Where do you usually have meals?
2.Look through the food vocabulary
"Food and drinks", "Food", "Kitchen"What is your favourite food?
3. Have a look at what British people like to eat: A recipe for a British dish

4. What do you think the components of the Full English breakfast are?
What did Somerset Maugham mean by saying:
"To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day."
4. 1.10-22 :
What are the ingredients of the Full English Breakfast?
4. 2. 23 - 3.55 :
Who is said to be the "founder" of the full English breakfast? Why?
What kind of dish is "bubble and squeak"?
Who usually squeaks in real life?
What is "bubble" and what is "squeak" in a dish?)))
What does "bubble and squeak" have to do with Russia?
4. 5.00-6.00 : Check the elements of the full English breakfast.
5. Click on the link and read an article from Mail Online
Do you think more or fewer people are cooking a full English breakfast nowadays?
(Find the answer at the beginning of the article)
What one element of the classic fry up for breakfast are people increasingly using?
Why? (Find the answer at the end of the article)
Fry up, up, up! Full English breakfast is back
6. Watch a video about a traditional full English breakfast.
Which components are missing if compared with the full English breakfast seen at the beginning of the lesson?
7. Watch a video and say what dish is in the center of attention on R.Burns' birthday on 25 January? Why?
Was it easy to understand the Address to a Haggis?
Have a look at the Russian translation by Marshak.
Is it a good one?
There's no Ukrainian translation on the Internet. You might be the first to do that. Why not have a try?
8. Would you like to know how haggis is made?
new words about haggis.

9. Upload a video about your favourite meals to your YouTube Channel
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