to report on sites they have found and
to summarize their content, questions they have,
and what their goals are for the week.
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Report on early work
bill.meyers Jan 22, 2018
Please post as a comment below this; the websites that you have discovered, a sentence or two summarizing the site, 2 questions that you are exploring, and your goals for the week. Be sure to put your name after the post.
Thanks, Mr. Meyers
Thanks, Mr. Meyers

Cooper.Carson Jan 23, 2018
Mayoclinic.org This is a good website for research on the disease, and its symptoms and treatment. Extremetech.com I am reasearching diabetes implants, to then create an anemia implant, and this is a good website for that. I have been exploring some questions like, How do implants work? How and where can you insert the implant. My goal is to have a good understanding of implants, where to insert a implant, and how to monitor essentials with it. - Cooper

Luke.McAdams Jan 24, 2018
Hematology.org, is a good website about blood related diseases. They have lots of specifics on anemia too.Another website is MayoClinic.com they are useful for the basics of our disease. One question i am exploring is how much iron and b12 is needed for our patient. My second question is "How do supplements work" i want to know more about the in depths of supplements so i can make them more preciesely. My goals are to succefully determan tha amount of nutrients to put in my supplement. I will need to work with Madeline so i know the diet she is making and how much iron is in the diet. - Luke

Kaitlin.Johnson1 Jan 24, 2018
I used Hematology.org too, it's good for much of my reasarch, as the health reporter. My questions are mostly basics of everone's research, which I need to write the essay. My question is how to write a good-sounding yet straight-forward essay about anemia. Science writing is so much different!

Madeleine.Worrall Jan 24, 2018
Mayoclinic.org is a good website. It has great information on foods with lots of iron and foods with vitamin C, which helps digest iron. Another website is myfitnesspal.com. This website tells you the nutrients in food and how many calories they have. Some questions I was thinking of are: 'What nutrients is she missing from meat, and how can I give her all of those', and 'What foods all together can give her the calories she needs and gives her at least three of the food groups per meal'. My goal for the week is to create a day of the patients diet by Sunday.
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