1 тип
If I study, | I will pass the exams. |
If you see John tonight, | tell him to e-mail me. |
If Ben gets up early, | he can catch the bus. |
If I study, | I will pass the exams. |
I will pass the exams | if I study. |
Be attentive! Different clauses Test 1 + Clauses Test 2
2 тип

If I studied, | I would pass the exams. |
If I studied, | I could pass the exams. |
If I studied, If I were you | I might pass the exams. I would phone him |
If I studied, | I would pass the exams. |
I would pass the exams | if I studied. |
3 тип
If I had studied, | I would have passed the exams. |
If I had studied, | I could have passed the exams. |
If I had studied, | I might have passed the exams. |
If I had studied, | I would have passed the exams. |
I would have passed the exams | if I had studied. |
Conditional sentences III, statements Test + One more test
Conditional sentences I - II, statement
Conditional sentences I - III, statement
2. Conditional sentences - negations
Conditional sentences - type
Conditional sentences - type I
Conditional sentences - type II
Conditional sentences - type I - I
Conditional sentences - type I - II
3. Conditional sentences - different (Multiple choice) + Test
Conditional sentences - type I, simple sentences
Conditional sentences - type I, special forms
Conditional sentences - type II, simple sentences
Conditional sentences - type II, special forms
Conditional sentences - type III, simple sentences
Conditional sentences - type III, special forms
Conditional sentences I - II
Conditional sentences I - III - Exercise 1
Conditional sentences I - III - Exercise 2
Conditional sentences I - III, special forms
If clauses test
Part 2
0. Zero Conditional/ Нульовий тип умовного речення

Zero Conditional Test
1.First Conditional/Перший тип умовних речень
- First conditional Test
First Conditional Test
- 2. Second Conditional: Другий тип умовних речень
Second Conditional + Conditional, 2nd Tests
- 3. Third conditional/Третій тип умовних речень
- Third Conditional + Conditional, 3rd Tests
- 4. Mixed conditionals/Змішані типи умовних речень
- Mixed Conditionals + Mixed conditionals Tests
- I wish ...Test
Wish and If Only Test
- I'd rather go to the cinema
- I'd rather you went to the cinema
- I'd rather you had gone to the cinema
- Would rather and would sooner Test
Raymond Murphy.English Grammar in Use
Units 37-40 conditionals and "wish"
Units 37-40 conditionals and "wish"
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