to report on sites they have found and
to summarize their content, questions they have,
and what their goals are for the week.
Prototype Plans
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Prototype ideas
Nataliya_Byzova Jan 31, 2018
Describe the prototypes that you are developing. How will they improve the quality of life for your patient? What problems are you having that your partners may be able to help with?
Describe the prototypes that you are developing. How will they improve the quality of life for your patient? What problems are you having that your partners may be able to help with?

Report on early work
bill.meyers Jan 22, 2018
Please post as a comment below this; the websites that you have discovered, a sentence or two summarizing the site, 2 questions that you are exploring, and your goals for the week. Be sure to put your name after the post.
Thanks, Mr. Meyers
Thanks, Mr. Meyers

Owen.Tilman Jan 24, 2018
Hello! We are very happy to get the chance to work with you people in Ukraine!- Owen(Health Reporter)

Davis.Frankum Jan 24, 2018
Hey, super excited to work with you guys! This is a great site for the nutritionist. (https://www.bda.uk.com/improvinghealth/yourhealth/dietitians) the second site my friend cited (Claire) wich is great for the overall project. https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/cystic-fibrosis/#standard-therapies. I am wondering if we could use the translate button to Ukrainian. Also how old are you guys?

Davis.Frankum Jan 24, 2018
Hey, super excited to work with you guys! This is a great site for the nutritionist. (https://www.bda.uk.com/improvinghealth/yourhealth/dietitians) the second site my friend cited (Claire) wich is great for the overall project. https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/cystic-fibrosis/#standard-therapies. I am wondering if we could use the translate button to Ukrainian. Also how old are you guys?

Claire.Millisor Jan 24, 2018
Hello! My name is Claire and I am the pharmaceutical researcher! The website Cystic fibrosis Foundation gave me information on some of the cures, and information on the therapies that they can get to help their diseases! Another website is WebMD I got lots of information on this website for medicens such as Tobramicyn. Thank You!! I will send you a video on our ideas!! - Claire

Olivia.Aguirre Jan 24, 2018
Mayo Clinic, editor. "Asthma Medications: Know Your Options." Mayo Clinic, 2018,
art-20045557. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018.
Wise geek, editor. "What Does a Biotechnologist Do?" Wise Geek, 2018,
www.wisegeek.org/what-does-a-biotechnologist-do.htm. Accessed 22 Jan. 2018.
These two websites were very helpful for me. My name is Olivia and I am the Biotechnologist the second source I cited was great to understand exactly what Biotechnologists do and how they do it. The second cite was a cite I used that was helpful to understand what medicine is used in an inhaler. Because we are going to create a medicine that you can inhale, so we are using something similar to the inhaler. We are exploring the question, how can we make the life of this patient more enjoyable? And, how can we make the treatment for cystic fibrosis easier? My goal for this week is to have multiple ideas about what prototype. Olivia Aguirre
art-20045557. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018.
Wise geek, editor. "What Does a Biotechnologist Do?" Wise Geek, 2018,
www.wisegeek.org/what-does-a-biotechnologist-do.htm. Accessed 22 Jan. 2018.
These two websites were very helpful for me. My name is Olivia and I am the Biotechnologist the second source I cited was great to understand exactly what Biotechnologists do and how they do it. The second cite was a cite I used that was helpful to understand what medicine is used in an inhaler. Because we are going to create a medicine that you can inhale, so we are using something similar to the inhaler. We are exploring the question, how can we make the life of this patient more enjoyable? And, how can we make the treatment for cystic fibrosis easier? My goal for this week is to have multiple ideas about what prototype. Olivia Aguirre

Claire.Millisor Jan 24, 2018
This week we are trying to get as much information on the disease as possible. I was wondering what medicines have you found on the disease? Also can you send me some good websites to get good information? - Claire

Owen.Tilman Jan 24, 2018
OWEN (Health Reporter)
2 best websites- NORD (National Organizations for Rare Disorders), and New York Times (Jane E. Brody Biography & Facts)
The N.O.R.D. was very helpful in the quest to find good information on Cystic Fybrosis.
The New York Times, was helpful in finding the information in familiarizing myself with my role in the group, and gave me good facts on a notable health reporter.
I am exploring the questions:
-Why would the child have a very long period of symptoms, without feeling the full power of the disease?
-If we were to act on this child and give him the proper presricption and medications, would his life expectancy be longer, or not because there is no actual "cure" for Cystic Fybrosis?
-Start my writing peice, and brainstorm all possible article forms (I'm doing an article for my writing peice).
-Make sure the article corresponds with the rest of the information, that my group has got.
2 best websites- NORD (National Organizations for Rare Disorders), and New York Times (Jane E. Brody Biography & Facts)
The N.O.R.D. was very helpful in the quest to find good information on Cystic Fybrosis.
The New York Times, was helpful in finding the information in familiarizing myself with my role in the group, and gave me good facts on a notable health reporter.
I am exploring the questions:
-Why would the child have a very long period of symptoms, without feeling the full power of the disease?
-If we were to act on this child and give him the proper presricption and medications, would his life expectancy be longer, or not because there is no actual "cure" for Cystic Fybrosis?
-Start my writing peice, and brainstorm all possible article forms (I'm doing an article for my writing peice).
-Make sure the article corresponds with the rest of the information, that my group has got.

Yehor_Horlenko2 Jan 29, 2018
Hi guys!
Glad to collaborate with you.
2.) I chose this website because there is a lot of informatoin about cystic fibrosis
3.) What are the best recipes for the people with cystic fibrosis
4.) I want to find pictures for my presentation.
Yehor 13 years old, dietiсian.
Glad to collaborate with you.
2.) I chose this website because there is a lot of informatoin about cystic fibrosis
3.) What are the best recipes for the people with cystic fibrosis
4.) I want to find pictures for my presentation.
Yehor 13 years old, dietiсian.

Davis.Frankum Jan 29, 2018
1) Avocado is great for healthy weight
2) Fruit smothies are great for weight and has a perfect amount of calories
Davis, Dieticean
2) Fruit smothies are great for weight and has a perfect amount of calories
Davis, Dieticean
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