to report on sites they have found and
to summarize their content, questions they have,
and what their goals are for the week.
Prototype Design Ideas
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Prototype ideas
Nataliya_Byzova Jan 31, 2018
Describe the prototypes that you are developing. How will they improve the quality of life for your patient? What problems are you having that your partners may be able to help with?
Describe the prototypes that you are developing. How will they improve the quality of life for your patient? What problems are you having that your partners may be able to help with?

Anna.Jordaan Feb 14, 2018
We are currently working on a new prototype. We have thought about using nano technology for our patient. The nano technology will latch onto any gluten molecules and shoot the enzymes at the gluten that the body doesn’t have. That will let the gluten molecules go through the small intestine without hurting the villi. This will help the patient because they will be able to eat small amounts of gluten without having the symptoms which usually occurs when they eat gluten.

Report on early work
bill.meyers Jan 22, 2018
Please post as a comment below this; the websites that you have discovered, a sentence or two summarizing the site, 2 questions that you are exploring, and your goals for the week. Be sure to put your name after the post.
Thanks, Mr. Meyers
Thanks, Mr. Meyers

Andrew.Koclanes Jan 23, 2018
Mayo Clinic
A good place to start if you just want to know what the disease does and what causes it. Helps you get new information that help you later on.
U Chicago Medicine
Helps out a lot if you are the pharmaceutical researcher becuase list treatment options. Also has a short summary of what disease is and causes.
Hope to hear back from you,
Andrew Koclanes
A good place to start if you just want to know what the disease does and what causes it. Helps you get new information that help you later on.
U Chicago Medicine
Helps out a lot if you are the pharmaceutical researcher becuase list treatment options. Also has a short summary of what disease is and causes.
Hope to hear back from you,
Andrew Koclanes

Anna.Jordaan Jan 24, 2018
First website: https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/
Summary: This website has a good overview of what Celiac Disease is, and goes into detail explaining the science behind the disease. It was a great website to learn about the disease; it also has articles about symptoms, diagnoses, treatment and more.
Second article: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/celiac-disease
Summary: This website goes into detail about each of the subjects which my team is researching. It is a good website for the health reporter because it goes into detail, but not too much detail, about each of the other roles which we will be writing about, it gave me a better understanding of the topics I will be writing about.
Hope this helped you guys!
Anna Jordaan
Health Reporter
Summary: This website has a good overview of what Celiac Disease is, and goes into detail explaining the science behind the disease. It was a great website to learn about the disease; it also has articles about symptoms, diagnoses, treatment and more.
Second article: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/celiac-disease
Summary: This website goes into detail about each of the subjects which my team is researching. It is a good website for the health reporter because it goes into detail, but not too much detail, about each of the other roles which we will be writing about, it gave me a better understanding of the topics I will be writing about.
Hope this helped you guys!
Anna Jordaan
Health Reporter

ezra.goldstein Jan 24, 2018
These two sites have a lot of information about celiac and portray deep deep insight into the disease.
Is there a cure, other than a gluten free diet, for celiac?
Could improving the digestive enzyme count in the body help with celiac disease?
This week, I want to learn more about why the villi get damaged when gluten is consumed and what other ways it can be prevented.
Ezra Goldstein–biotechnologists
These two sites have a lot of information about celiac and portray deep deep insight into the disease.
Is there a cure, other than a gluten free diet, for celiac?
Could improving the digestive enzyme count in the body help with celiac disease?
This week, I want to learn more about why the villi get damaged when gluten is consumed and what other ways it can be prevented.
Ezra Goldstein–biotechnologists

Faith.Reeman Jan 24, 2018
Mayoclinic.org gave a helpful overview about the celiac disease that was well detailed and also gave a section for symptoms, causes, risk factors, and complications.
Medlineplus.gov gave a summary about the celiac disease and then had different links to symptoms, diagnosis and tests, treatments and therapies, living with, related issues, specifics and genetics, videos and tutorials, statistics and research, journal articles, clinical trials, find an expert, children, teenagers, women, and patient handouts.
What in gluten makes the villi flaten out?
Could someone ever make a cure one day?
My goals for the week are to finish my protytpe and work on the document describing my prototype.
Faith Reeman-Biotechnologist
Medlineplus.gov gave a summary about the celiac disease and then had different links to symptoms, diagnosis and tests, treatments and therapies, living with, related issues, specifics and genetics, videos and tutorials, statistics and research, journal articles, clinical trials, find an expert, children, teenagers, women, and patient handouts.
What in gluten makes the villi flaten out?
Could someone ever make a cure one day?
My goals for the week are to finish my protytpe and work on the document describing my prototype.
Faith Reeman-Biotechnologist

Jo.Rydberg Jan 24, 2018
This website gave good suggestions for foods that have good nutrition facts and suggestions from doctors for people who have developed Celiac Disease.
Celiac Disease Foundation:
CDF gave a diet plan for 7 Days that was very helpful in finding nutritious, protein filled foods that are appealing to people with Celiac Disease. It also provided the recipes for each food item so that whoever is going to be cooking these gluten-free items has an easy way to acces them.
Two Questions:
1. How much cross-contamination does there need to be for the villi to react and flatten out?
2. Why is it usually more expensive for gluten-free foods?
Hope you are having succes with your diet plan!
Jo Rydberg - Dietician
This website gave good suggestions for foods that have good nutrition facts and suggestions from doctors for people who have developed Celiac Disease.
Celiac Disease Foundation:
CDF gave a diet plan for 7 Days that was very helpful in finding nutritious, protein filled foods that are appealing to people with Celiac Disease. It also provided the recipes for each food item so that whoever is going to be cooking these gluten-free items has an easy way to acces them.
Two Questions:
1. How much cross-contamination does there need to be for the villi to react and flatten out?
2. Why is it usually more expensive for gluten-free foods?
Hope you are having succes with your diet plan!
Jo Rydberg - Dietician

Andrew.Koclanes Jan 24, 2018
Two questions:
Are their any cures to the disease that have already been created?
Is it possible to take apart the chemical compound of gluten?
Are their any cures to the disease that have already been created?
Is it possible to take apart the chemical compound of gluten?
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