- Students' introductions
- Computer Chronicles. 2014-2015
- At our last lesson we disscused social network communication and online games.
Nowadays most people have access to the Internet.
Should online communication be limited or not? How do you think?
Hi everybody!
We've got one more student in our group,
and we have also prepared some questions:
What do you think about the situation in Ukraine?
How many classes do you have in your school?
Do you have a swimming pool in your school? (We don't((()
What can you tell us about your state?
Do you like the Ukrainian language?
We've got one more student in our group,
and we have also prepared some questions:
What do you think about the situation in Ukraine?
How many classes do you have in your school?
Do you have a swimming pool in your school? (We don't((()
What can you tell us about your state?
Do you like the Ukrainian language?
Add Discussion

Off we go!
Nataliya_Byzova Sep 23, 2014
The students of 8 Grade are waiting for the answers to their questions!

averymcclellan Oct 8, 2014
Hi! I'm avery from colorado and i liked your video. in our school we have we have six class and one period where we can just work on homework. We have a swimming pool at our school, but we only use it for summer camps. Our state is very pretty with lots of mountains. Colorado can get very cold and also very hot.
Avery, Colorado
Avery, Colorado

Clerner123 Oct 8, 2014
Hi, my name is Caroline and I'm from Colorado. During the school day we have six classes and one class for doing our homework. We have a swimming pool in our school, but we only use it in the summer. Colorado can get very cold in the winter so most swimming pools are closed. In Colorado there are lots of mountains, which makes it great for skying. In the summer there are lots of fun hikes and activities to do in the mountains. Colorado is a great state!
Caroline from Colorado
Caroline from Colorado

Willrose36 Oct 8, 2014
Well I think that the situation in Ukraine looks quite devastating and I think you guys are handling it very well. We have 7 classes. Colorado has the Rocky Mts. The highest mountain is about 14,600 feet. Our state bird is a Lark Bunting, state flower is a Columbine flower. Yes our school does have a pool. Colorado is a very dry state and is land-locked.

Zlowe1 Oct 8, 2014
Hi! :D
I feel like the situation in Ukraine is definitely a tough one. I can't really say I know how you feel, but I can say that we support you guys.
We have 6 academic classes and we have 1 period just to study. Each day we have 6 of those 7 periods, which can be very confusing.
Our school does have a swimming pool, but it's never really used. The summer camps that are held here at Dawson use the swimming pool and our canoe/kayaking team uses it for practice. Other then that it just sits at the bottom of our hill.
Colorado is a very beautiful state. We have mountains, rivers, valleys, and plateaus. It's a very small state but it can steal a big portion of your heart. It's not one of the most popular states, but you'll never forget it. I love living here.
Colorado, USA
I feel like the situation in Ukraine is definitely a tough one. I can't really say I know how you feel, but I can say that we support you guys.
We have 6 academic classes and we have 1 period just to study. Each day we have 6 of those 7 periods, which can be very confusing.
Our school does have a swimming pool, but it's never really used. The summer camps that are held here at Dawson use the swimming pool and our canoe/kayaking team uses it for practice. Other then that it just sits at the bottom of our hill.
Colorado is a very beautiful state. We have mountains, rivers, valleys, and plateaus. It's a very small state but it can steal a big portion of your heart. It's not one of the most popular states, but you'll never forget it. I love living here.
Colorado, USA

Keilly10 Oct 8, 2014
Hello!!! :D
I feel like the situation is definitely hard in the Ukraine. Just know that you have our support.
In one day, we have 6 academic classes, but we have 7 classes in total. This can get confusing sometimes.
Our school has a pool, but it is only used during the summer.
Colorado is a very nice state. It has beautiful mountains and it is a small state. I love living here.
Colorado, USA.
I feel like the situation is definitely hard in the Ukraine. Just know that you have our support.
In one day, we have 6 academic classes, but we have 7 classes in total. This can get confusing sometimes.
Our school has a pool, but it is only used during the summer.
Colorado is a very nice state. It has beautiful mountains and it is a small state. I love living here.
Colorado, USA.

Bay_w Oct 8, 2014
We have six classes (Forgein Language, Math, English, History, Science and an elective (an art like class)) We also have sports and study hall. We do have a swimming pool, but we don't use it. In Colorado we have mountains, and the weather can be pretty unpredictable. I think that it is unforntunate that that happened to you, but I'm glad that your situation is getting better.
Bailey Weibel
Bailey Weibel

mmelamed1 Oct 8, 2014
Im very sorry about the current situation in Ukraine, It must be pretty scary. In one day we have 6 classes and we have 7 classes over all, Throughout 7 days we get each class at least 6 times. our school has a pool but we can only use it during the summer. Colorado is very beautiful and it is really fun to go up in the mountains and ski.
Best of Wishes,
Colorado, USA
Im very sorry about the current situation in Ukraine, It must be pretty scary. In one day we have 6 classes and we have 7 classes over all, Throughout 7 days we get each class at least 6 times. our school has a pool but we can only use it during the summer. Colorado is very beautiful and it is really fun to go up in the mountains and ski.
Best of Wishes,
Colorado, USA

Icapdevielle31 Oct 8, 2014
the situation in Ukraine seems really bad, you have our support back in the Us. In a day we have 7 classes, ones just for doing homework. I take spanish as my foreign Language. You are very good at speaking english! i can't speak spanish that well! Yes, our campus does have a pool, but we never really use it. Only for summer camp and such. In colorado we have a lot of mountains. The weather is very uncertain here, sometimes it will be warm and the next its cold.
Colorado usa
Colorado usa

eabramson1 Oct 8, 2014
Hello everyone - I'm Ethan from Colorado, USA. I think that Ukraine needs to be more brutal against a powerful nation like Russia. However, I understand that you guys are doing the best you can do. Just hang in there! ;) We have 6+1 classes. English, USA History, Foreign Language, Math, an "art class" that we pick, and Science. The other one is Study Hall, where you can do homework in school. We have a swimming pool, but we don't use it on a daily basis. Colorado is a very interesting state. About half of the state is mountains, and the other half is very flat. The mountains are very beautiful. However, the flat part (plains) is equally as beautiful. The weather is mostly sunny, and not humid at all. But when it's not sunny, it is either rainy, or snowy. Since we live in a snowy state, we almost never get snow days off from school. But school is awesome! I love it, and I think we all do.
Pleasure chatting with you guys!
Ethan A.
Colorado, USA
Pleasure chatting with you guys!
Ethan A.
Colorado, USA

Peter1342 Oct 8, 2014
I think the situation in Ukraine is very problematic, I think having peace with Russia is important but we cannot stand for their recent behavior.
We have 6 academic classes a study hall and sports.
Sadly the Dawson pool is only used in summer. :(
I think the situation in Ukraine is very problematic, I think having peace with Russia is important but we cannot stand for their recent behavior.
We have 6 academic classes a study hall and sports.
Sadly the Dawson pool is only used in summer. :(

Masha_Kosmidailo Oct 22, 2014
Hi, friends! :)
Thank you for your interesting answers. It's really weird that you have one period for doing homework. Thank you for support. We was interested in your canoe/kayaking team practice. We can't do this in our school, because we haven't got a swimming pool :(
What grates do you have for your work? We have got a 12-grates system of marks.
Can you tell us about your national food?
Have you got a school uniform?
What do you usually do in spare time?
Do you visit other states at your school trips?
Can you tell us about sights in Colorado?
We would like to chat with you.
Have you got any questions for us?
Best Wishes,
8 Grade,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you for your interesting answers. It's really weird that you have one period for doing homework. Thank you for support. We was interested in your canoe/kayaking team practice. We can't do this in our school, because we haven't got a swimming pool :(
What grates do you have for your work? We have got a 12-grates system of marks.
Can you tell us about your national food?
Have you got a school uniform?
What do you usually do in spare time?
Do you visit other states at your school trips?
Can you tell us about sights in Colorado?
We would like to chat with you.
Have you got any questions for us?
Best Wishes,
8 Grade,
Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksiy_Teterya Oct 22, 2014
Thank you for your answers. I think, that Colorado is really beautiful state! Your comments are very interesting.
Can you tell us about famous people from Colorado?
Can you tell us about your national outfit?
It's incredibly to chat with you.
Best wishes,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Thank you for your answers. I think, that Colorado is really beautiful state! Your comments are very interesting.
Can you tell us about famous people from Colorado?
Can you tell us about your national outfit?
It's incredibly to chat with you.
Best wishes,
Kyiv, Ukraine

Greetings from 8-E
Oleksiy_Teterya Dec 26, 2014
Dear friends from all over the world!
We wish you a lot of peace and love!
We wish you a merry Christmas!
We wish you a lot of good grades!
We wish you a lot of new friends and old ones!
We wish you loyal friends!
We wish you success!
We wish you understanding with your family and friends!
We wish you the best presents ever!
We wish you all, what you want!
Thank you for being with us :)
Waiting for your new projects in 2015
8-E students
Kyiv, Ukraine.

We wish you a lot of peace and love!
We wish you a merry Christmas!
We wish you a lot of good grades!
We wish you a lot of new friends and old ones!
We wish you loyal friends!
We wish you success!
We wish you understanding with your family and friends!
We wish you the best presents ever!
We wish you all, what you want!
Thank you for being with us :)
Waiting for your new projects in 2015
8-E students
Kyiv, Ukraine.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from 11-B
Olya_Hodiuk Dec 25, 2014
Dear friends,
Get our best congratulations !
This year was so exciting as well as hard.
Thank you so much for the cognitive collaboration.
We're waiting for coming to our English classroom after the holiday to continue our cooperation.
Best wishes,
Get our best congratulations !
This year was so exciting as well as hard.
Thank you so much for the cognitive collaboration.
We're waiting for coming to our English classroom after the holiday to continue our cooperation.
Best wishes,
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