Урок домашнього читаня з англійської мови
Клас: 8-Є для паралелі 8 класів
Школа: Гімназія "Троєщина" Деснянського району м. Києва
Вчителі-методисти: Бизова Н.І., Савченко Т.О.
Дата: 19.02.2015
Тема уроку: Конан Дойль. Спілка рудих
Практична мета: Систематизувати знання про Конан Дойля і його роботу “Спілка рудих”; вдосконалити навичкиговоріння та аудіювання зі здісненням учнями театралізації твору.
Освітня: Розвивати креативні навички театрального мистецтва за темою і започаткувати разом з учнями театральний онлайн майданчик в раніше створеній в мережі Інтернет навчальній учнівській англомовній мистецькій вітальні Magic Land.
Виховна: Виховувати культуру англомовного спілкування, бажання вивчати англійську мову, а також уміння двох груп класу співпрацювати і представити результати своєї праці.
Обладнання: комп'ютер, проектор, екран, мережа Інтернет, учнівські персональні вебсторінки навчальної платформи Wiki Land, мистецької вітальні Magic Land, порталу вільної журналістики “Troyeshchyna Land”, декорації, театральні костюми, сцена актової зали.
Хід уроку
I. Вступ
Початок уроку. Вступне звернення вчителів до глядачів у залі.
Hello everybody. It's our great pleasure to welcome you here and give the floor to the students of 8-E form who are anxious to talk about Conan Doyle and his book The Red-Headed League, and present their performance based on the book. Be ready to answer their questions at the end of the lesson. You will also get a task to post some of your answers on our English “Troyeshchyna Land” web site after home watching a video about The Red-Headed League in 22nd century.
II. Основна частина.
1. Ведучі під знайому мелодію з серії про Шерлока Холмса виходять і зупиняються перед сценою.
- Hello, ladies and gentlemen
- Welcome to the Red-Headed League, written by Sir Artur Conan Doyle.
2. Сім учнів з опорою на презентацію розповідають про результати пошукової роботи в Інтернеті:
1) Інформація про Конан Дойля.
Учень 1:
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), born in Edinburgh, in Scotland, is best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. After first working as a doctor, he started writing, and soon became one of the world's best-known authors.
Учень 2:
At med school, Doyle met his mentor, Professor Dr. Joseph Bell, whose keen powers of observation would later inspire Doyle to create his detective character, Sherlock Holmes.
Учень 3:
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
Arthur Conan Doyle
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//Doctor//, //Author//, //Journalist//
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//May 22//, //1859//
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//July 7//, //1930//
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//University of Edinburgh//, //Hodder Place, Stonyhurst//, //Stonyhurst College//
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//Edinburgh//, //Scotland//
Учень 4:
Учень 3:
//Crowborough//, //United Kingdom//
2) Інформація про головних героїв Шерлока Холмса та Доктора Ватсона
Учень 5:
It is the end of the nineteenth century, and Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, lives at 221B Baker Street in London. The great capital is a rainy, foggy city, where the police often have difficulty in catching criminals. Luckily, Holmes is there to help them, but only if a case is interesting enough.
Учень 4:
As a gentleman, Holmes often carries a stick
Учень 3:
The detective is described (or demonstrated) as possessing above-average physical strength. Holmes is an adept bare-knuckle fighter.
Учень 4:
Sherlock is also multilingual; he knows how to speak multiple different languages.
Sherlock also has an acute sense of smell
Учень 6:
Holmes is extremely intelligent, and intelligent people are often impatient with their friends. 'Think, Watson!' he says sharply to the good doctor, who is not as clever or as quick as he is. But he sometimes needs Dr Watson's help, and is grateful for it, especially in a dangerous situation.
Учень 4:
Watson started out as a surgeon.
Учень 3:
Watson is presented as Holmes' biographer.
Учень 7: Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective the world has ever seen, and he knows it. As the famous bank-robber, John Clay, says to him, 'You think of everything, Mr Holmes. You're very clever.' People come to him with problems that no one, not even the police, can solve. Holmes sits, and thinks, and smokes his pipe, and in the end he finds the answer.
3) Інформація про сюжет глав книги “Спілка рудих”:
Учень 7:
Act 1
Mr Wilson is a shopkeeper. Spaulding helps him in the shop.He finds an advertisement in the newspaper.He thinks the advertisement is just for Mr. Wilson because he has red hair.
Act 2
Wilson and Spaulding visit Ross's office. Mr. Duncan Ross wants a red-headed man to do easy work. To copy from the book for good wages: 4 pounds a week.
Act 3
Wilson decides to do this job. Every day he leaves his shop for Spaulding and goes to Ross's office. He works for 2 months. One day he comes to the office and finds the door closed. He comes to Sherlock Holmes for help.
Holmes finds this case interesting and wants to help him.
Act 4
Holmes comes to Wilson's shop and examines the ground near it. He meets Spaulding and notices his dirty trousers.
He understands everything and asks Dr Watson to help him in the evening.
Act 5
Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, Mr Merryweather and Mr Jones meet in Mr Holmes' room. They talk about John Clay and they want to catch him. He is a killer and a thief. Then everybody leaves the room.
Act 6
Mr Holmes, Dr Watson, Mr Merryweather and Mr Jones are inside the bank strong-room. They are inspecting the place. Then Mr Merryweather and Mr Jones hide behind the boxes. They are waiting for John Clay. Suddenly, John Clay and Duncan Ross climb out of the tunnel. Sherlock catches the thief, but Ross runs away. John Clay says that Holmes is very clever.
Act 7
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are in Mr. Holmes' room. They are talking about The Red-Headed League. They recollect John Clay's dirty trousers and the tunnel. They recollect that Mr Spaulding was happy to work for half-wages. Watson says to Sherlockthat he is very clever.
3. Учні грають на сцені англомовний спектакль за електронною версією книги “The Red-Headed League”
4. Учні в залі відповідають на питання, які з'являються на екрані після перегляду спектаклю:
1. What kind of books are those written by Conan Doyle?
2. Who is one of the main characters of Doyle's stories?
3.Where did Holmes live in London?
4. Who's Holmes' best friend?
5.What kind of worker did the League need?
6. When did the League invite a new man?
7. How much could the red-headed man get for his job?
8.What job did the red-headed man have to do for the League?
9. What time of the day did the man have to work?
10.How long did Wilson work?
III. Завершення уроку
1. Підведення підсумків уроку
Let's greet the students of 8form and thank them for the lesson.
2. Домашнє завдання:
Your home task is to watch the video “The Red-Headed League in the 21 century” on our “Troyeshchyna Land” web site and post the answers to the questions. Also, have fun with The Red-Headed League Quiz.
Матеріали уроку:
1. Електронна версія книги The Red-Headed League
2. Учнівська онлайн презентація-супровід представлення пошукової інформації та декорації для вистави
3. Вчительска онлайн презентація з інструкцією виконання домашнього завдання http://www.slideshare.net/BsByzova/the-red-headed-league-22-century-film
4. Оголошення про виставу на учнівському англомовному Інтернет порталі “Troyeshchyna Land” та відео “The Red-Headed League in 22 Century” для перегляду після уроку вдома та виконання завдання.
5. Мистецька онлайн вітальня “Magic Land” для перегляду відео уроку та спектаклю
6. Онлайн тест. The Red-Headed League. A Quiz
The Red-headed League in 20 century
The Red-headed League . 8-E class' performance in 21 century
The Red-Headed League Quiz
The Red-Headed League Blueprints
All the presenters:
- Hello, ladies and gentlemen
- Welcome to the Red-Headed League, written by Sir Artur Conan Doyle.
The other group: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), born in Edinburgh, in Scotland, is best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. After first working as a doctor, he started writing, and soon became one of the world's best-known authors.
At med school, Doyle met his mentor, Professor Dr. Joseph Bell, whose keen powers of observation would later inspire Doyle to create his detective character, Sherlock Holmes.
NAMEArthur Conan Doyle
OCCUPATIONDoctor, Author, Journalist
BIRTH DATEMay 22, 1859Dasha
DEATH DATEJuly 7, 1930
EDUCATIONUniversity of Edinburgh, Hodder Place, Stonyhurst, Stonyhurst College
PLACE OF BIRTHEdinburgh, Scotland
PLACE OF DEATHCrowborough, United Kingdom
The other group: It is the end of the nineteen century, and Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, lives at 221B Baker Street in London. The great capital is a rainy, foggy city, where the police often have difficulty in catching criminals. Luckily, Holmes is there to help them, but only if a case is interesting enough.
Oleksiy: As a gentleman, Holmes often carries a stick
The detective is described (or demonstrated) as possessing above-average physical strength. Holmes is an adept bare-knuckle fighter.
Sherlock is also multilingual; he knows how to speak multiple different languages.
Sherlock also has an acute sense of smell
The other group: Holmes is extremely intelligent, and intelligent people are often impatient with their friends. 'Think, Watson!' he says sharply to the good doctor, who is not as clever or as quick as he is. But he sometimes needs Dr Watson's help, and is grateful for it, especially in a dangerous situation.
Watson started out as a surgeon.
Watson is presented as Holmes' biographer.
The other group: Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective the world has ever seen, and he knows it. As the famous bank-robber, John Clay, says to him, 'You think of everything, Mr Holmes. You're very clever.' People come to him with problems that no one, not even the police, can solve. Holmes sits, and thinks, and smokes his pipe, and in the end he finds the answer.
- Hello, ladies and gentlemen
- Welcome to the Red-Headed League, written by Sir Artur Conan Doyle.
The other group: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), born in Edinburgh, in Scotland, is best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. After first working as a doctor, he started writing, and soon became one of the world's best-known authors.
At med school, Doyle met his mentor, Professor Dr. Joseph Bell, whose keen powers of observation would later inspire Doyle to create his detective character, Sherlock Holmes.
NAMEArthur Conan Doyle
OCCUPATIONDoctor, Author, Journalist
BIRTH DATEMay 22, 1859Dasha
DEATH DATEJuly 7, 1930
EDUCATIONUniversity of Edinburgh, Hodder Place, Stonyhurst, Stonyhurst College
PLACE OF BIRTHEdinburgh, Scotland
PLACE OF DEATHCrowborough, United Kingdom
The other group: It is the end of the nineteen century, and Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, lives at 221B Baker Street in London. The great capital is a rainy, foggy city, where the police often have difficulty in catching criminals. Luckily, Holmes is there to help them, but only if a case is interesting enough.
Oleksiy: As a gentleman, Holmes often carries a stick
The detective is described (or demonstrated) as possessing above-average physical strength. Holmes is an adept bare-knuckle fighter.
Sherlock is also multilingual; he knows how to speak multiple different languages.
Sherlock also has an acute sense of smell
The other group: Holmes is extremely intelligent, and intelligent people are often impatient with their friends. 'Think, Watson!' he says sharply to the good doctor, who is not as clever or as quick as he is. But he sometimes needs Dr Watson's help, and is grateful for it, especially in a dangerous situation.
Watson started out as a surgeon.
Watson is presented as Holmes' biographer.
The other group: Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective the world has ever seen, and he knows it. As the famous bank-robber, John Clay, says to him, 'You think of everything, Mr Holmes. You're very clever.' People come to him with problems that no one, not even the police, can solve. Holmes sits, and thinks, and smokes his pipe, and in the end he finds the answer.
A list of characters
Sherlock Holmes - A private detective and the story’s protagonist. Sherlock Holmes’s keen observations and ability to reason allow him to solve puzzles that stymie everyone else. Sometimes quiet and contemplative, other times bursting with energy, Holmes uses methodology that can confuse and frustrate others. He is somewhat of a mystery, rarely divulging his thoughts until he’s already solved the crime.
Read an in-depth analysis of Sherlock Holmes.
Dr. John Watson - Sherlock Holmes’s partner and the story’s narrator. Good-natured, brave, and down-to-earth, Watson is Sherlock Holmes’s sidekick, even though he rarely helps Holmes actually solve any mysteries. His confusion with the mysteries and Holmes often mirrors readers’ own confusion.
Read an in-depth analysis of Dr. John Watson.Jabez Wilson - A London pawnbroker. Jabez Wilson is an average man whose only remarkable feature is his shock of fiery red hair. His slow and trusting nature prevents him from seeing anything suspicious about either Vincent Spaulding or the preposterous Red-Headed League.John Clay/Vincent Spaulding - A notorious criminal working at Jabez Wilson’s pawnshop under the pseudonym Vincent Spaulding. Sinister and haughty, John Clay wins the respect of Sherlock Holmes because of his ingenious plot to rob the City and Suburban Bank.Peter Jones - A Scotland Yard detective. Peter Jones is a tough police officer who both respects and distrusts Sherlock Holmes.Mr. Merryweather - The manager of the City and Suburban Bank.
Sherlock Holmes - A private detective and the story’s protagonist. Sherlock Holmes’s keen observations and ability to reason allow him to solve puzzles that stymie everyone else. Sometimes quiet and contemplative, other times bursting with energy, Holmes uses methodology that can confuse and frustrate others. He is somewhat of a mystery, rarely divulging his thoughts until he’s already solved the crime.
Read an in-depth analysis of Sherlock Holmes.
Dr. John Watson - Sherlock Holmes’s partner and the story’s narrator. Good-natured, brave, and down-to-earth, Watson is Sherlock Holmes’s sidekick, even though he rarely helps Holmes actually solve any mysteries. His confusion with the mysteries and Holmes often mirrors readers’ own confusion.
Read an in-depth analysis of Dr. John Watson.Jabez Wilson - A London pawnbroker. Jabez Wilson is an average man whose only remarkable feature is his shock of fiery red hair. His slow and trusting nature prevents him from seeing anything suspicious about either Vincent Spaulding or the preposterous Red-Headed League.John Clay/Vincent Spaulding - A notorious criminal working at Jabez Wilson’s pawnshop under the pseudonym Vincent Spaulding. Sinister and haughty, John Clay wins the respect of Sherlock Holmes because of his ingenious plot to rob the City and Suburban Bank.Peter Jones - A Scotland Yard detective. Peter Jones is a tough police officer who both respects and distrusts Sherlock Holmes.Mr. Merryweather - The manager of the City and Suburban Bank.
The script
Pictures and listening
The plot
Doctor John Watson steps into the home of his friend, the famous private detective Sherlock Holmes. Watson, the story’s narrator, finds Holmes deep in conversation with Jabez Wilson, a man who would be entirely unremarkable except for his blazing red hair. Holmes asks Watson to stay and lend his assistance, claiming that he has never heard a case as bizarre as Jabez Wilson’s.
Wilson reveals that he is a pawnbroker and has an assistant named Vincent Spaulding, who is working for half the usual salary to learn the business. Wilson says that Spaulding is a fine worker, although he is interested in photography and often goes alone into the basement of the shop to develop photos. About two months ago, Spaulding drew Wilson’s attention to an advertisement in the paper for an opening in the League of Red-Headed Men. According to Spaulding, the league is a foundation established by an eccentric and wealthy American to promote the interests of redheaded men by paying them to perform small tasks. Spaulding encouraged Wilson to apply, and the two went to the offices listed in the advertisement. After fighting through a crowd of redheaded men waiting outside, Spaulding and Wilson made their way to the manager, another redheaded man by the name of Duncan Ross, who promptly hired Wilson. The league paid Wilson to copy pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica, forbidding him from leaving the office for any reason during his four-hour shifts.
Wilson says that he worked for the league for eight weeks and was paid handsomely for his efforts. The morning on which the story begins, however, Wilson arrived at the offices to find that the Red-Headed League had been dissolved and that Duncan Ross was nowhere to be found. Wilson went immediately to Sherlock Holmes, hoping that Holmes could help him find out whether he had been the victim of a practical joke. Holmes asks Wilson a few questions about Vincent Spaulding and discovers that Spaulding came to work for Wilson only about a month before the whole mysterious affair began. Holmes tells Wilson that he will have an answer in a few days.
After smoking three pipes in a row, Holmes leaps up and asks Watson to accompany him to a concert. Along the way, they stop in front of Wilson’s shop, where Holmes thumps his walking stick on the pavement and knocks on the door to ask Spaulding for directions. After Spaulding and Holmes finish talking, Holmes tells Watson that he believes that Spaulding is the fourth-smartest man in London. Holmes also tells Watson that he saw on the knees of Spaulding’s trousers exactly what he wanted to see. Even though Watson is mystified by these remarks, Holmes refuses to explain them further and instead leads Watson around to a busy street behind Wilson’s shop. Holmes notices aloud that there’s a bank behind Wilson’s shop, and, finished for the day, he and Watson go to the concert.
After the concert, Holmes asks Watson to meet him at his office at ten o’clock that night, saying that a serious crime is about to be committed. Watson agrees but is entirely bewildered by Holmes’s actions. Watson notes that he and Holmes have seen and heard exactly the same information about the case but that Holmes seems to have arrived at some conclusions that he himself has failed to draw.
That night, Watson meets up with Holmes, along with two other men—a Scotland Yard detective named Peter Jones and a bank manager named Mr. Merryweather. Holmes says that the four men are about to have a run-in with John Clay, a notorious criminal. The men depart in carriages to Mr. Merryweather’s City and Suburban Bank—the same bank Holmes and Watson had discovered behind Wilson’s shop. The four men wait for an hour in the darkness of the cellar filled with French gold. Suddenly, they notice a light shining through a crack in the floor. The light gets brighter and brighter, until the crack finally widens and a man’s hand breaks through. The man climbs out of the opening the floor and begins to help another man through when Holmes and Detective Jones leap on the two men. They capture the first man, John Clay, also known as Jabez Wilson’s hardworking assistant, Vincent Spaulding. The other man escapes through the crack in the floor.
Later that night, Holmes tells Watson how he solved the case. Holmes realized from the beginning that the Red-Headed League was simply too preposterous to be real and that it must therefore have been a ploy to get Wilson out of his shop for a few hours every day. The fact that Spaulding was willing to work for so little money and spent a lot of time alone in the basement suggested to Holmes that Spaulding was doing something illicit in the cellar. When he noticed the bank nearby, Holmes had suspected that Spaulding was digging a tunnel to the bank. Holmes pounded on the sidewalk outside Wilson’s shop to determine whether the ground was hollow underneath, and he knocked on the door for directions so that he could see whether the knees of Spaulding’s pants were worn away. The fact that the league dissolved so suddenly suggested to Holmes that the robbery was imminent, and he was therefore able to make preparations and capture John Clay.
Pictures and listening
The plot
Doctor John Watson steps into the home of his friend, the famous private detective Sherlock Holmes. Watson, the story’s narrator, finds Holmes deep in conversation with Jabez Wilson, a man who would be entirely unremarkable except for his blazing red hair. Holmes asks Watson to stay and lend his assistance, claiming that he has never heard a case as bizarre as Jabez Wilson’s.
Wilson reveals that he is a pawnbroker and has an assistant named Vincent Spaulding, who is working for half the usual salary to learn the business. Wilson says that Spaulding is a fine worker, although he is interested in photography and often goes alone into the basement of the shop to develop photos. About two months ago, Spaulding drew Wilson’s attention to an advertisement in the paper for an opening in the League of Red-Headed Men. According to Spaulding, the league is a foundation established by an eccentric and wealthy American to promote the interests of redheaded men by paying them to perform small tasks. Spaulding encouraged Wilson to apply, and the two went to the offices listed in the advertisement. After fighting through a crowd of redheaded men waiting outside, Spaulding and Wilson made their way to the manager, another redheaded man by the name of Duncan Ross, who promptly hired Wilson. The league paid Wilson to copy pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica, forbidding him from leaving the office for any reason during his four-hour shifts.
Wilson says that he worked for the league for eight weeks and was paid handsomely for his efforts. The morning on which the story begins, however, Wilson arrived at the offices to find that the Red-Headed League had been dissolved and that Duncan Ross was nowhere to be found. Wilson went immediately to Sherlock Holmes, hoping that Holmes could help him find out whether he had been the victim of a practical joke. Holmes asks Wilson a few questions about Vincent Spaulding and discovers that Spaulding came to work for Wilson only about a month before the whole mysterious affair began. Holmes tells Wilson that he will have an answer in a few days.
After smoking three pipes in a row, Holmes leaps up and asks Watson to accompany him to a concert. Along the way, they stop in front of Wilson’s shop, where Holmes thumps his walking stick on the pavement and knocks on the door to ask Spaulding for directions. After Spaulding and Holmes finish talking, Holmes tells Watson that he believes that Spaulding is the fourth-smartest man in London. Holmes also tells Watson that he saw on the knees of Spaulding’s trousers exactly what he wanted to see. Even though Watson is mystified by these remarks, Holmes refuses to explain them further and instead leads Watson around to a busy street behind Wilson’s shop. Holmes notices aloud that there’s a bank behind Wilson’s shop, and, finished for the day, he and Watson go to the concert.
After the concert, Holmes asks Watson to meet him at his office at ten o’clock that night, saying that a serious crime is about to be committed. Watson agrees but is entirely bewildered by Holmes’s actions. Watson notes that he and Holmes have seen and heard exactly the same information about the case but that Holmes seems to have arrived at some conclusions that he himself has failed to draw.
That night, Watson meets up with Holmes, along with two other men—a Scotland Yard detective named Peter Jones and a bank manager named Mr. Merryweather. Holmes says that the four men are about to have a run-in with John Clay, a notorious criminal. The men depart in carriages to Mr. Merryweather’s City and Suburban Bank—the same bank Holmes and Watson had discovered behind Wilson’s shop. The four men wait for an hour in the darkness of the cellar filled with French gold. Suddenly, they notice a light shining through a crack in the floor. The light gets brighter and brighter, until the crack finally widens and a man’s hand breaks through. The man climbs out of the opening the floor and begins to help another man through when Holmes and Detective Jones leap on the two men. They capture the first man, John Clay, also known as Jabez Wilson’s hardworking assistant, Vincent Spaulding. The other man escapes through the crack in the floor.
Later that night, Holmes tells Watson how he solved the case. Holmes realized from the beginning that the Red-Headed League was simply too preposterous to be real and that it must therefore have been a ploy to get Wilson out of his shop for a few hours every day. The fact that Spaulding was willing to work for so little money and spent a lot of time alone in the basement suggested to Holmes that Spaulding was doing something illicit in the cellar. When he noticed the bank nearby, Holmes had suspected that Spaulding was digging a tunnel to the bank. Holmes pounded on the sidewalk outside Wilson’s shop to determine whether the ground was hollow underneath, and he knocked on the door for directions so that he could see whether the knees of Spaulding’s pants were worn away. The fact that the league dissolved so suddenly suggested to Holmes that the robbery was imminent, and he was therefore able to make preparations and capture John Clay.
1. What kind of books are those written by Conan Doyle?
2. Who is one of the main characters of Doyle's stories?
3.Where did Holmes live in London?
4. Who's Holmes' best friend?
5.What kind of worker did the League need?
6. When did the League invite a new man?
7. How much could the red-headsed man get for his job?
8.What job did the red-headed man have to do for the League?
9. which time of the day should the man work?
10.How long did Wilson work?
2. Who is one of the main characters of Doyle's stories?
3.Where did Holmes live in London?
4. Who's Holmes' best friend?
5.What kind of worker did the League need?
6. When did the League invite a new man?
7. How much could the red-headsed man get for his job?
8.What job did the red-headed man have to do for the League?
9. which time of the day should the man work?
10.How long did Wilson work?
A quiz
Chimney sweep
Rabbit breeder
His wife
Irene Adler
Dr. Watson
His assistant
The applicant had to have naturally blazing red hair.
The applicant had to move to France.
The hair had to be buzz-cut.
The applicant had to be able to type 60 words a minute.
Drawing a map of the city of Liverpool
Copying pages out of the "Encyclopedia Britannica"
Sweeping the streets of London
Selling flowers from a boat on the Thames
He had seen one of the members murder a man.
He wanted to recruit Holmes to work in the league.
The league had been mysteriously dissolved.
He believed they were blackmailing government officials.
To see if he had red hair
To hear if he had an accent
To see if the man recognized Dr. Watson
To look at the knees of his trousers
The prime minister
A fellow member of the Red-Headed League
Irene Adler
A bank director
To help Wilson build up his confidence
To get Wilson out of his premises for four hours a day
To use Wilson as a patsy for a murder
To have Wilson forge documents
To steal a shipment of French gold
To catch Jabez Wilson in the act of forgeryTo steal classified government documents
To trap Jabez Wilson into confessing to a murder
Vincent Spaulding
Jabez Wilson
Duncan Ross
Mr. Merryweather|| ||
"In Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Red-Headed League", Sherlock Holmes solved the mystery of an unusual temporary employment of a red-headed man. What do you remember about the story?" | |
15 Points Per Correct Answer - No time limit |
1. What was Jabez Wilson's occupation in "The Red-Headed League"? |
Chimney sweep
Rabbit breeder
2. Who told Jabez Wilson about the opening in "The Red-Headed League"? |
His wife
Irene Adler
Dr. Watson
His assistant
3. Besides just having red hair, what was the specific requirement for being hired for "The Red-Headed League"? |
The applicant had to have naturally blazing red hair.
The applicant had to move to France.
The hair had to be buzz-cut.
The applicant had to be able to type 60 words a minute.
4. In "The Red-Headed League", what assignment was given to Jabez Wilson? |
Drawing a map of the city of Liverpool
Copying pages out of the "Encyclopedia Britannica"
Sweeping the streets of London
Selling flowers from a boat on the Thames
5. Why did Jabez Wilson consult Sherlock Holmes about "The Red-Headed League"? |
He had seen one of the members murder a man.
He wanted to recruit Holmes to work in the league.
The league had been mysteriously dissolved.
He believed they were blackmailing government officials.
6. When visiting Jabez Wilson's neighborhood in "The Red-Headed League", why did Sherlock Holmes want to see Wilson's assistant? |
To see if he had red hair
To hear if he had an accent
To see if the man recognized Dr. Watson
To look at the knees of his trousers
7. In "The Red-Headed League", who accompanied Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and Inspector Jones on the final evening of the investigation? |
The prime minister
A fellow member of the Red-Headed League
Irene Adler
A bank director
8. Why had Duncan Ross hired Jabez Wilson in "The Red-Headed League"? |
To help Wilson build up his confidence
To get Wilson out of his premises for four hours a day
To use Wilson as a patsy for a murder
To have Wilson forge documents
9. What was the ultimate objective of Duncan Ross and Vincent Spaulding in "The Red-Headed League"? |
To steal a shipment of French gold
To catch Jabez Wilson in the act of forgeryTo steal classified government documents
To trap Jabez Wilson into confessing to a murder
10. In "The Red-Headed League", who turned out to be John Clay, an infamous criminal? |
Vincent Spaulding
Jabez Wilson
Duncan Ross
Mr. Merryweather|| ||
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