DeNet. Communication Skills. Unit 23. Fears and phobias

1. What is the difference between fears and phobias?

2. What are you afraid of?

3. What are the typical phobias?

4. What phobias did famous people have?

1. George Washington and Hans Christian Andersen were both terrified of being buried alive.
Before Washington died in 1799 he made the attendants promise to wait two days before burying him. Reputedly, Andersen always wore a sign around his neck whenever he slept, informing whoever read it that he was only sleeping, not dead.

2. One day, Henry Ford was fiddling around with a microscope. He had a close look at sugar crystals and he was horrified by their sharp points. He swore off sugar for the rest of his life, fearing it would slice up his internal organs.

3. It is true that Walt Disney, who gave us the immortal cartoon character Mickey Mouse, was actually afraid of mice.

4. Napoleon and Julius Caesar had a phobia in common: both were terrified of cats.

5. What do you think modern phobias are?

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"Nomophobia," or the fear of being separated from one's cellphone, is on the rise, according to a new study. WTVJ-TV's Adam Kuperstein reports.
We use cellphones every day. But for a growing number of people, staying connected is an obsession.
According to a study by SecurEnvoy, a company that deals in mobile phone technology, the fear of being apart from your cellphone is on the rise.
It's called Nomophobia, as in "No mobile phone phobia," and 66 percent of the people surveyed said they have it.

6. What is the origin of phobias? How to cure phobias?

7. Have fun with Phobia Quiz


8. Upload a video about fears and phobias to your YouTube Channel

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