Hostels rather then/THAN with families, so how many/MUCH does it cost& By the way/I WONDER what arrangements do you do FOR VISITORS&
I would be gre/Ateful if you could send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully.
Tonia Smith.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing you in connection with your advertisement about Willows Camping Site. Now I and my friend are looking for a good place for our holiday, so I think that your advertisement suits for us the best, but I want to know some details.
FirstLY, you HAVE informED us about the location of the camp, but could you send us WALKING directions? walking& It could be a map with THE way. Secondly, how often DO buses and trains go& Please, send us the schedule of transports as well. Also how much cost/DOES hiring of tents and caravans COST.
I would be grateful if you cloud send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
I'm writing you in connection with your advertisement about Willows Camping Site. Now I and my friend are looking for a good place for our holiday, so I think that your advertisement suits for us the best, but I want to know some details.
FirstLY, you HAVE informED us about the location of the camp, but could you send us WALKING directions? walking& It could be a map with THE way. Secondly, how often DO buses and trains go& Please, send us the schedule of transports as well. Also how much cost/DOES hiring of tents and caravans COST.
I would be grateful if you cloud send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tonia Smith.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in connection with your advertisement about an Environmental Improvement Progect in my area and I would like to ask for further information.
Firstly, you propose what volunteers have to do, but can I choose what to do myself& Secondly,I do not want to pick up rubbish, so can I do something else& I would like to know if it is real that volunteers will mend walls& Could you tell me what kind of training you propose for us. And finally what about food expenses, is/ARE it/THEY included in expenses that you pay.
I would be grateful if you could send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nina Smith.
I am writing in connection with your advertisement about an Environmental Improvement Progect in my area and I would like to ask for further information.
Firstly, you propose what volunteers have to do, but can I choose what to do myself& Secondly,I do not want to pick up rubbish, so can I do something else& I would like to know if it is real that volunteers will mend walls& Could you tell me what kind of training you propose for us. And finally what about food expenses, is/ARE it/THEY included in expenses that you pay.
I would be grateful if you could send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nina Smith.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in connection with your leaflet about Leisure Center. I have some questions and I would like to get the answers.
Firstly, will we have guided tours or we will see the local wildlife ourself&/OURSELVES Secondly, you propose to learn about wildlife in your Resource Center, what is this center& Could you tell me if we can take tents, not only live in nearby hotels. Also, I would like to know what sports facilities you propose and for what kind of sports. Finally, is the prise for a day or two days included food&
I would be grateful if you could send me information and details to
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nina Smith.
You have missed your friend’s birthday party.
write an email;
1)apologise for missing the party and explain why you couldn’t go
2) ask your friend how the party was
3) suggest meeting your friend to give him or her their present.
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
I'm sorry that I missed your birthday party LAST WEEK. I couldn't go/MAKE IT due to my school exams. As you know these exams were very important for me.
I believe that you had a perfect BIRTHDAY party yesterday. I'm guessing on your birthday were a lot of food and beverages, weren't it?
I feel uncomfortable since I missed your birthday party, so GUESS WHAT? I want/'D LIKE to meet with you IN A CAFE AND CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY AGAIN. WHAT'S MORE, because I have a nice present, which I bought FOR YOU two weeks ago.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes,
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter, which I received yesterday./, AND
Thank you for your invitation to visit England on/AT Easter.
I'm sorry but I can't do/MAKE it due to my school exams. I'M BUSY PREPARING FOR THEM.
As you know this/THESE exams ARE very important for me. I am going to pass/TAKE three exams: Ukraine Language/ENGLISH, m/Math and b/Biology.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which i receives/D yesterday.
Guess what? I want to invite you to visit Kyiw/V for several days.
We'll BE stayING at my parent's/PARENTS' house. We haveTHERE IS A COSY free room for you.
I think, you can/COULD do it in June after all exams.
I have/KNOW a lot of activities which we can do togeather. We'll visit a lot of museums, go to the cinema and go for/TO a football match.
In my opinion you should bring comfortable casual clothes AND AN UMBRELLA IN CASE IT RAINS. with you.
Drop me a line and let me know WHAT YOU THINK about it.
Best wishes
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
Guess what? My little sister takes my things! For example yesterday she stole my wallet. I think she made/DID it because there areWERE a lot of colorful credit cards.
I need your advice, since I don't know what to do, I NEED YOUR ADVICE because she is much younger. Also l love her and don't want to insult .
What about you? As I know, you have a little brother. Have you had the same problems with him? Maybe you know some secrets.
Drop me a line and let me know about this and other news.
Best wishes,
Dear John
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
I AM really exCited about your new house. It's really cool that you have/THERE'S a big park with sports facilities.
In my opinion, you should go for a walk to find new friends. Also you can offer them to visit your house.
Guess what? I can visit you next month. I think we'll have a nice time.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes
write an email;
1)apologise for missing the party and explain why you couldn’t go
2) ask your friend how the party was
3) suggest meeting your friend to give him or her their present.
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
I'm sorry that I missed your birthday party LAST WEEK. I couldn't go/MAKE IT due to my school exams. As you know these exams were very important for me.
I believe that you had a perfect BIRTHDAY party yesterday. I'm guessing on your birthday were a lot of food and beverages, weren't it?
I feel uncomfortable since I missed your birthday party, so GUESS WHAT? I want/'D LIKE to meet with you IN A CAFE AND CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY AGAIN. WHAT'S MORE, because I have a nice present, which I bought FOR YOU two weeks ago.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes,
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter, which I received yesterday./, AND
Thank you for your invitation to visit England on/AT Easter.
I'm sorry but I can't do/MAKE it due to my school exams. I'M BUSY PREPARING FOR THEM.
As you know this/THESE exams ARE very important for me. I am going to pass/TAKE three exams: Ukraine Language/ENGLISH, m/Math and b/Biology.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which i receives/D yesterday.
Guess what? I want to invite you to visit Kyiw/V for several days.
We'll BE stayING at my parent's/PARENTS' house. We haveTHERE IS A COSY free room for you.
I think, you can/COULD do it in June after all exams.
I have/KNOW a lot of activities which we can do togeather. We'll visit a lot of museums, go to the cinema and go for/TO a football match.
In my opinion you should bring comfortable casual clothes AND AN UMBRELLA IN CASE IT RAINS. with you.
Drop me a line and let me know WHAT YOU THINK about it.
Best wishes
Dear John,
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
Guess what? My little sister takes my things! For example yesterday she stole my wallet. I think she made/DID it because there areWERE a lot of colorful credit cards.
I need your advice, since I don't know what to do, I NEED YOUR ADVICE because she is much younger. Also l love her and don't want to insult .
What about you? As I know, you have a little brother. Have you had the same problems with him? Maybe you know some secrets.
Drop me a line and let me know about this and other news.
Best wishes,
Dear John
Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.
I AM really exCited about your new house. It's really cool that you have/THERE'S a big park with sports facilities.
In my opinion, you should go for a walk to find new friends. Also you can offer them to visit your house.
Guess what? I can visit you next month. I think we'll have a nice time.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think about it.
Best wishes
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