Інгредієнти успіху:
1. Щоденне занурення у мовленнєве середовище:Намагайтесь чути і проговорювати навчальний матеріал максимальну кількість разів: прокинувшись, перед дзеркалом, перед членами родини під час сніданку, ідучи чи їдучи на роботу та з роботи
2. Дозовані порції матеріалу:Якісно опрацьовуйте невелику за розміром порцію матеріалу так, щоб вона крутилась у вас в голові без особливих зусиль.
3. Звітність:Виконуйте вчасно запропоновані завдання, знайдіть когось іх друзів або членів родини і звітуйте перед ними регулярно про виконані завдання та результати навчання. Можете спробувати навчати когось тому матеріалу, над яким самі працюєте.
4.Вивчення не слів, а фраз у контексті пісень, фільмів....Запам'ятовуйте не окремі слова, а фрази, речення, в яких вони зустрічаються. Ведіть словники не слів, а фраз, речень. Підкреслюйте вивчені слова в реченнях.Записуйте слова в малюнках.
5. Англійська на ніч:Не забудьте проговорити все опрацьоване протягом дня перел сном, у сні ваш мозок продовжить працювати
6. Англійська культура:Слухайте пісні, передачі англійською, читайте англійські книги, онлайн матеріали.За цими матеріалами ведіть власні записи, підкреслюючи в них нові слова для запам'ятовування.
7. Розмовляйте з Google translate:Комп'ютер сьогодні розуміє усне мовлення і перекладає з однієї мови на іншу,озвучуючи обидва варіанти.Називайте йому все, що вас цікавить, слухайте відповіді і повторюйте!
8. Використовуйте різні методи навчання:
1. DeNet School. The PPP method

The first stage is the presentation of an aspect of language in a context that students are familiar with, much the same way that a swimming instructor would demonstrate a stroke outside the pool to beginners.
The second stage is practice, where students will be given an activity that gives them plenty of opportunities to practice the new aspect of language and become familiar with it whilst receiving limited and appropriate assistance from the teacher. To continue with the analogy, the swimming instructor allowing the children to rehearse the stroke in the pool whilst being close enough to give any support required and plenty of encouragement.
The final stage is production where the students will use the language in context, in an activity set up by the teacher who will be giving minimal assistance, like the swimming instructor allowing his young charges to take their first few tentative strokes on their own.
2. DeNet School. The TBLT method
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)

'Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), also known as 'task-based instruction (TBI) focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help. Assessment is primarily based on task outcome.
Information-gap activity, which involves a transfer of given information from one person to another – or from one form to another, or from one place to another – generally calling for the decoding or encoding of information from or into language. One example is pair work in which each member of the pair has a part of the total information (for example an incomplete picture) and attempts to convey it verbally to the other. Another example is completing a tabular representation with information available in a given piece of text. The activity often involves selection of relevant information as well, and learners may have to meet criteria of completeness and correctness in making the transfer.
Reasoning gap Reasoning-gap activity, which involves deriving some new information from given information through processes of inference, deduction, practical reasoning, or a perception of relationships or patterns. One example is working out a teacher’s timetable on the basis of given class timetables. Another is deciding what course of action is best (for example cheapest or quickest) for a given purpose and within given constraints. The activity necessarily involves comprehending and conveying information, as in information-gap activity, but the information to be conveyed is not identical with that initially comprehended. There is a piece of reasoning which connects the two.
Opinion gap Opinion-gap activity, which involves identifying and articulating a personal preference, feeling, or attitude in response to a given situation. One example is story completion; another is taking part in the discussion of a social issue. The activity may involve using factual information and formulating arguments to justify one’s opinion, but there is no objective procedure for demonstrating outcomes as right or wrong, and no reason to expect the same outcome from different individuals or on different occasions.
3. DeNet School. The CLIL method
CLIL teaching

CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning and refers to teaching subjects such as science, history geography and other spheres of life to students through a foreign language.
4. DeNet School. Blended Learning.

This approach to schooling combines face-to-face instruction with online learning and has yielded strong results since officially being researched as an education strategy.
In fact, according to a 2010 study from the U.S. Department of Education, blended learning classes produce statistically better results than their face-to-face, non-hybrid equivalents. This may be partly due to the fact that this rapidly growing model not only increases the flexibility and individualization of student learning experiences, but also allows teachers to expand the time they spend as facilitators of learning.
5. DenNet School. Flipped learning

In essence, “flipping the classroom” means that students gain first
exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture
videos, and then use class time to do the harder work of assimilating
that knowledge, perhaps through problem-solving, discussion, or
More about the method
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