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mizchilders Apr 4, 2012
Let us know what you think!

Alexander_Kolisetsky Apr 4, 2012
The first video was something strange, but I like it, because something extraordinary make our grey days bright

Olga_Litvina Apr 5, 2012
Wow! Your videos are so cool! You make them so professionally. And the themes of your videos are really modern and important nowadays. :D

Polina_Teshabaeva Apr 9, 2012
Ahhh your videos are so cool! ^^ I like them!
You are very good in video making and it was a pleasure for me to watch it! Thaaaanks you for this <3
You are very good in video making and it was a pleasure for me to watch it! Thaaaanks you for this <3

Artem_Salkov Apr 9, 2012
I think, that you are very good at video montaging, and your video about chinese people and iPods, and explosive is very interesting. I have got an iPod, and it was interesting to know, how it's made. Thank you for you videos. :3

Zhenia_Leybenko Apr 9, 2012
I'm very amaized how you worked with modern montaging and you have intresting topics: Ipad and about making things.

Andrej_Kozyrev Apr 13, 2012
tr.v. mon·taged, mon·tag·ing, mon·tag·es
To use or incorporate in a montage.
tr.v. mon·taged, mon·tag·ing, mon·tag·es
To use or incorporate in a montage.
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